The evening wind blew, and the ninja world was silent.

Danzo's words chilled the hearts of countless people.

Uchiha Itachi is a member of the Uchiha clan.

He could actually think of letting Itachi Uchiha carry out the genocide plan against the Uchiha clan...

This is too cruel.

"Danzo... Danzo, that's terrible."

"This...could it be said that this is the truth behind the annihilation of the Uchiha clan?!"

"Was it the Uchiha Itachi who was instructed by Danzo? Then Uchiha Itachi really agreed?"

In Konoha Village, countless people were talking in horror.

In the Pure Land, people from the new Uchiha tribe roared angrily.

"Sure enough, it's this guy Danzo! Too sinister!"

"The abominable Uchiha Itachi is colluding with Shimura Danzo! If he had informed us, would we all have been killed? This selfish guy! I will never forgive him!"

"Damn Uchiha Itachi! Ah! I hate it so much!"

Uchiha Shisui looked at the scene in the video and sighed in his heart.

This friend of his had to face much more pressure than him.

This made Shisui feel even more guilty.

【The light wind was blowing in the forest, Uchiha Itachi remained silent without words, and his face turned into that calm expression again.】

"Uchiha Itachi's character is really calm. Even though Danzo is so ruthless, he can still be so calm."

"He must be struggling fiercely now! It’s so uncomfortable!"

【"snort. Danzo Shimura sneered:"What?" Do you want to choose the first option?"]

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and looked at Danzo next to him.

"You're really pushing people too far... Itachi must have a grudge against the village,"Six Eight Three"."In the illusion space, he sighed

"Ah! Danzo Shimura said coldly:"Do you think I'm like you?" To be so indecisive! To deal with the Uchiha clan, you have to be quick! If I hadn't taken action, you don't know how long it would have taken! Hiruzen, you should thank me!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen was silent for a moment, sighed softly, and said:"When the video ends, you can resign on your own initiative. All ninjas in the root will be integrated into the ANBU. Don't appear in front of the villagers again."

"What! Danzo said angrily:"This is absolutely impossible!" The roots were created by me! There's no way I'm going to give up! Sarutobi

Hiruzen suddenly looked serious and said,"Do you insist that I take away everything from you in the name of Hokage?"!"

Shimura Danzo clenched his fists, his old face kept trembling, and a ferocious look appeared on his face:"Konoha can't live without me! Hiruzen! If you really take away my roots! You will definitely regret it!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the sky again and said calmly:"Be prepared mentally."

【After a long time, Uchiha Itachi finally spoke. Under the shocked eyes of countless people, he calmly said:"Okay."】

【Danzo Shimura curled his lips and said:"Yes, I know you are a good brother, Uchiha Itachi, then the Uchiha clan will be left to you. If you need my help, you can always tell me"】

【"However, we must not delay it any longer. If you don’t take action within three days, then don’t blame me!"】

【Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes and said calmly:"I understand."】

"Answer…I agreed."Sakura covered her mouth and said in fear.

Naruto frowned. He looked at Sasuke who was silent at this time and couldn't help but said:"So, Sasuke, there is a reason why your brother would do such a thing. ?"

Sasuke had a cold face, still watching the video in silence, without any movement.

The two stopped talking immediately.

Kakashi's eyes were full of worry.

But even if he wanted to comfort him, he couldn't comfort him at this time.

This kind of Sasuke can only rely on himself to think about things.

"Uchiha Itachi really agreed! Is he really going to destroy the Uchiha clan?"

"When I first heard that the Uchiha clan was destroyed, I was shocked. That was the Uchiha clan. It was such a huge family. I couldn't imagine how something could happen!"

"Is Uchiha Itachi really so powerful alone that he can defeat the Uchiha clan?! What a joke!"

For a time, there was a lot of discussion in the ninja world.

Although everyone was shocked that Uchiha Itachi agreed to Danzo's proposal, they were not very surprised.

After all, everyone already knew that the reason why Uchiha Itachi defected to Konoha was because Destroyed the entire Uchiha clan.

However, everyone did not understand that Uchiha Itachi could kill all the Uchiha clan.

