"These Uchiha people have very strong fighting spirit."

"Yes, looking at them like this, they really do want to help the village deal with Kyuubi."

"Listening to their discussion, it's obviously not like they knew about the Nine-Tails Rebellion in advance.……"

Everyone looked at the video and talked about the reactions of the Uchiha clan members after they returned to their clan territory.

At this time, they are watching the video from God's perspective.

So it can be easily seen whether the Uchiha clan has anything to do with the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

【"I feel like the higher-ups simply don’t trust us! It's so strange that we are not allowed to help fight something as dangerous as the Kyuubi invasion!"An Uchiha tribesman said angrily.】

【As soon as these words came out, many Uchiha people also echoed:"That's right! The attitude of those Anbu just now was too strange. They looked at us as if they were looking at prisoners! What did the higher-ups think of us? Such a crucial matter At this time, instead of helping deal with the Kyuubi, these ANBU came to our clan to take special care of us? Is there something wrong?!"】

【For a time, many angry voices spread within the Uchiha clan. 】

Everyone in the ninja world looked at the video and frowned deeply.

"The Uchiha clan is so excited. The Nine-Tails must not be caused by them. Even if it is, it should be the personal behavior of some people.……"

"The Uchiha clan members don't know yet, but they are already considered suspects in recruiting the Kyuubi."

"What does this video playback mean? Is it to show the Uchiha clan's dissatisfaction with Konoha? What does this have to do with Danzo."

Many speculations are surrounding.

In Konoha Village.

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the reaction of the Uchiha clan in the video and sighed softly.

In that case, there was nothing he could do.

After all, the Sharingan appeared in Kyuubi's eyes. This means that the Kyuubi is most likely controlled by the Uchiha clan.

In this case, anyone will doubt Uchiha.

The village was in such chaos at that time, and it was naturally impossible for him to let such a major suspect as Uchiha ,19 free movement within the village

"Uchiha is no longer trusted, and this conflict will become bigger and bigger."On the top floor of the Hokage Building, Shikamaru put his hands on his neck, yawned, and said

"What's the meaning?" Yamanaka Ino asked

"Unless the real mastermind behind the Nine-Tails Rebellion is found, the Uchiha clan will not be able to wash away the suspicion. From now on, they will definitely be under surveillance by the village. Over time, the Uchiha clan will definitely not be able to accept it."

While analyzing, Shikamaru thought of the Uchiha genocide incident and said:"The meaning of watching this video now is to say that the Uchiha genocide incident is closely related to the Nine-Tails Rebellion. Yamanaka

Ino touched his head and said helplessly:"I just want to know now what it has to do with Danzo, and what bad things this guy has done!"

Asma said:"Then take a good look at the video. There should be answers in it.""

【"Everyone be quiet!"Uchiha Fugaku said solemnly】

【As soon as he opened his mouth, the noisy Uchiha clan members all stopped talking.】

【The leader of the Uchiha clan has a very high status within the family.】

【Uchiha Fugaku took a deep breath and said:"I understand that everyone feels uncomfortable, but it is actually a good thing not to deal with the Kyuubi. At least we can stay away from some dangers. Everyone has a good rest first. I will go to the Hokage and the others later. Ask about the situation"】

【There is no other way now, the Uchiha people can only nod. 】

In a cave somewhere in the ninja world

"Oops! hooligan! We are in danger! Why do I feel like you are going to be the protagonist in this video?"White Zetsu screamed in an uncertain tone.

Uchiha Obito replied calmly with no expression on his face:"Don't worry too much, even if my true identity is exposed, it doesn't matter."

The matter has come to this.

Whether he is Uchiha Madara or Uchiha Obito, the impact is actually not that big.

No matter who he is, he has the qualifications to stir up troubles in the ninja world.

Of course, Uchiha Madara's name , it will indeed be more useful outside.

After all, the intimidation of this name is much more frightening than that of an unknown person like Uchiha Obito.

Black Zetsu nodded and said:"That's right! How this dog video is played is beyond our control! It can only be changed at any time according to specific circumstances!"

That's what I said.

Hei Jue himself is still very panicked!

If a character like it, which specializes in deceiving people for a living, is exposed, it will be extremely dangerous.


