Land-of-Wind Daimyo, who is only about 30 years old, succeeded to the throne of Second Shinobi World War, is a young man with a black beard, straightforward optimist, believe world peace.

Konoha everyone has been known to him for a long time and has always regarded him as a'hidden ally'.

Because he forcibly reduced the armament of Hidden Sand Village, the old opponent of Konoha was also the largest opponent Sand Ninja strength decline. At this time, the armament has only been reduced for four years, and Hidden Sand Village still has the power to fight, but if this continues, this generation ninja will age more than ten years later, and Hidden Sand Village strength will surely fall off a cliff!

This is not an ally. Who is an ally?

Following Mitokado Homura, Seidai met this Land-of-Wind Daimyo. Accompanied by Daimyo is a simple and honest young man with a big beard who is about the same age as Rasa-Lie Ying Dai Kazekage Huang Sha.

And Chiyo.

At this time, Chiyo's complexion is slightly indifferent, and Land-of-Wind Daimyo and Huang Sha are the guests and the host.

Obviously before the arrival of the Konoha three people, the two peaceists communicated very harmoniously. These two people are more confident that people will understand each other and peace will eventually come than Jiraiya.

Of course, there are some differences between the two.

Huang Sha looks forward to peace, but is not naive.

The attitude towards the Konoha three people is only friendly on the surface, but in reality, I understand that the relationship between the two villages is still very tense. Otherwise, if there is no one in Hidden Sand Village, Chiyo will not allow him to act as Kazekage.

As for Land-of-Wind Daimyo, the enthusiasm for Konoha three people comes from in the bones.

Mitokado Homura's sleeve was almost half pulled to communicate with him, Seidai looked at Chiyo's helpless expression and almost laughed.

"Our Konoha is a hobby peaceful Ninja Village, and Land of Fire is also a hobby peaceful country. Instead of spending a lot of money on armaments and aggression, it is better to save them and let commoners and nobles They all live a more prosperous and beautiful life..."

Mitokado Homura spoiled her face to face. Seeing Land-of-Wind Daimyo's expression of approval, Huang Sha still couldn't help it. Chiyo finally couldn't help it.

"Your Excellency Daimyo, traveling all the way fatigue, we have prepared a place for you, and the dinner is also in preparation, please move on."

Land-of-Wind Daimyo Tan Xingzheng Noon, being interrupted by Chiyo halfway, but not annoyed, he touched his round belly more closely and said: "A dinner party? I really have several points of hungry."

He looked towards Mitokado Homura said: "Konoha Homura Elder, isn't it like going to a dinner party?"

Mitokado Homura nodded: "many thanks Daimyo."

Chiyo's face became thicker, so Daimyo invited , She is not easy to stop. Although Ninja Village has an extraordinary position in the country due to martial power, it is under the management of Daimyo in name. Ninja is not productive and cannot be detached if it wants to eat.

She could only say: "Please move each step."

Land-of-Wind Daimyo got up, and Mitokado Homura immediately stepped forward, facing Daimyo in a small position.

After that, Huang Sha reacted, but saw that Daimyo’s other side had been occupied by Daimyo’s bodyguard. He could only take a few steps forward, showing everyone the way at the front, listening to Mitokado Homura and Land- of-Wind Daimyo's small talk, not good to go back and chip in.

That is very rude, Daimyo, a country, is still very polite.

As for Chiyo, Seidai, and Haruno, they can only be included in the bodyguard column at the back.

Seidai and Haruno Zhao looked at each other, with a smile in their eyes. Mitokado Homura was disconnected all the way, but today is pretty awesome. It seems that Chiyo's angry face is not right.

Walking all the way to the place of the dinner, Land-of-Wind Daimyo took the lead, Mitokado Homura also grabbed the first position. This time, the head of Land-of-Wind Daimyo’s bodyguard did not take a seat and only stood with a knife Behind Land-of-Wind Daimyo, the other side lowered his head, the yellow sand was finally on the wheel, and Chiyo was in the last position.

