The more you think.

Sakura thinks the more thoughts is very feasible!

In terms of combat effectiveness.

She dare not expect anything.

In the future, Naruto and Sasuke are much stronger than her.

You can only confuse behind the two of them.

In this case, it is better to focus on the team, be a assistant!

"In the future, the reason why you go to study medical ninjutsu should be this reason." Haruno Sakura understands the future

My thoughts.

Study medical ninjutsu and study the knowledge related to the initial generation of Naruto cells.

Then transplant.

"In the future, I seem to worship the master of Tsunade as a teacher and learn from her medical ninja. I don't know when Master Tsunade will return to Muye ..." Sakura secretly determined, waiting for the outline, waiting for the outlineWhen my hand is back, I must learn from her well.

! ""


Pure land.

"Ah! Sasuke!" Looking at Uchiha, who was about to be blind, Uchiha Meiqin couldn't help but shout.

Blind ... that is, the eyes are invisible.

Such consequences are too cruel in the ninja.

Uchiha's Fuyue frowned tightly: "Sasuke must rest immediately, and never continue to use kaleidoscope to write wheel eyes.

The surrounding Uchiha people were also panicked.

"It's over! It's over! Sasuke has four major movies with the Tuanzang just now. Now his physical strength is not enough at all.

"The abominable flagkin Kakashi! These wood leaves will definitely take advantage of the danger! Sasuke is dangerous!"

"No! Sasuke is our last independent seedlings! Must survive. '

They can realize that Sasuke who is sad and indignant, the thoughts of the family and the people of the prefaces.

Naturally, they don't want to die.

[Tianmu, the video continues to play..

[Sasuke, who couldn't see clearly, was unbelievable, raised his hands with panic, and kept rubbing his eyes.

[Qi Mu Kakashi just stood in place and looked at Sasuke calmly, and said secretly: "Is the pupil power consumption too much?"]

[At this moment, he looked at the bottom of the bottom of the Fangqi Bridge at the Fangson Bridge..

[I saw Haruno Sakura on the bottom of the bridge, approaching Uchiha Sasuke..

This scene made everyone in the ninja.

"Why do Haruye Sakura want to do?"

"Has she finished saving the phosphorus? Come back so soon.


"This guy, running towards Uchiha Sasuke so fast, wouldn't you want to go to him again?

"Shouldn't it be? Isn't this woman pretending to be pretended?"

At the time of everyone's discussion.


They knew the purpose of Haruno Sakura.

[In the video, Haruno Sakura ran out of his steps while taking out a bit of bitterness, holding it tightly, and then quickly approached Uchiha Sasuke, who was very poor at this time, and said secretly: "I can't let Kakashi'sThe teacher is carrying everything! These things should let me do a break!

It's right."

[Thinking, she jumped towards Uchiha Sasuke, and took the back of the Uchihasa Sasuke..

"This guy wants to kill Uchiha Sasuke!


"Good guy! It should be come true this time?!"

"Uchihason Sasuke is so bad now, it is indeed a good opportunity! Now Uchiha is not here, Uchiha Sasuke finished eggs

["Don't!" The Qika Kakashi, which was discovered by Haruno Sakura, immediately rushed up and wanted to stop it, but his movements were also very stiff, and the speed was extremely slow: "Evil!"

[His dissuasion is useless at all, and it is too late..

[Haruno Sakura has rushed to the back of Uchiha Sasuke, and then waved his bitterness and stabbed it fiercely..

Numerous people holding their breath and looking at this scene, they all want to see, will Uchiha Sasuke be stabbed directly?

Combined with the previous videos and barrage, everyone knows that he will not die, but at least he will be seriously injured?!

Once Uchiha Sasuke was seriously injured at this time, he could take him back easily.

Then Uchihason Sasuke will change the evil to correct it?

This is a simple script that everyone thinks about.

However, the next scene made all ninja residents unpredictable.

[The sharpness of the sharpness, the moment he was about to pierce the heart of Uchiha Sasuke, stopped suddenly..

[Haruno Sakura grabs his bitter hand, keeps trembling, she gritted her teeth, her tears kept flowing out, and her goal was close at hand.

mouth.] (Watching violent novels, just go to Novel Network!)

[But she didn't pierce the last few inches..

["No ..." Haruno Sakura shed tears, crying in his heart: "Can't do it at all! 1

For a while, the ninja was speechless.

"What are I special! The guy of Haruno Sakura is not worthy of a ninja at all!"


‘Waste! Waste! Such a good opportunity! In the end, she actually said that she could n’t do it?!


"Should I say that she is kind, or should she say that she is stupid? It's exaggerated, this is not a ninja at all!

Many people feel incredible, especially ninjas, this is an enemy!

As a ninja, do you show mercy to the enemy?

Still just wanted to kill her rebellion ...


"What did the ninja education of Muye look like?" Wu Yin Village, Shuiying Zhao Meiming also looked at this scene in surprise


Tao: You can also teach this type of child.[ 231023241]

For this behavior of Haruno Sakura.

The ninjas of Wuyin Village may be the most incomprehensible.

After all, I have experienced the tragedy of blood mist.

Not to mention the enemy of the rebellion, even if the residents and ninjas in the village in the village are fighting.

That's no mercy at all.

Those who dare to have kindness have long been dead.


Green cough 203, said: "This should have nothing to do with education, I think it is pure because of this

A woman is in love."

[Before the audience continued to scold..

[In the video..

[It's just a little wonderful for Haruno Sakura..

[Uchiha Sasuke has completely reacted..

[I saw that he turned around instantly, holding his right hand holding Haruno Sakura holding his bitter arms, and then he immediately grabbed Chun immediately with his left hand.

Ye Ying's suffering because of his failure..

[Uchiha Sasuke held the suffering, and stabbed the chest of Haruye Sakura in front of him!]

[Haruno Sakura can't respond at all. Under the shocking color of his eyes, he can only watched the bitterness and will pierce him.

"The response is so fast!"

"Good guy, the killing cannot be killed, and it really meets my imagination of love.

"The guy Haruno Sakura ... Forget it, I'm dead, but I'm too lazy to care about her."

[Just when many people think that Haruno Sakura is almost not saved..

[唰 唰..

[A golden hair figure rushed in front of her, hugged it, and quickly remitted her!]

[Dangerous and dangerous to avoid the bitter attack!]

[The figure of this golden hair also instantly attracted the attention of countless people in the ninja..

"Wow !!" Muye Village, Naruto shouted excitedly: "I'm playing again!".

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