In Muye Village.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing in this video! What ghost it is going to play now?!" Yamako Yoshihiko scolded wildly through the wooden leaves: "Who do you want to see this kind of thing!

Every day, he nodded curiously: "I want to see it! Jingye! It feels very interesting! Hey.


Yamako Yinye: "...

She said silently: "Please! We are ninjas! Ninja! What are the good -looking things about this kind of thing! What you want to see, it should be our fighting! In this wayWhat is it! "

Shikamaru stated in surprise: "I didn't expect such words, I would say it from your mouth. Hehe, if you face himself, he can have this attitude.


He shook his head and sighed.


This guy doesn't like watching love stories.

I just didn't like to watch Haruno Sakura and Uchihasa Sasuke.


Many Muye villagers also showed curious expressions and laughed: "Hey, yes! We also think this video seems pretty good!"

"Unexpectedly, I will suddenly plug in the love memories of Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke? What is this!"

"Hahaha, so it's completely hammered, right! Haruno Sakura is Uchiha's future girlfriend of Sasuke Sasuke!"

Everyone talks about it.

At this time.


Suddenly it is humane: "No! Uchiha Sasuke has already betrayed the village! Why can Haro Sakura be with him.

Once this says.

Many people frowned tightly.

Although they just watched, Uchiha Sasuke at this time in time feels pretty cute and get along well.

However, Uchiha Sasuke in the future video is a pure beast!

He was extremely spicy and followed him to help him kill so many times.

There is no compassion at all.

And it is still a rebellion.

In the rules of the ninja, it is to be wiped out!

"The guy of Haruno Sakura, you should also betray Muye in the future.

"But Sakura looks very cute, I think she should not do this."

"Yes, did you forget that Master Naruto's wedding video before? At that time, Haruye Sakura was still in wood leaf, so no

Worry about this ...

"Oh, who knows, the wedding is at least many years later. The people in that video feel that all the anger is not at all.


"Yeah, even every time she appeared, the big snake pills, on the wedding video, sent a blessing to Master Naruto.

Various discussions, Yiyi sounded within the time.

The central character discussed by everyone.

Sakura stood on the ground, staring at the new video that suddenly appeared.

"I ... my love memories with Sasuke?"

After the reaction came, Sakura quickly covered the red cheek with both hands: "Yeah!"

How could this be like this! Suddenly turned the protagonist of the video into her and Sasuke!


I am in the future!

Indeed, Sasuke's wife!

The previous frustration has all dispersed.

Sakura's eyes looked at the video excitedly.

Want to see how she gets along with Sasuke!


I don't know how many things have happened!

While thinking, Sakura looked at Sasuke with Yu Guang.

At this moment.

Uchiha Sasuke just separated from Naruto, and looked at the video in the sky, but he was not happy

Feeling, I frowned tightly.

Love Memories?

What kidding?

Do I have that kind of thing?!

Sasuke was confused.

Sakura and female classmates in the class like him.

Of course he knew.

However, in his eyes, these people are useless at all, nor is it.

It is even better than the attractiveness of Naruto, the tail of the crane!

"I am a man who wants to get revenge! I will continue to become stronger! Sasuke said secretly:" How can it be a woman who is a woman, alas

Stop your hands and feet!


Given this idea.

Sasuke suddenly appeared such a title. Such content was very dissatisfied!

This is completely humiliating my hatred, questioning my determination to revenge!

"Huh! Uchiha Sasuke!" Sasuke said coldly: "I want to see, do you really dare to immerse themselves in useless children! If you really do such a thing, it will be Yu Zhi in the futureThe heach of that guy to cry! "

As early as the first video of the sky curtain, when the scene of Sasuke and Itachi was fighting.

Sasuke hated himself in the future.

Now, if he is really indulging in his children in the future, then he really has a reason to dislike his future.

Naruto was watching the video title, and he suddenly showed a surprise look. He said: "Ah, Sasuke is really with Sakura, it is really a flower inserted on the cow dung.


Sasuke: "..."

Xiaoying: "..."

Hyuga Hina:

In the crowd.

The sun is tightly fists and scolded: "This stinky boy! There are my daughter! I still remember there

Other women! Damn! Don't think you are the child of the four generations of Naruto, I will tolerate you!


Hyuga touched his chin, and he was angry: "When the video playback is over, I have to warn him! This stinky boy!

Sasuke sneered: "Boring the top! The tail of the crane, don't sting anymore!"

Sakura quickly attached to peace, and said, "Yes! Naruto, don't be quarrey! You play with Hina to play!

Although you describe me as flowers, you have a vision.

However, Sasuke is not cow dung!


"What. Naruto was led by Sakura a few meters away.

Hina also lowered his head and followed him.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

"Uh ..." Naruto glanced at her, and was a little embarrassed, but soon laughed happily:


Then let's take a look, the love memories of Sasuke's kid and Sakura! "

"I don't believe it, people like Sasuke are in love!"

If Sasuke can talk.

Then I can definitely be!

Looking at Hinata, Naruto's heart secretly said.[ 221573541]

Just, Sasuke, just use your experience to give me a good experience!

Although until now.

Naruto doesn't know why in the eyes of outsiders.

He and Hina suddenly turned into a pair ...

Didn't you like Sakura? Uh ... maybe it was before, but recently his feelings have indeed faded.


Naruto is quite natural for this matter.

Since I don't know how to get along and face, just get along and face it casually!

With such an idea.

Naruto concentrated her attention into the video.

Although Hinata lowered his head, he also paid attention to Naruto at all times and saw him watched the video.

After Hina's sigh of relief, he was also curious about the video content.


She is mainly worried that in case Sakura really comes to confessing Naruto because she is frustrated with Sasuke.

