In a dark hole.

Uchiha watched the video with the soil, and whispered: "Oh, the god of the ninja, is the battle with Uchiha?

Have you met? "

The corner of Black Mask took a pump, and said, "Uh, of course, I was created by Master Ban, it was a long time later."

Bai Jue also shouted quietly: "Wow! Although it is said that the exposure of the Uchihapan is not a good thing for us, but I am also so curious! How strong is the Qianshou pillar?Adults fight, and can defeat him!

Uchiha murmured with the soil: "You are right, now my identity has been completely exposed. The name of Uchiha Paquan is useless. It is known to be known to the world. In fact, I am also curious.What is the so -called ninja peak, what is it like? "

In his eyes, the strength between Uchiha and Qianshouzhu, it must be the first gear of the ninja world for thousands of years!

Although he said that his goal is to surpass the two, gain six power, and once again become the legendary gods to control the entire ninja.

But I also had to admit that the power of Uchiha Paei was by no means he could deal with before it achieved this goal.

Although I saw the spots in the elderly.

But even when he was dying at that time.

Uchiha can also feel the huge power in Uchiha's spots! So he is really curious, how fierce this guy is this guy?

And what is the existence between thousands of hands that can defeat Uchiha's spots?

"I can't really resurrect Uchiha's spots, but ... looking at their strength through a video, it is really a good joy Uchiha with soil in my heart.


On the dark black face, it is full of ugly colors.

Although it is said that others cannot find this.

But it is really depressed.

"Terminal Valley Battle ... Thousands of Hand Pillar and Uchiha Passion ... There is no problem to play the video, but it should not be broadcast me?" Hei Jue's depressed heart,There is a trace of uneasiness.

Especially when I just brought the soil, I asked it, have you ever seen the end of the two of them.


At that time, whether in Uchiha or Uchiha's eyes, he had not been created.

Naturally, you can't watch the war!

Can actually.

That battle of that year.

If you want to talk about the audience.

Maybe the whole world of ninja is that it is only one person, hiding secretly to watch the war.

Even the Uchiha spot could escape for a robbery. Without the real death, it was secretly and helped a little.

It is the first time that he has seen such powerful and so extreme Ashura reincarnation.

The moment I saw Uchiha Parait.

It has realized it.

For thousands of years, the timing of the resurrected mother is finally coming!

"You can play, but video, please don't do anything! Don't expose my identity! Hei Jue prayed secretly in my heart:" This is thousands of years, I have resurrected my mother's best chance! Come on! "

For it.

Miss this time.

It may be dormant for thousands of years.

And also face various troubles.

I really don't want to wait any more!

Yanyin Village.

"The end of the Terminal Valley between Uchiha and Qianshou Pillar!" Black soil's eyes lighted up and shouted in surprise: "Real or false! What is the person of the UP owner of this?Will it play this? '

From the tone of Ohnu.

Black soil can notice the fear of the name of Uchihapan.

Obviously, this person impressed the old man.

However, in the eyes of the black soil, the character of Uchiha is going back to her grandpa.

It's too long.

However, in the eyes of the black soil, Ohnu has been a very powerful image for so many years.

Although he always looks very unreliable.

But the black soil is very clear, how powerful the body looks old.

So, he is quite curious, what will it look like that can be scared by his grandfather?

How terrible the strength is ...

Okuni felt the idea of black soil, and slowly spoke: "Well, although I don’t know when to play this thing, but

I am actually curious about this battle.


Anyway, this guy is already dead.

Let me take a look, how terrible your real power is, Uchiha spots!

For so many years.

Okino consciously, he also has a lot of growth.

It was no longer that hairy kid.

Maybe, is you not able to compete with Uchiha spots now?

It ’s just the shadow in his heart for so many years, so that he had a lot of unnecessary awe about this name?

In Wuyin Village.

