
"Let me say this! You idiot! Sasuke scolded angrily.

Because of a few barrage.

He feels a little unclean!


For a while, Sasuke and Naruto took their heads angrily and stopped looking at each other.


Kakashi sighed: "Oh, this team is to bring well, it is really a bit tired.

"Hehe." Zi also laughed: "The fetters always emerges in the conflict. I think the seventh class in the future, definitely

The future is infinite.

"Uh." · Kakashi looked at the video, and said helplessly: "The future should be there, but there are a lot of trouble."

From the situation in the video.

In the future, Sasuke and Naruto will have a huge impact in the ninja world.

All parts of the ninja.

Because of the remarks of the barrage.

There are also jokes.

"Hahaha, what do these people mean! It seems that Uchihasa Sasuke and Rotimo Naruto have a leg."

"Could it be that these two talents are true true love?"

"I don't know, in the future video, I haven't seen Uchihasa Sasuke and Rotten Naruto in the same frame.

Residents in various places discuss.



At this moment, the barrage jumped out again.

(Barrage: I remember the first kiss of Sasuke and Naruto, are the other party?)

(Barrage: Hahaha, yes! The first time the two people kissed! Hey, I want to send me my little video to see

The ninja was shocked.

"What! These two people really got together?!

"Dear ... kiss ?? Really false! It's terrible!"

"Two men ... can't they really have a leg?!"

In Shayin Village.

Kan Jiulang shouted in a horrible look: "My mother! Uchiha Sasuke, this guy, looks so cold and ruthless

As a result, I really like men?! And that vortex Naruto! I remember the barrage and always said that he is my good friend of love.



For a while, Kan Jiulang shrank a lot, and hurriedly said: "I love Luo, then you must be careful of this man."

! ""

I love Luo: "..."

Temari said silently: "Hey, it should not be so exaggerated. Isn't this vortex Naruto who is still married in the future!" It's not so exaggerated?! "Kan Jiulang shouted:" Kiss your mouth!Dear?!


"Uh ..." Temari imagined that Kan Jiulang and I Ailuo looked like a kiss ... Next moment.

"Vomit !!" She quickly made a vomiting, and suddenly sweaty her face, and said: "Yes ... yes! You must stay away!

Rotor Vortex Naruto is a pervert!

In Muye Village.

Naruto and Sasuke who had just made the other person who had just made the other party saw the barrage again.


The two also vomited together!

"Ah! Sasuke! It's all of you!" Naruto shouted angrily: "It was you at that time! I accidentally kissed you

! It's over! If the video is played, it will be dead! How can I be Naruto?

For the first time on Sasuke's face, it showed a horror, and shouted in fear: "Switchi Naruto! I want to kill you! Ah!

The two howls each other.

Sakura has nothing to worry about Naruto and Sasuke's orientation.

She was just injured by Sasuke. Under such a noisy, she dispersed a little bit, revealing the embarrassment, facing the surrounding humanity: "Oh, I know this is in the class, it was in the class, it was in the class, it was in the class.The two accidentally kissed when they quarreled

Well, it's okay!


"Hmm! Hina was on the side, and he nodded quickly.

She also saw it at the time!

All accidentally!

The villagers onlookers looked strange, heard the explanations of two people, and Sasuke and Naruto who were twisted together silently nodded silently, as if they believed the words of two girls.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

In the sky.

The video continues to play.

The crowd then condensed his eyes on the sky.

["Sakura, you look at Naruto too much." Inuka Ya heard the conversation between the two, and said slowly: "Even if you don’t say, he knows

You really mean.]

[A group of people running, vigilance.] [ 221573371]

[Suddenly, the face of Inuzuya's face changed, solemnly: "Find the breath of Sasuke! Also A Fei is there!"

Once this says.

The residents of the ninja suddenly happy.

"Sure enough! These guys are going to find Uchihasa Sasuke and ... and A Fei ??

"Strange, who is A Fei?"

"Shouldn't it mean Uchiha with soil?

"Oh, no matter whether it is, anyway, these guys are going to find them. In this case, will it be Uchiha?

Sasuke wants to play these guys, it should be a good show! "

"Hey! Uchiha Sasuke was originally the ninja of the wood leaf? He is going to kill each other with Muye now! This is really too


Many people from other villages outside the wood leaves are happy to see such a scene and look forward to it.

Although I don't know who A Fei is.

However, it can be determined.

At this moment, suddenly from Tuanzang, transferred to Muye, it should be intersecting soon!

There will definitely be good scenes!

In the sky.

The video continues to play.

[Hearing Inuzuka's words, Haruno Sakura shouted: "" 々 everyone! Stop first."]

[Huh? "The four slipped together and stopped..

[Inurazuka to look at Haruno Sakura weirdly, asking: "Why stop?"]

[Haruno Sakura took a breath, and said: "Teeth! Tell me the precise position of Sasuke!"

["Two o'clock in the north, there is another kilometer." The teeth did not hesitate, and the nose moved, and it was worth it..

"Wow! Does this person really have a dog's sense of smell?!"

"He doesn't seem to be perceived by Chakra?"

"Inuzuka family! I heard that they have the secrets that can exercise their noses, and they can grow with themselves from childhood.

The dog's heart is connected, and in terms of investigation, it has always been a good hand.

"There are a lot of investigation methods of wood leaves. Everyone (good) has no advantage." Some people preach: Hyuga, just turning on white eyes, you can see the distance of one kilometer.limit!"

"This is, even if everyone's ability to investigate is not weak, Ye Ye can't turn the Tianjia family to be responsible for investigation ..."

One time.

Ninja ninja.

It was shocked by the horror of Muye Village.

Inocrata's reconnaissance capabilities, there are still many sentences that can exceed them in the wood leaf.

It can only be said that it is the first village of the entire ninja!

Muye Village.

Inurazuka laughed proudly: "Hahaha, Akamaru! Seeing, in the future, our strength has improved a lot! So far away

I can find it accurately!

He suddenly looked at Naruto, Sasuke and others, and raised his nose and smelled it, saying: "I want to make your anger



Remember! It may be used in the future.


Sasuke, Naruto: "..."

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