[The battle between the two, start with one touch!]

The residents of the ninja also watched it completely!

[Kakashi looked at Uchiha Sasuke, who was about to oppose himself in front of him, and could not help but think of: "No matter what is degenerate, according to

I think the big snake pills are cute, the three generations of adults ... I realized it today."]

This inner words.

Suddenly surprised everyone in the ninja.

"What? I think Dashe Wan is cute? Is this three generations of Naruto?

"According to the previous barrage, I guess that the three generations of Naruto of the wood leaf should be dead, and his death must have something to do with Dashe Wan. Is it really that Dashe Wan killed the three generations of Muye?"

"Kakashi, have you thought of the scene of the three generations of Naruto's fight against his student Dashe Wan?

["You have cultivated many disciples, feelings when they encounter lovers and betrayed the village, and the pain of the duel of lovers, and the consciousness that never gives up!" Kakashi murmured: "Now, now, now, now, now, today,It's time to practice ... "]

Wood leaves.

The three generations of Naruto Ape flying the sun was complicated.

So, I really was killed by Dashe Wan in the future?

Dashe Maru, Dashe Wan ... Is it still this step in the end?


The pharmacist said softly: "Master Snake Wan, although things have not yet happened, but listening to this flagka Kakashi, the three generations of Fire Shadow's feelings for you are so sincere.


"Oh." Dashe Wan laughed lightly, and said: The old man is naive."

Different ways, don't do it.

Old man.

You don't give me what I want to pursue.

Don't blame me to betray the village.

What I want to pursue is the greatest thing in the history of the ninja.

It is impossible to be like you. I only know that I can walk around the east of Muye all day, and then go aging every day.

In order to achieve the goal, everything can be sacrificed, it doesn't matter.

So don't blame me.

He murmured in his heart.

[Qi Mu Kakashi's eyes became serious instantly, saying: "Three generations of Naruto, what was the mood at the time, quite

I feel the same today,



[Uchiha Sasuke is not polite: "You will repeat the mistakes of the three generations!"]

"Uchiha Sasuke is really arrogant.

"His strength is indeed there, and it is not arrogant. If Qi Mu Kakashi has never played Uchiha Sasuke, it would be too lost.


Then, then

"It's difficult, difficult.


In the ninja sigh.

at this time.

Several barrage appeared.

(Barrage: Hahaha, Sasuke is really arrogant, but during this period, Sasuke should be stronger than Kakashi.)

(Barrage: That's not necessarily, but this is the fifty -five opening! If Kakashi really wants to fight, it feels no matter who he is, he doesn't counsel!)

(Barrage: Sasuke is still young. I haven't seen the power of Qiwu Five and Five, even if it is Da Tong Muhui Ye, Kakashi is called to see you!)

One time.

The ninja is quiet.

"What ... what do you mean?"

"Qi Mu Wukai? Hahaha, this title is literally, wouldn't it be because he could fight with others, right?"

"This, true and false, who is this tube sleepy night? Have you mentioned this picture of the barrage before? It's a bit familiar ..."

"I seemed to have seen the title of Da Tong Mu, but I didn't know the night Muhui at night. Is this person very powerful? Is there this character in Ninja?"

"Oh, the reputation has not been Great. The tone of these barrage people makes me think that the big tube Muhui is the first in the world. Isn't it normal for Kakashi to win him?"

Everyone in the ninja world has a lot of discussion.

I am funny for the remarks of the barrage.

Although they feel that Kakashi's strength is not as good as Uchiha Sasuke.

But no matter how you say, everyone still knows.

You have a big tube Muhui Ye, and you have never heard of the name.

It is also compared with Qi Mu Kakashi?

What a place to fight with the big tube Muhui night, can you say that you are also very powerful?

"Da Tong Mu?" In the Muye Village, Ape Feiri frowned and thought of this picture.

The surname of Da Tong Mu has seen it in the ancient classics.

According to legend, the profession of ninja opened up, and created the six immortals of Ninja, which is the surname of Datuki.

But the name of the Daqiao Muhui Ye, the ape flying day was cut and never heard of it.

"Who is this?" He thought puzzledly.

Although there are often nonsense in the video barrage.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

But as a ninja, as the shadow of a village.

Ape Flying Sun has never underestimated these barrage.

Any sentence may become the basis for inferring various information.

Even if it is the so -called nonsense, who knows that there will be no useful information?

In a dark ground.[ 231013501]

The darkness trembled, and the black forehead was suddenly sweating.

In its eyes, there was a rare panic.

Mom! Mom! It is the name of the mother!

These people in the barrage really know their mother!

It's abominable! You even read out the mother's name!

I really do n’t know the so -called! The courage is too big!

Hei Jue's heart was very dissatisfied.

However, it has no way to vent.

on the contrary.

It has to continue to pray.

Don't talk about the mothers anymore.

"... 卡 旗“ ““ 々 does not have anything to do with us !! Please, do you watch the video honestly?

Okay, don't pull the east! "Hei Jue cursed:" It's ridiculous! A normal tolerance, even dare to compare with his mother,

The speakers of these barrage are really stupid!


In its eyes.

If the mother succeeds in getting out.

Squirin Qi Mu Kakashi this kind of goods.

Mom must be solved by a look.

Also with my mother?

What kidding!


However, even if it is dissatisfied with the remarks mentioned in the barrage, it is not good to show it. You can only pray in your heart.


Before the mother was not resurrected.

(King) It must be dormant!

Today's dormant is for the return of the king to return!

In the pure land.

"Qi Mu Five or Five?" Uchiha smiled softly, saying disdain: "It's really an interesting title.

Unfortunately, in the face of real power, the title of this flower whistle has no effect.,,

In his opinion, there can be a title of five or five.

It can only show that Qi Mu Kakashi is not strong enough!

It is impossible to solve the opponent at all, nor can it impress the opponent.

Only then can people think of him so.

It's different like yourself.

So many years.

Except for a column, who can block his attack?

In him, there is always only 10 open!

[In the sky, the battle between the two sides finally started..

[Uchiha Sasuke looked at Qi Mu Kakashi's eyes, and scored: "Your writing wheel eyes are only false writing wheel eyes

In front of my real writing wheel eyes, only one defeat! "]].

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