"Is Uchiha Better and the Terminal Valley of the Thousand Hand Pillar! It is the decisive battle in the world of famous shocks." Shui Yingzhao Mei Ming sighed: "If it is not the two leaders of these two wood leaves, the civil war broke out, I am afraid thatOur four major villages will be suppressed by wood leaf for a long time.


Nodded seriously, and said, "Yes, although the first Naruto of Koba is a gentle person, it is said that Uchiha's spotted personality is cold and ruthless.If you are, I am afraid there are four hidden villages

Nothing will be better."

Although I don't want to admit it.

However, among the major villages, there are data to record things during the construction of the village.

Even if the first generation of the major villages, the strength was very powerful. At that time, the various hidden villages were not weak.

However, in the face of the two families of the two families in the ninja world in the world of the Qianshou Pillar and the wood leaf formed by Uchiha,

Even if the four hidden villages are united, I am afraid that the wood leaves cannot be shaken!

That's the real absolute dominance! (Looking at violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

The four major villages, during the period of Qianshouzhu.

Dare not dare to move at all.

Even if everyone knows that he has a mild personality.

But no matter how gentle, that's also a ninja!

The self -knowledge of self -knowledge was that the four major villages at that time were limited to clear.[ 231003011]

That is, afterwards, thousands of hands died.

Koba Ya Shuangxiong left.

The pattern of the ninja realm has re -balanced.

Jue Meiming nodded, bent the corner of his mouth, and laughed: "So, I want to see, the strongest in the end of the ninja, how powerful is it?

What is harmful? Maybe I can learn from them."

She has learned the theory of blood relay from the video.

Although it was not successful, she would study hard in the next time!

It doesn't make sense that someone can do it, she can't do it!

"I look at Mei Ming! But it is also a shadow! She secretly said.


The green face nodded dignifiedly, and said, "Yes! If you really play, I will also record all the details one by one!"

Thousands of hands are still in the video so far, leaving a big Buddha, a big hand, and no one has been amazed by the entire Ninja world

Dare not imagine how terrible it would be if it was a real complete battle!

Shayin Village.

"Thousands of hands, Uchiha spots ..." Luo Sha was sitting in the office, thinking of these two names, there is not much in words


Who is in the position of Fengying.

There will be no good temper.

The turtle shrinks in a barren land such as the country of wind.

Every Fengying, worry -free things, not to get greater benefits out.

Instead, how can you make the villagers live a better life.

"If it wasn't for these two people, when the country of wind was established, we would not be so miserable! Hum!" Luo Sha gritted his teeth and cut his teeth

In the pure land.

Seeing the words in the video of Qianshouzhu, I immediately smiled and said: "Hahaha, Jianjian, this person named UP Lord is really really

It's funny, I still apologize to us, oops, what's good -looking for the end of the Valley?

The children's fighting is curious.

The end of the valley, although it was the most intense battle in his life.

But that was also a battle he killed his best friend.

This is not the record he is willing to praise.

If he can, he really hopes that he can protect the wood leaves with the spots and protect the system from the Warring States Period to the one -village and one country.

Next, it is hard to come to peace.

Thousands of hands shaking their heads, saying: "Except for my elder brother, I am afraid that everyone wants to see the battle between you and the guy of Bana.

The two strengths who have not even touched the two strengths have not yet touched, the fighting is looking forward to how can it be comparable to my brother.

What about the end of the long and spots?

At the beginning of the end of the valley.

Thousands of hands, you can only wait in the distance.

Can't approach at all.

Yu Bo and intensity of the two were too strong.


If you can clearly see the final battle of the Warring States Period in the Warring States Period from the video, Qian Qianjian is also looking forward to it.

In Muye Village.

There are also a lot of discussion.

Seeking flowers 0 •

"Ah." Naruto pointed at the sky, joking: "This person called the UP master was scolded! Hahaha, it's pretty good to see him apologize

Sincere! Okay, then I forgive you! "

Sakura said silently: "Naruto, he seems to be apologizing to the barrage, not you!

