"Zuke~" Orochimaru chuckled and said:"The Uchiha genocide incident, haha, I didn't expect that my old friend would be related to this matter. It's really interesting, interesting."

"Didn't you say that Danzo has always been interested in the Sharingan?"The pharmacist Dou Dao

"Haha, it's not just him. Orochimaru licked his mouth heavily again and said,"I am also very interested in these magical eyes.""

It's just that because the Uchiha clan was wiped out, it became so difficult for him to find a pair of Sharingan.~

"Uchiha... genocide incident?"Sakura looked at the video in the sky and murmured, then slowly turned her head and looked at Sasuke beside her.

At this time,

Sasuke's eyes were wide open, and there was also deep shock in his pupils.

He died Video of staring at the sky, as if worried about missing even a second of the scene

"Sasuke……"Sakura couldn't help but look worried.

Naruto frowned and said,"Uchiha... wasn't it what Sasuke and his brother did?"

"That's not my brother!"Sasuke's cold voice came.

"ah……"Naruto pursed his lips

"A murderer! Just a traitor! Sasuke looked at the scene in the sky coldly and said,"Just in time, I also want to see what happened back then, so let me take a look!" I will never let anyone involved in this matter go!"

The group of people all focused on the video.

Somewhere in the Land of Fire.

Kisame Inikisaki looked at the title in the sky in surprise and said:"Mr. Itachi, is it your turn to appear in the video this time? Already?"

Itachi Uchiha had no expression on his face, watching the video quietly, and said calmly:"Maybe."

"Is there really a secret behind the demise of the Uchiha clan?"Kakisaki Kisame asked curiously.

Uchiha Itachi sighed lightly and replied:"It's not a hidden secret, it's just a choice. I am indeed the executioner of the killing family, but playing these things in the video also makes me Somewhat troubled."

He originally wanted to live quietly in the ninja world as a member of the Akatsuki organization.

Then he would wait for the future battle with Sasuke and witness Sasuke's growth with his own eyes.

After doing the last thing he could do as an older brother, he would leave peacefully. That's it.

But I didn't expect that this video would suddenly start to play the Uchiha genocide incident...

Being involved with Danzo would be troublesome. What would Sasuke think if he knew everything?

This child is in Konoha now... If you lose control of your emotions, it will be very dangerous.

Thinking of this,

Uchiha Itachi said again:"Kisame, let's go to Konoha.""

"oh? now? Do you want to watch the video first?"Kakisaki Kisame asked.

Uchiha Itachi looked into the distance and said,"We can watch while walking.……"

As a result, the two figures quickly turned into afterimages and rushed towards Konoha.

Pure land.

Senju Hashirama asked with a confused look on his face:"What? Tobirama... the Uchiha clan has been destroyed? Is this considered an evil deed done by Danzo?!"

Senju Tobirama raised his eyebrows and said:"Brother , the Uchiha clan has extremely extreme personalities. Maybe they have done something excessive? Although Danzo is a bit cruel, I think his heart is still with Konoha."

"how so……"Senju Tobirama covered his head and shouted helplessly:"The Uchiha clan is gone! This Konoha has become too much! What happened? In this case, if I meet Madara in the Pure Land, I will not care. You know how to explain to him!"

Senju Tobirama twitched the corner of his mouth and replied:"Brother, that guy Madara has had nothing to do with the Uchiha clan since he defected!

" During the ruling period, the Uchiha clan had already drawn a clear line with Uchiha Madara

"well!"Senju Hashirama sighed and said:"I don't know where that guy Madara is now. It's rare to regain consciousness in the Pure Land. I still want to talk to him about the past. We are all dead, and he should not be so extreme. Already?"

"snort! Qian Shu Feijian said coldly:"Even if that kind of person dies, there is no way he will repent!""

The video in the sky.

Finally, under everyone's expectation, it started playing


The first thing that appeared in everyone's ears was still a very familiar roar.

Everyone in Konoha said in shock:"It's Kyuubi!" (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【In Konoha Village, a huge beast is wreaking havoc! Its orange skin and huge nine tails made everyone recognize it at a glance. It was the nine-tailed demon fox that had just been knocked unconscious by the first Hokage.……】

"This is the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion! God, why is the Uchiha's demise event broadcast at this time first?!"

"strangeness! really weird!"

"I know! I know! Have you forgotten? There were rumors that the Uchiha clan was behind the Nine-Tails Rebellion! It was they who controlled the Kyuubi to attack the village, which led to this catastrophe!"

"yes! I have also heard this rumor, is it true?"

The villagers talked a lot

【The roar of the Kyuubi resounded through Konoha, completely breaking the originally silent Konoha Village. The entire village instantly became chaotic, and a large number of villagers began to flee in panic!】

【Ninja teams from all directions began to gather and rush here. 】

Everyone in the ninja world looked at Kyuubi, and suddenly they were startled.

"Look! There's someone on Kyuubi's head!"

Everyone was shocked and looked attentively.

Sure enough, in the video, a figure wearing a mask and a black robe was standing above Kyuubi's head.

【"Roar!"Kyuubi roared loudly, and the masked man stood on top of it, motionless, as if he was not worried at all that this vicious beast, Kyuubi, would hurt him!】

"impossible! Absolutely impossible!"In Konoha Village, someone shouted:"Does he think he is the First Hokage! How dare you stand on Kyuubi's body!"

"What is Kyuubi doing?! Why didn't you attack the masked man?"

"Could this masked man be in the same group as Kyuubi?! Could he be the mastermind behind our Nine-Tails Rebellion?!"

Looking at this incredible scene in the video, countless people shouted in shock.

At this moment, someone else shouted:"Look! That's the Sharingan! This person is from the Uchiha clan! And Kyuubi! Kyuubi's eyes actually have the pattern of Sharingan!"

Countless people looked at the masked man's eyes and Kyuubi's eyes in shock.

【The masked man stood on top of Kyuubi's head, his black robe fluttering in the wind. The entire mask only left a small hole for a single eye. In the hole, a pair of scarlet sharingan eyes were clearly revealed, and in the crazy Kyuubi's eyes, There is actually a pair of phantoms of the Sharingan, reflected in its pupils.】

"snort! Danzo Shimura stood up fiercely and said loudly:"Hiruzen!" I have long said that the Uchiha clan was responsible for the Nine-Tails Rebellion! Those Uchiha dare not admit it! Today’s video is irrefutable proof!".

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