
"Zhong Ren Test? Naruto heard this and suddenly stunned.

He has just become a next half a month. The term Zhong Ren, in his eyes, has been heard very many times, but right

There is no concept of the CIMC exam.

Sakura explained: "It means to be promoted to the test of Zhongbei. It is about two months before it is now. It is said that this time it is still a joint exam, and it will soon be opened. There will be many people from other villages.join."

"It's just ..." She touched her head confused, and said, "Teacher Kakashi, aren't we just a natal? Is this the exam in the video? Generally speaking, in the middle, the first, No. 1, No. 1, No. 1One year becoming a person who becomes a ninja will not go to the Chinese Ninja Test



"Hmm ... it is right to say normally." Kakashi looked at the video, nodded, and said, "But, do you have to be a little confident in yourself? Whether you can test it, let you make these these these theseThe guy goes to see the world, it is also good. "" "."

Anyway, you will not take any effort to take the Chinese Ren Test.

Kakashi got along for half a month.

I have already pondered, let these guys go directly to the exam. Anyway, no matter whether it can be successful, it is okay to add an experience.

What's more, he has found that the talent of 810 Sasuke and others is very good.

Maybe you can pass it?

When Sasuke heard Kakashi's words, Sasuke said with satisfaction: "It should be like this!"

"When a full year of tolerance, and then go to the so -called CDU test, that's ridiculous!

In Muye Village.

As the ninja level is getting higher and higher.

The more ninjutsu you can open to learn.

The more resources can be mastered.

To improve their strength as soon as possible.

Of course, Sasuke hopes that it will be promoted to the ninja level quickly!

What's more, the former Kakashi has become a forbearance at the age of twelve!


"I am only twelve years old ..." When I thought of my age, Sasuke's heart was a little anxious: "There are also preface to the wisdom Itachi

That guy ... "

His big enemies, the destroyed family, when he left the wood leaf, even the age of only thirteen ...

What are they doing when they are teenagers?

What was he doing when he was in his teens?

This is compared.

Make Sasuke more unbalanced.

Therefore, it is not surprising about the scene where he appears in the video in the video.

The group of people talked about it here, and continued to watch the video playback.

[In the sky..

["Don't have a lot of gossip!" After Sasuke of Uchiha, Sasuke turned to Haruno Sakura and turned to leave, leaving only Haruno Sakura in the same place..

[The picture flashes quickly again..

[The crowd of the seventh Class continues to act together..

[During the period, Naruto's progress was great. First of all, after the death of the third generation, he also asked Tsunade to return to Muye to take over Naruto.

[After learning the spiral pill, facing the enemy, he had a powerful attack method..

[During a battle, Sasuke was in a coma because of injuries, but Naruto successfully defeated the enemy..

Because the lens jumps is extremely fast.

And all of them are fragmented playback methods.

For a while, everyone in the ninja can only capture all kinds of information from this scene.

"The third -generation Naruto of Koba is really dead?!"

"Who did he be killed! I didn't say it in the video!


"So, this fifth -generation Naruto was found by Switchi Naruto? Is this guy so powerful?

Everyone in the ninja world was a little surprised.

In the video, the scene that just appeared, the Sakura Sakura and Uchihasa Sasuke had no picture, but there were a lot of Rotimo Naruto. Many times in the face of the enemy's various battles are also the main combat power of Vortex Naruto.

Yanyin Village.

"The guy of Xuanxuan Naruto grows up quickly." Ohno's face was solemnly: "It is worthy of the yellow -flashing son. Such a genius must kill while he has not grown!


The corner of the black soil mouth was drawn, and said, "Old man, you are here again, but he is Jiudou Pillar, how can you say (CD CH) is so simple, and he will be a hero in the future! Although I don’t know what he has done it in the endWhat happened, but if he killed him caused the ninja disaster, it would be over.


"Huh!" Ohno dismissed: "How could there be this guy to complete it? The old man does not believe it!

Anyway, as long as there is a chance, such combat power must be erased!

He doesn't know how he will develop in the future.

But what is the rule of ninja, he is very clear.

In particular, it is still a big enemy.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

He won't do anything about the rise of the genius of others, and he will not do it.

[Soon, as soon as the camera turned, it appeared in a ward..

[Because of the previous battle, he was seriously injured, Uchiha Sasuke was unconscious on the hospital bed, and Haruno Sakura was taken care of..

["I have always been aware of the haze that Sasuke hidden deep in my heart ... to cover Sasuke’s conspiracy,

When I noticed, it's too late ... "Sakura beside him.]

"Conspiracy?" Naruto scratched his head and said, "Sakura, this serious words, it feels really not suitable for you.

Xiaoying: "..."

She sighed helplessly and said, "Who knows what happened in the future.

Will I mature too, okay! Don't think I will always be a child! Only you will not grow up!


Sasuke, what will happen in the future! [ 221583271]

She watched the video and became more and more tangled.

[Lying on the bed, Sasuke opened his eyes slowly. After a coma for many days, he finally woke up..

[For a while, Haruno Sakura was excited, and immediately ran up to hug Uchiha Sasuke, and his eyes were excited: "Great!

Sasuke! You finally wake up! "

[The bottom of her eyes contains tears, obviously, it is a happy tears..

This scene allows many people to bear it.

"The girl Haruno Sakura, don't say anything else, but I really like Uchihasa Sasuke."

"Oh, Uchiha Sasuke such a cold man, if you are here, even if you are handsome! I don't want him!

"Woohoo! I am Yan Dog, I am willing to bear the cold violence of Sasuke like Sakura!"

Male ninjas expressed endless envy for Sasuke.

Good guy.

Treat people who like themselves so ruthless and ignored.

It can make people like it so much.

It's an enviable gorgeous blessing!

In the pure land.

"Sasuke, this child! It's so angry!" Uchiha Meiqin frowned, very angry: "How can he treat Sakura this way! Sakura is not disliked him like this, alas, really ...If I am there, I will never let my child be too much


Uchiha Fuyue scratched his head, and comforted it a little embarrassing.

For this kind of thing, Uchiha Fuyue, who runs a marriage, feels like a novice.

There is no way to give any suggestions.

Even in his eyes, Sasuke's behavior can be understood.Essence

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