"Hehe, he was sorry for me!" Naruto inserted his chest with both hands and looked at Sasuke with dissatisfaction, saying: "How can I

Losses to Sasuke! Damn! I won't let me see the whole process! Is this guy cheating! Sasuke! Do you have any other



"The tail of the crane!" Sasuke said angrily: "How many times have you lost to me! Is it a very abnormal loss to me to lose me?

Do you think you can really surpass me! How many times, you are not my opponent!

"What!" Naruto gritted his teeth and looked at Sasuke's eyes again with a small eyes.

Inuzuka and others watched this scene, they were a little tired.

Inuka tooth patted his mouth, and said helplessly: "Really, how can the two of you are so noisy, three sentences have to be noisy

Sentences, no wonder you always fight in the future. You see and I Zhi Nai, you never make noisy, Hina, you should persuade you to be your future husband."

Hina Hina stood next to Naruto, and his face flushed.

Oil Houzhi pushed the sunglasses, and said faintly: "Teeth, I actually ..."

"Okay, I understand!" Inuka Toyo patted the oil Kana's shoulder and laughed: "You think I'm great! Very good! So

There is nothing to make noisy at all, right?! Hahahaha! That's of course! Except for no girlfriend! Woohoo, unfortunately, unfortunately, it is a pity, but unfortunate

Those women are so eye -catching! "

0 ...

Oil Houzhi: "..."

The bugs on his body sighed together, as if he realized the weak refutation in the heart of the owner.

Naruto's inner world.

"End Valley! Terminal Valley

! Damn! Don't play! Don't play it! Damn videos, do you want to be angry with the uncle! "

Jiuwei shouted angrily, constantly sounding.

Naruto, who argued with Sasuke, ran in confusedly and said, "Nine tails, what are you angry?



Naruto said dissatisfied: "Hey! You guy, yelling in my heart, making my ears full of your voice

Sound, it's not what I want to listen to, is your name, okay!


"Why! I can't call it?! You unlock the seal if you have the ability! Let the uncle go out!" Jiuguan said angrily: "I just

Called! I just noisy! His noisy you bastard!



Naruto raised his chin, and said: "This seal was formed by our parents, so I won't help you unlock it."

"Huh!" Jiuguan hummed angrily: "Then you shut me up! Uncle Ben likes to call."

"Oh." Naruto covered his ears and said silently: "Okay, then you call, I listen to what you want to say, you are afraid

Do you play the battle of Valley? "

"I think about it ..." He touched his chin and thought about his chin, and quickly brightened his eyes, and said, "I know! Is it Uchiha Passion?

When making you, is it at the end of the valley? You guy is the best face, he hates being controlled most, and he must be afraid of yourself

The look was seen.

Nine Tail:


It was suddenly dumb.

Good guy.

When will this boy become so smart!

Ending the battle of Valley, it was the battle that it was completely caught by thousands of hands.

Although it was written by the wheel eye control at that time, the action was not its original intention, but at that time, I was indeed riding by Uchiha

Under the body, the ruler of the weapon fighting between thousands of hands and thousands of hands.

Tail beast.

This is for the proud nine tails.

Naturally, it is unacceptable.

If the video of the Terminal Valley was played.

Then it is used as a black history used by mounts, and is it completely exposed?

It is the nine tails of the dignitaries! (Look at the storm novel, go to Novel Network!)

According to its own experience, it can be concluded that the tail beasts scattered all over the ninja can also see videos.

In other words, everyone who is slavered by himself can see the whole ninja, including those who are weaker than it.

If you see them one day in the future.

Can I still have a face?!


"Hahaha! Naruto laughed when he saw Jiugou speak without talking," Nine! I guess right! You are too obvious! "

There are so many information in the previous video, which only involves Uchiha Passion and Qianshou Pillar, and it has more reactions.

Combined with various information, Naruto was easily guessing.

"Get out!" Just hear this.

Naruto was once again bombed in the inner world.Essence

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