It will be very unfavorable to her!

After all, the barrage said before, Sakura confessed to Naruto!

Although I don't know how Naruto answered, and what is the reason.

But Hina treats this as a big crisis!

Naruto originally liked Sakura very much. If he agreed ... Woohoo, wouldn't he be an uninhabited!



In order to protect your happiness!

As Naruto was knocked down by Sakura just now, she even rushed over.

Throw any other scruples and so on.

Just under this curious and looking forward.

[In the sky, the picture of the minister is warmly dispersed..

[The original picture that was originally quiet in the video continued to act..

[Still Sakura, after she resolved the other three partners, she ran towards the position of Uchiha Sasuke..


"Hehe. The tap also laughed:" The love and hatred in class seventh, is really an interesting keyword, Kakashi,

You are also in the seventh class, maybe you will participate.

"Uh ..." Kakashi's expression became salty and helpless, and said: "This should be quite normal."


Are these little ghosts recently.

Why are they so precocious!

When he had just graduated from the ninja school.

But there is no interest in women at all.

It's really troublesome.

Kakashi couldn't help but think of the soil around Linyou all day.

"Well." He sighed again.

Sure enough, love like love is easy to make people blind.

With soil, how can you become that way?

Come back!

[In the video..

[Haro Sakura runs in the forest..

[Slowly recalling the scene with Sasuke in the past..

["When did I start to like Sasuke?" She murmured..

[Immediately, I was about to see Sasuke, who had been driving so long, and it seemed very voluntary in the heart of Sakura..

[Just in this memory..

[The picture in the video changes for a while, and the first thing that appears on the camera is a noisy classroom..

[In the classroom, many ninjas are playing noisy..

Everyone in the ninja watched this scene.

I have understood the form of the so -called love memories.


"Is it played by the memories of Haruno Sakura?!"

"Is that the main perspective is Haruno Sakura?"

"It seems that this is really the case. Since it is Haruno Sakura's memories, it should be known how Uchiha Sasuke defeated

Is it right? "

Although the video has been played a lot.

But there are still many questions in the ninja.

For example, the genius of Uchiha Sasuke of Muye, how can the genius of Sasuke defeat from Muye.

What happened?

Because the current Sasuke is still a member of the wood leaf. Such a genius ninja, the future trend is careless by many people.


Most of the Ninja Village hopes that Uchihason Sasuke can rebellion again in the future. In this way, they can also be one less


"This classroom ... These people ... are all Muye, is it the ninja school of Muye Village?

"Isn't this nonsense, it must be! But the classroom of Muye is really luxurious! Woohoo, so envious, our teaching

The room is not so gorgeous!


One time.

A bright and thorough ninja school classroom has envious many resources that have made many resources relatively barren.

Shayin Village.

"Hey!" Kan Jiulang shouted angrily: "The people of wood, the place where the lives are, are too good! It's abominable! Our teachings

There are so luxurious ones in the room! "

Temari also said hatred: "The country of wind is so barren, all of which are the reason why wood leaves occupy fertile land.

! In the future, you must have the opportunity to grab those things from them! "

. 0 0

I love Luo's brows, and I do n’t know why the words of the two people have a hint of rejection in my heart.

Do you grab the territory with Muye ...

According to the reason, this should be very easy and happy for him.

After all, a large number of killings can be performed to calm down their anger.

But ... he now rises from the bottom of his heart.

I will think of the future self.

Personality is so peaceful and gentle.

As if everything was hard to make him angry.

I always feel that people in the ninja world are so gentle and elegant when they see the future.

If he is now extremely violent, then he will be very sorry for the future of himself ...

This feeling is wonderful, and it has made me Airo's noodles that have been abused much.

He sighed and continued to watch the video.

In fact, for him, what he wants to know most is his future himself, why does it become that look?

Why does he?

Don't he hate at all?

And ... he can still become a shadow

This is something I don't dare to think about.

[The video continues to play..

["At the beginning, I was actually full of the handsome Sasuke with the public."

Haro Sakura's voice sounded in the background minister.] (Watching violent novels, just go to Novel Network!)

[In the classroom, Haruno Sakura and a group of female classmates were around Uchiha Sasuke, and kept showing up to him..

[Among them, the yellow hair and powder are the most conspicuous..

[Komio dumped his blond hair and said disdain: "Light forehead, you are a little far away from Sasuke." ["Stinky three or eight! You should be a little away from Sasuke!" Sakura cursedEssence.

[Uchiha Sasuke sat coldly with his face in place, and he did not respond.] [ 221573541]


The top of the Naruto Building.

Every day, covering his mouth and laughed: "Oh, Jingye, I can't think you can fight there so early! Haha, just you

Passing his body with your heart to confess to Sasuke, Sakura must be angry!

"Hmm!" Jingo shook his hair and said confidently: "Oh, the guy of Sakura, it is impossible to win me

Ah! I won't put her in my eyes! "


"Smelly eight wives !!" Sakura, who was still looking at the video happily, heard this owed words, and was so angry.

Shikamaru said silently: "Please, according to the barrage, isn't Sakura who finally marry Sasuke? Ino, please still

It's normal, really, the trouble is dead, it's a teammate with you, so tired.


"Damn!" Jing Ye cursed: "Are you my friend! Always fight me!"

Dingci still had potato chips in his mouth, and said: "Ah, yeah, Shikamaru, I think Jingo is okay, we are teammates, you don’t

Can say that



Jing Ye suddenly moved: "Woohoo, still hello, Dingci! I will never say that you will be fat again in the future.


Dingci: "... ??? Frowning JPG Guang."

reminds you: Three things for reading -collection, recommendation, sharing_88. 198. 1. 78! (BIR

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