【Looking at Uchiha Sasuke who happily rushed into the Uchiha clan】

【The eyes of the ninjas who were secretly ambushing around them flashed, and one of them wearing a mask asked:"Danzo-sama, do you want to take action?"】

【Beside him, Danzo was also standing on a big tree, looking down at the Uchiha clan coldly.】

"What! Danzo, this bitch, doesn't want to attack Sasuke anymore, does he?~!"

"This guy is so cruel. The entire Uchiha clan was wiped out, all because of him.-!"

Many people in Konoha watched the video nervously.

I was really afraid that Danzo would say,"Kill!"

In that case, Sasuke like this will really be finished

【"snort."Shimura Danzo said coldly:"That guy Uchiha Itachi is difficult to control. If you keep this child, the benefits will be greater. After this incident is over, I will recruit him into the root.""】

"What, Danzo actually wants to take Sasuke back to his roots?"

"The root training is so cruel, it would be too dangerous for Sasuke to go in! Danzo is so vicious."

Sakura cursed angrily:"Smelly old man! Sasuke wouldn't go to the root.

Naruto said:"What does the root look like?""

Kakashi sighed and said:"The training of the roots is very harsh and inhumane. It should be the Third Hokage who stopped Danzo's idea. He could not let Sasuke enter the roots."

After all, he is the only one in Uchiha.

And he is the last bond for a powerful ninja like Uchiha Itachi. The

Third Hokage will definitely not let him fall into the hands of Danzo.

Sasuke still looked at the video with cold eyes, and there was no movement.

The video He already had an impression of the next scene and knew what would happen.

Over the years, in his dreams, he would often think of that scene.

Uchiha Itachi's scarlet eyes staring at him will always be It was imprinted in his mind.

Although it was a painful memory, he had no intention of leaving the hotel.

He wanted to watch the cruel scenes in his memory again.

Remember them forever!

To remind himself that he must never forget revenge..At this moment, several more barrages appeared.

(Barrage: Hahaha, this guy Danzo is so swearing. If he knew that he would die at the hands of Sasuke in the future, I wonder if he would regret this time. Didn't take action directly.)

(Barrage: The Uchiha clan was destroyed so miserably. Danzo was very responsible. His death at the hands of Sasuke was regarded as the reincarnation of cause and effect.)

(Barrage: Danzo is such a waste, I really can't imagine it. , How come a guy with so many Izanagi can’t even defeat Sasuke!)



All of a sudden.

The entire ninja world fell silent again

"Dan...Danzo is dead? Died at the hands of Uchiha Sasuke?!"

"Nest grass! seriously! Hahaha, Uchiha Sasuke really killed Danzo? But aren't they Konoha's ninjas? Uchiha Sasuke really dares to take action?"

"Uchiha Sasuke's strength will still be very powerful in the future. I still remember that Kirin move."

Many people showed curiosity.

They really wanted to see what it would be like when Uchiha Sasuke and Danzo fought against each other.

"impossible! Absolutely impossible!"In Konoha Village, Danzo shouted angrily:"How could I die in the hands of such a brat! Are you kidding me?!"

He felt that he had been insulted by the barrage!

Who are he?

That is the root of Konoha!

Even if his prestige is ruined and his reputation is ruined, he is still the leader of the root who is in charge of a powerful village like Konoha and has countless elite soldiers under his command!

And what about Uchiha Sasuke?

A young brat!

Will he die in the hands of such a guy?

Danzo Shimura doesn't believe it at all!

It's impossible!

The surrounding villagers all laughed when they heard Danzo's voice.

"Ah! Danzo, you have seen Uchiha Sasuke's future strength, why is it impossible!"

"That's right, you are a genius, you have killed so many Uchiha clan members, it is completely normal for Sasuke to kill you."

Inuzuka Kiba shouted:"Smelly old man! If you dare to underestimate the number one in our class, you will die sooner or later!"

His voice was loud.

Many young ninjas who had just graduated from the ninja school couldn't help but nod.

That's right, Sasuke is the number one in their class.

He is a super genius.

Defeat Danzo, the bad old man. , it seems nothing is impossible, right?!

"Ahhhh!"In an instant, Danzo's old face turned red with anger.

He felt like he was being bullied by a dog!

What kind of brats dared to insult him so wantonly?!

Do you know that the Third Hokage and I are from the same sect? Senior brother! Will I die at the hands of this little kid?!

"Sasuke! Very good! Sakura shouted excitedly:"In the future, you can kill Danzo yourself!""

In her mind, she has completely forgotten that Danzo is the elder of Konoha Ninja Village and the leader of the roots.

This old man is now completely an enemy in her heart.

Sasuke's expression did not change and he said calmly :"It's inevitable!"

In his heart, Danzo has already been put on the death list by him.

Uchiha Itachi wants to kill, and so does Danzo!

He glanced at the barrage coldly, and snorted in his heart.

What does it mean that even Sasuke is killed? Can't beat me?

It's just a barrage, and you look down on me!

Sooner or later, I'll make you look good!

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the angry Danzo with a complicated look on his face.

He, an old buddy, will have his day one day.

Maybe, this is what ninjas do. Fate……[]

"Sasuke Uchiha."Sarutobi Hiruzen recited this name in his heart.

Judging from various videos in the past and information revealed by various barrages, this child seems to be drifting away from Konoha in the future?

Could it be that he really Did he betray Konoha?

For a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen was also a little entangled. How to deal with this child in the future?

He didn't want Konoha to have another powerful enemy, but in the future Sasuke might commit a crime. It is obviously not popular to judge him for his sins.

The video continues to play

【Without knowing anything about it, Uchiha Sasuke escaped a life-and-death crisis and ran into the land of the Uchiha clan.】

【The sun has set and night has come】

【The street lights on the street have been partially turned on as early as dusk.】

【Therefore, although the lights are not brightly lit along the way, the road section is still clearly visible, not to mention that Sasuke has walked this road many times.】

【"whee! I came first in the exam again. This time I must let my brother accompany me for a day! We must not let him run away again!"Sasuke touched his small schoolbag and thought happily while jumping up and down.]

Ninja World:"……"

Konoha Xiaoqiang:"……"


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