Only these four people can sit at the main table. Other people, including Seidai and Haruno Zhao, can only sit at the side table, and the quality of the food is also lower.

This is the rule.

Seidai doesn't care, after all, no matter how good the food is, it is not as delicious as what he makes.

The eyes swept across the faces of the five Daimyo guards at the same table, and Seidai and Haruno Zhao talked to one of the guards beside them in a friendly manner at the same time.

As Daimyo's personal guards, these people have a good strength. Although they are not ninja, Seidai has also sensed chakra in their bodies. They are not too small. The Blade Technique alone has the level above Chunin, bodyguard The long chakra is even close to him, I am afraid that the strength of Jonin is even higher.

Land-of-Wind Daimyo gave it to Mitokado Homura, and these guards were "corroded" by them.

Chiyo angry, with his forehead veins jumping, secretly urging the ninja who is in charge of preparing the dinner for many times.

Soon, countless delicious dishes were brought to the two tables. The first to move the chopsticks was the bodyguard of Land-of-Wind Daimyo. He caught every dish on the main table. Take a bite in your mouth.

This is a necessary test. Everyone in Hidden Sand Village expected it, but was not annoyed when they saw it.

Land-of-Wind Daimyo dropped the chopsticks slightly apologetically and took the first bite after the bodyguard closed his eyes and tasted it for a few seconds.

The dinner begins!

For the dinner of Daimyo, most of the cooks are the best chefs in Hidden Sand Village. Seidai, with a taste of taste, put a mouthful of tofu made from eggs.

The entrance is tender and fragrant. From the perspective of this dish, the chef's level is definitely above Level 4.

I was about to try other dishes, but Seidai suddenly flashed a row of barrage!

'Sasori Correction Degree 2%'

'Sasori Correction Degree 3%'


'Sasori Correction Degree 30% ,

Get free attribute point*1'

He was suddenly stared in amazement.

This trip to Hidden Sand Village, he has not seen Sasori even once. I don’t know where Sasori’s correction point is, because the bug has corrected 1% in the air and is still in the spectrum, but it suddenly jumped to 30. What's wrong with %?

When Haruno saw his expression, his chewing movements slowed down, and he vomited out. He looked alert and misunderstood.

The five guards at the same table startled at the same time, putting their hands on the sword-handle, and the atmosphere changes instantly.

Seidai saw this and wanted to explain, but suddenly his heart sank slightly, and he pointed out his right finger to turn water, and the thick black was enveloped in it!

After only one bite of the dish, the depth of the poisoning was similar to that of eating all the bugs to prepare the dishes. The key is that Seidai didn't notice it!

"This is definitely a 7th-level drug maker! Sasori did it! Why? Revenge for the bugs? Oh, Land-of-Wind Daimyo and Homura Elder!" Thoughts flashed, Seidai was covered by lightning.

At the same time, Chiyo's chewing action at the next table deformed, the pupils contracted, and he spit out food in one bite, and threw himself at Land-of-Wind Daimyo!

Land-of-Wind Daimyo was taken aback. His bodyguard reacted extremely quickly, and he was stunned.

But at this moment, Land-of-Wind Daimyo's silhouette flashed on the other side, and the lightning Seidai made a heavy punch, directly hitting Mitokado Homura's lower abdomen!

Mitokado Homura's eyes protruded, and the intense pain almost made him faint, bending over and vomiting a mixture of various foods, not only the two mouthfuls he had just eaten, but even the lunch he vomited.

"The dishes are poisonous!" Chiyo yelled to the bodyguard leader not to stop her, and the atmosphere of the entire dinner restaurant was detonated!

Seidai transforms into water, the dark color fades at an extremely slow speed, and sometimes it expands again, like a tarsal bone, which is difficult to get rid of!

"This poison is bad..."


PS: (I was busy yesterday For a whole day, there is no code for a word, now there is only one chapter.

Don’t spray, don’t spray, eat a meal and continue to write. Today, I will publish three chapters. I will divide it into development. After I finish writing a chapter, I will send a chapter. Your Dragon Boat Festival holiday is three days, I only have one day yesterday, crying......)

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