What if my mother is really resurrected one day? After coming out, she must destroy this stinky sky!

Several people continued to watch the video.

Uchiha Obito was not interested in this part of the content.

After all, he was already familiar with the inside story.

If the video If he really tells the story of the Uchiha genocide incident in detail... then the time for him, the masked man, to officially enter the stage of the ninja world can be considered to have been greatly advanced.

【a long time passed】

【Uchiha Fugaku finally received a notice from the ANBU, asking him to go to the Hokage Building for a meeting】

【Uchiha Fugaku did not delay and chose to go immediately】

【Soon, a group of Konoha's elites, including him, gathered in the Hokage's office】

【"snort! Uchiha Fugaku!"Not long after I sat down, a cold voice came into my ears.】

【Uchiha Fugaku frowned and looked at the person who heard the voice. It was a person with bandages all over his body.】

"It's Danzo!"

"Danzo appears again!"

"Good guy, the Uchiha clan leader is unlucky now. He actually got involved with Danzo. This guy is a complete mad dog!"

"This meeting should have been held after the Nine-Tails Rebellion. The upper management of the village called Uchiha Fugaku to confirm whether the Uchiha clan was causing trouble, right?"

"Good guy, I get chills all over as soon as I hear Danzo's voice."

Many people couldn't help but become nervous.

After all, after watching the video for so long, when would Danzo show up and something good would happen?

Everyone is basically used to it.

【"Elder Danzo? What's your business?"Uchiha Fugaku sat in his seat and said with a frown.】

【As soon as he entered this conference room, he already found that the atmosphere was unusual. Other people in the conference room looked at him from time to time, which made Uchiha Fugaku very strange.】

【"Hum! Danzo Shimura said coldly:"During the Nine-Tails Rebellion just now, where were you Uchiha clan members?"!"】

【Uchiha Fugaku was stunned and said:"We originally wanted to go to support the village, but just after we left the clan area, we encountered ANBU sent by Hokage-sama and told us not to move around, so we didn't go anywhere until now. I have the opportunity to come here for a meeting outside the family."】

【Danzo Shimura sneered and said:"Support the village? Humph! I think you are taking the opportunity to launch a rebellion, right?! This nine-tailed demon fox was also introduced by your Uchiha clan, right?"】

【Uchiha Fugaku was shocked and immediately stood up and shouted:"Duanzo! What nonsense are you talking about!"]

The quarrel between the two was transmitted to the ninja world through video, and for a while, everyone could hear it clearly.

"What is Shimura Danzo doing? Planning to slander the Uchiha clan?"

"They must have seen the strange situation in Kyuubi. Do they think the Uchiha clan controls Kyuubi?!"

"It’s not considered slander! The masked man in black robes standing on Kyuubi just now does have a Sharingan."

Because of the quarrel between the two, there was a lot of discussion in the ninja world for a while. (To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And in Konoha Village.

Looking at the two people quarreling, the Konoha villagers couldn't help but feel sorry for Uchiha Fugaku. They sweated.

Because they knew that Uchiha Fugaku definitely did not control the Kyuubi.

Therefore, at this time, they were basically on Uchiha Fugaku's side.

What's more, the one facing him was the villain Danzo.

"Danzo this guy! There you go again to put a hat on others! This guy is so bad!"

"During the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Chief Uchiha Fugaku was still very worried about the village. Danzo directly said that they had brought the Nine-Tails here, which was too much!"

"That's right, there are still so many people who don't know the truth. If Danzo Shimura keeps saying this and others believe it, it will definitely be difficult for the Uchiha clan to live."

The villagers kept talking, complaining about Uchiha Fugaku!

The person who made the quarrel with him was Shimura Danzo. Danzo looked dissatisfied when he heard the surrounding villagers denounced him.

In his opinion, If you target the Uchiha clan, it's all for the good of Konoha!

You commoners, it's okay if you don't care about me, but you actually help the Uchiha clan to denounce me?

This is too abominable! []

So, Shimura Danzo shouted angrily:"You idiots!"

The villagers were startled. They looked at Danzo in disbelief.

They seemed to have never expected that at this time, Danzo would dare to speak loudly again!