How can this be said to be the largest clan in the ninja world?

You Uchiha Itachi opened a Mangekyō Sharingan. With just one eye, you can defeat all Uchiha with just one strike?

"If Uchiha Itachi is really killed by himself, then the strength of the Uchiha clan will be a joke."Yakushi Kabuto pushed up his glasses and said,"So rather than saying that the Sharingan is powerful, it is better to say that the Mangekyo Sharingan is powerful."

"stains. Orochimaru licked his mouth and said:"The Mangekyo Sharingan is also evolved from the Sharingan. It's a pity that all the Uchiha people are almost dead. Otherwise, I wouldn't do an experiment." It would be so troublesome."

Above the Hokage Building.

Asuma watched the video and breathed a sigh of relief.

Not bad, not bad.

In the end, it was Danzo who did this, not the old man.

Otherwise, he would definitely be worried to death now.

"Oh my, Danzo-sama is such a good man."Shikamaru patted his mouth and couldn't help but say

"Did I hear it right? Ino said speechlessly:"Shimura Danzo, this hateful guy!" Do so many evil things! You actually said he was a good person?! Shikamaru spread his hands and said,"Without him, our Konoha might be in even greater turmoil today.""

"And now. He looked down at Danzo Shimura standing in the square and said,"As long as Danzo is solved, a big conflict can be resolved. He is definitely a good person in Konoha."……"

【After Uchiha Itachi agreed to Shimura Danzo's request, he returned home directly】

【"Itachi!"Uchiha Fugaku opened the door curtain, walked to Uchiha Itachi, sat down cross-legged, and said:"You didn't come to the clan meeting today."】

【Uchiha Itachi bowed slightly, and then said calmly:"I have other tasks and no time to pass."】

【Uchiha Fugaku was silent for a while and said:"The family has officially decided... We will take a day off tomorrow and start the day after tomorrow. We will take formal action and send people to take over various areas of Konoha in the name of security. I hope you will be careful these days. Observe the movements of the ANBU. If there is any movement from the Hokage, report it to me as soon as possible."】

【Uchiha Itachi had no words and remained calm.】

【"Itachi! Uchiha Fugaku's eyes became serious and said:"You are my son!" Now is your time to dedicate yourself to your family!"】

【"I see. Uchiha Itachi replied calmly:"I will stay in ANBU for the next few days.""】

【Uchiha Fugaku nodded and said:"Then thank you for your hard work."】

【After that, he turned and left】

"His son is about to rebel. This Uchiha Fugaku is still counting on Uchiha Itachi. What a stupid clan leader."Ohnoki shook his head and kept sighing.

Huangtu pursed his lips and said:"This Uchiha family is really a bunch of weirdos."

Countless people in the ninja world were speechless after listening to the conversation between the two.

"Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch of the family, has failed too much, right? He asked his son for help all day long, but in the end he didn’t even know what his son was thinking."

"Not only is he weak in strength, he also has a bad brain. I didn’t expect that such a useless guy would give birth to two very powerful sons."

"It's true, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke are both fierce."

【The next day. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Uchiha Itachi did not go to the security department to contact other Uchiha people as usual, but walked directly towards an open space outside.】

【Next to here is a dark forest, deserted】

【Uchiha Itachi was walking slowly in this area, looking around and moving with a calm expression, as if he was looking for something.】

"What is Uchiha Itachi doing?"Someone asked curiously

"He felt like he was looking for something. This place looked a bit like the place where he saw the masked man before. Could he be looking for the masked man?"

"What a masked man! That person’s name is Uchiha Madara!"

As if to confirm their guess.

The next moment, a new figure suddenly appeared in the video

【"Um? are you looking for me?"On a thick big tree, a one-eyed masked man leaned on the trunk and spoke leisurely.】

【Uchiha Itachi stopped and looked at him】

"Appeared! It's really Madara Uchiha!"

"Why did Itachi Uchiha come to him?"

Everyone was immediately surprised.

After all, Uchiha Madara's name is really scary.

