【Uchiha Shisui persuaded with a solemn expression:"Everyone, with our strength, how can a coup be successful? And when the time comes, it will definitely cause both sides of the village to suffer losses. It is too dangerous! We have not reached this step yet!"】

【"Shisui! you are too naive! The Uchiha clan members shouted:"The higher-ups have forced us into this!" If we don't resist, Uchiha will really disappear without a trace in the future!"】

【In the end, Uchiha Shisui still did not agree, but just persuaded them to wait and carefully consider the coup.】

【After sending a few people away】

【Uchiha Shisui looked extremely ugly and immediately went out. Not long after, he found the Uchiha clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku.】

【"Patriarch! Do you know what the clansmen are planning now?!"Uchiha Shisui looked nervous and asked quickly】

【Uchiha Fugaku pondered for a while, sighed, and said:"I know"】

【"What! Uchiha Shisui immediately asked:"Don't you also support the coup?"!"】

【Uchiha Fugaku shook his head and said:"I did not commit a coup. After all, it is too dangerous. 21"】

【"Then why didn't you stop it?!"Uchiha Shisui said hurriedly:"Now there are many clan members who are connecting people everywhere in the clan, trying to persuade most people to participate in the coup! If we really do this, then our Uchiha clan will really break with the village!"】

【"What reason do I have to stop it?"Uchiha Fugaku opened his squinted eyes and said seriously】

【Uchiha Shisui was stunned.】

【"The higher-ups continue to suppress us, the Uchiha clan, and do not give us the opportunity to truly participate in the core affairs of the village. They treat us like tools and keep us in the fringes of Konoha without paying any attention to us."There was a hint of anger in Uchiha Fugaku's tone.】

【He continued:"Do I want the clan members to endure all this and live such a life honestly? As the clan leader, I am incapable of leading them to break all this. I have failed so much, so what reason do I have to stop it? Are they seeking better treatment themselves?"】

【"patriarch……"Uchiha Shisui was stunned.】

【"well! Uchiha Fugaku lamented and said:"I am not an excellent clan leader. I do not have the ability to lead everyone to gain the trust of the village. Naturally, I do not have the ability to prevent the clansmen from spontaneously resisting. Shisui, none of this is easy.""】

Everyone in Konoha.

Looking at Uchiha Fugaku, who looked sad and helpless, he fell into silence for a while.

"This...has the conflict between the Uchiha clan and the village become this acute?"

"I don't think it's that exaggerated...Although I followed the rumors and said a few words about Uchiha, there was no evidence and I didn't always take it to heart."

"The Uchiha clan is the largest clan in Konoha no matter what. How dare we look down on them? Oh my god.……"

Many people felt that the Uchiha clan had overreacted.

How much grievance have you suffered? Are we going to go down the road of coup d'état?

【Uchiha Shisui stood up solemnly and said:"Then I will do my best to help the family regain the trust of Lord Hokage! I believe that we can succeed! Please hold everyone back, tens of thousands Don't actually launch a coup!"】

【After saying that, Uchiha Shisui turned and left. 】

(Barrage: Uchiha Shisui is too naive. There is no trust between the two parties at all. He is still thinking about making peace with Xini! There is no hope at all!)

(Barrage: That’s right, so I called him a coward. He might as well be with Uchi The Wave clan unites and directly launches a coup. Maybe it will succeed. In that case, Konoha will be named Uchiha!)

(Barrage: Yes! Shisui's kaleidoscope ability is so strong! I feel like there is a chance! )

Everyone in Konoha:"……"

"What are these barrages doing! He actually asked Uchiha Shisui to support the coup"

"Danmaku likes to talk nonsense, so there is nothing to worry about, but judging from this meaning, did Uchiha Shisui also activate the Mangekyō Sharingan?"Someone asked curiously

"What the hell! Isn’t it very difficult to open the Mangekyō Sharingan of the Uchiha clan? Why is there another one open now?……"

"This period was still a long time ago, right? I don’t even know if Uchiha Itachi is on or not."

"kaleidoscope……"Sasuke looked at the video and thought about those eyes again.

His eyes were filled with deep anger.

He never expected it.

The former Uchiha clan.

Such things have happened.

There is such a deep conflict between the village where he grew up and his family?

He had never noticed it before... and could only recall it now.

Only then can I recall some clues.

No wonder, no wonder my father always has a sad face, and I almost never see him smile.

No wonder... I can't always see my brother. No wonder the other brothers and sisters in the Uchiha family always like to curse.

He was a little dissatisfied.

Why... why does the village treat the Uchiha clan like this? (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Why should they be forced to make every family member want to launch a coup to seize power?

They obviously didn't do anything!

In addition to being angry, Sasuke's eyes were full of confusion.

The sky screen changes

【Inside the Hokage's office】

【Uchiha Shisui wore ANBU clothes, bowed slightly and reported:"That's it. Now the voice of dissatisfaction within the clan has become more and more serious! I know this will cause hidden dangers to the safety of the village, but please give me some Time, I will definitely 203 try my best to change everyone’s minds!"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen took a puff of cigarette and said helplessly:"Shisui, you are a good boy. I don't want this matter to cause too much trouble. After all, Uchiha is also a member of Konoha. Are you sure you can convince your tribe to give up the coup?"]

(Barrage: Damn! Shisui Uchiha, this idiot! He actually said such a thing directly! This is simply selling out his tribe directly. )

(Barrage: So I say Uchiha Shisui is stupid. He trusts the third generation too much. The third generation is thick-faced and has a dark heart. He is a complete hypocrite! If he knows that Uchiha wants a coup, the third generation must be thinking about how to kill Uchiha. It’s all gone!)

Looking at the barrage, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s originally somewhat sad face suddenly froze.

Isn't it?!

He shouted angrily in his heart.

Why am I so thick-faced and so dark-hearted! Why are you a hypocrite?!

The person who would consider killing all Uchiha is Danzo, right?! It's not my business!

I have always advocated a peaceful solution to the Uchiha incident! []

Sarutobi Hiruzen was confused.

He never expected that he would suddenly be named in the barrage, and he would also be scolded!

Isn't this Danzo's home court? Why are you causing trouble for me?!

As Hokage, it is a bit embarrassing for him to be directly output by barrages in public.……

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