Is he really not afraid of death?!

"The Uchiha clan is an evil clan! Danzo Shimura shouted angrily:"Sooner or later they will cause irreversible damage to the village!" I'm targeting Uchiha, so forget it if you don't feel grateful! You actually used this to scold me?!"

All the villagers were shocked.

They never expected that Danzo could be so shameless.

"Not to mention whether the Uchiha clan is evil or not, but aren't you just wrongly accusing people in the video? The members of the Uchiha clan have been in the clan territory just now, how can they control the Nine-Tails?"

"That's right! No matter what he is, he is still a member of our Konoha, right?! How can you say they are an evil family?……"

"Although the Uchiha clan members are a bit arrogant, they don't seem to have done anything evil to the village, right?"

For a time, there were voices of rebuttal against Danzo everywhere.

If there was no video, then they would not dare to refute Danzo's words too much.

After all, this guy is a high-level official in Konoha, and he will definitely know more information..

But after watching the video just now, at least the Uchiha clan has not committed any big mistakes.

In this case,

Danzo directly calls others an evil family, and wants to beat them to death and stink them in terms of reputation. His behavior. He was completely unable to win the convincing of the villagers.

Danzo looked ugly. He never expected that these guys would actually speak for Uchiha!

In his eyes and in his world view, Uchiha is a group of unstable people in Konoha Village. Crazy!

If you have the chance to get rid of such a family, you must seize the opportunity!

As for whether the Nine-Tails is really controlled by the Uchiha clan, it doesn't matter! As long as you can pass this Excuse, keep suppressing Uchiha, that's it.

From a distance.

When Sasuke heard Danzo's evil remarks against Uchiha, deep anger flashed in his eyes, his fists were clenched tightly, and he almost rushed over and gave him This old man needs a lesson!

"Don't be impulsive, Sasuke!"

Fortunately, Kakashi kept holding him.

Otherwise, Sasuke would have rushed up and fought Danzo fiercely.

As the only survivor of the Uchiha clan, Sasuke cannot accept other people's treatment of Uchiha. Attacked by the Wave Clan.

The pride of the Uchiha Clan!

Even if he is the only one left,

Uchiha Sasuke must persevere to the end!

"How abominable! Sakura cursed angrily:"How can Danzo Shimura be so annoying!" Always saying bad things about others! In fact, he is the worst!"

Sasuke also rarely said angrily:"If he dares to spread rumors again! I must kill him!"

Naruto looked at the angry people and said:"Otherwise, I will directly ask the Nine-Tails, who controlled the Nine-Tails Rebellion in the first place?"

Just the video���Information so far.

Basically certain.

Kyuubi was just being controlled.

The person who controls him is the one wearing the mask and possessing the Sharingan.

However, the specific identity of this person cannot be determined at all.

Sakura's eyes lit up and she said:"Yes! Naruto! Just ask the Nine-Tails who controls it! The Uchiha family is still innocent!""

"If you can tell me the identity of this masked man, I owe you a big favor!"Sasuke said solemnly.

After watching the video, he realized that his family had this kind of conflict with the village back then.

Although it had been a long time ago and the family was no longer around, he didn't want his family to continue to carry this burden. He was accused of controlling the Kyuubi.

If possible, he hoped to find the real mastermind and completely clean up the stain on the name Uchiha.

"good!"Naruto clenched his fists and closed his eyes with enthusiasm.

"Kyuubi! Kyuubi! When you invaded Konoha, were you manipulated?! Who is the person controlling you?!"As soon as Naruto entered the spiritual space, he shouted at the cage in front of him

"If you are also manipulated and harmed, then we have no hatred. You and I are both victims!"

Naruto came to ask. In addition to wanting to find out the truth, he also didn't want Kyuubi to always bear the reputation of destroying and killing Konoha.

If it is really controlled by someone, then it means that it is not Kyuubi who attacked Konoha. Tai's original intention.

Maybe, the relationship between himself and Kyuubi doesn't need to be so tit-for-tat?

Kyuubi stayed in the cage, opened his big eyes lazily, looked at Naruto and said:"You brat! If you ask, should I tell you?!".

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