【The masked man jumped down and came to Uchiha Itachi, with a smile in his eyes and said:"What, are you going to capture me?"】

【Itachi Uchiha shook his head and said,"I remember you said before that you hate the Uchiha clan?"】

【"Ah ah ah........."The masked man touched his chin and said:"I definitely don't like such a stupid family. After all, I brought them into Konoha, but they betrayed me.""】

【"How about you do me a favor."Uchiha Itachi said directly without any more nonsense.】

【"Um? There was a trace of curiosity in the masked man's eyes, and he said,"What's the business?""】

【Uchiha Itachi closed his eyes, took a breath, and then said calmly:"Destroy Uchiha"】

"OK! OK! Uchiha Itachi! You are so heartless!"In the pure land, countless Uchiha people roared

"It turned out that he was the one who invited Uchiha Madara! Damn that guy! hateful!"

"Why are our Uchiha clan so unlucky to have these two traitors!"

Ninja world.

Countless people showed signs of sudden enlightenment.

"It turns out that Uchiha Itachi came to Uchiha Madara for this matter!"

"Let me just say, Uchiha Itachi definitely can't defeat the Uchiha clan by himself. He needs help."

"But didn’t Danzo Shimura say he could help him? Why doesn't Itachi Uchiha find Danzo?"

"Who knows, only Uchiha Itachi himself understands"

"Now Uchiha is finished... Uchiha Madara's strength, if he really takes action, the Uchiha clan will be wiped out unjustly."

Amidst the many discussions.

In the video

【"hehe. The masked man smiled and said:"It's an interesting request. I promise you. When do you plan to take action?""】

"Damn it, Uchiha Madara really hates the Uchiha clan, without any hesitation at all?"

"Why is it that he brought the family into Konoha? The former Uchiha clan leader actually said that if Uchiha is destroyed, Uchiha will be destroyed?"

"I don’t know how old he is, he doesn’t care about these things anymore... He actually covers his face with a mask, hahaha, it must be an old man’s face inside."

【Uchiha Itachi didn't seem surprised that the masked man would agree. He said directly:"Just tonight!"]

(Barrage: Two beasts! It is clear that Uchiha has nothing to do with these two people, but they are the ones who are killed. This beast was wiped out! The Uchiha clan is really unlucky!)

(Barrage: That’s right! These two bitches, no matter how cruel and crazy the Uchiha clan is, they haven’t actually done anything evil, let alone I have never treated them badly, and they didn’t feel bad when they killed Uchiha!)

(Barrage: So in my eyes, these two people can never be cleansed! I hate the people who speak to them the most, beasts! Beasts! )

(Barrage: The Uchiha clan is completely free of psychopaths. In comparison, the Second Pillar is considered a normal person. The Third Pillar’s views are very upright!) 4.6 Uchiha Itachi:"……"

Uchiha Obito:"……"

"Yayo……"Bai Jue shook his body and shouted in a panicked tone:"Obito, Obito, you have been called a beast. Do these people who are barraging know your true identity?"

Uchiha Obito narrowed his eyes. Narrowing his eyes, he sneered and said,"I don't know what you call a person!""[]

He even called him a beast.

Haha, what does a mere Uchiha clan mean?

If the infinite Tsukuyomi world can be realized, then even if the Uchiha clan is destroyed countless times, he can still create it again!

As long as he can achieve his goal, no matter Lin, Uchiha, or anyone who sacrificed, everyone can be revived and can achieve eternal life in the new world!

No more pain, no more disasters, no more troubles!

What a wonderful world that is!

"A bunch of ignorant people. Uchiha Obito raised his head and sighed:"When the plan is realized, everything can reappear in this world. By then, everyone will understand my painstaking efforts.""

No one will call him a beast again!

Everything he does is for world peace! For no more pain in the ninja world! For everyone to live happily forever! Black

Zetsu nodded with satisfaction and said:"No wrong! That's right! We are for world peace."

On the other side.

Kisame Kisaki looked at his companion next to him with a strange look on his face and said,"Mr. Itachi, aren't you even angry? Uchiha

Itachi's face remained calm, and he said slowly:"I have always felt sorry for them, and I have never been a good person. What I scolded is actually correct. What is there to be angry about?"".

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