Ninja World, battlefield center.

Thanks to the treatment of Katsuyu Sage, Meichao sits up. With his movements, his skin and hair are gradually whitening, and his forehead has double horns.

The physical energy consumed by Gate of Death recovers extremely quickly.

His aura is getting stronger and stronger.

The surging power turned into a violent wind, blowing the stunned Katsuyu Sage main body back a few steps, attracting the four-way guarded Tsunade and the others simultaneously.


"What are you?!"

The wind went out in three seconds, transformed into Meichao of'True Ten-Tails Jinchuriki' Floating quietly.

His third eye slowly opened on his forehead, and the appearance of Rinne Sharingan arranged with nine tomoes was intriguing, but even First Hokage could not capture anything from Meichao at this moment. Power fluctuations, you can only feel strong!

"You can rest assured and prepare to rebuild Ninja World. I have recovered my strength and I am stronger than before!" Meichao said.

"What is inside of you... Ten-Tails?" Nagato, who is a Three-Tails Jinchuriki, noticed the fear of Three-Tails in his body, and asked for a while.

"It is indeed Ten-Tails Jinchuriki." Katsuyu Sage said: "But why..."

Beside Meichao, the silhouette of Sage of Six-Paths suddenly appeared, sitting cross-legged Yu Kong was also full of surprise and puzzlement: "The body of Ten-Tails is indeed unblocked with mother, but it is in the hands of mother. Ninja World's only nine Tailed Beast is also in Jinchuriki's body..."

"When Otsutsuki Kaguya and Otsutsuki Kaguya came to Earth, they brought two Ten-Tails. Don't you know about this?" Meichao asked.


Sage of Six-Paths is really unknown.

Thinking flashed, if not only the chakra body was left, his cold sweat would soon come off. He felt that Ninja World was able to resist the mother because there was no Ten-Tails in the mother, and the strength was weaker than one.

But if there is a second Ten-Tails......

"So why don’t you ventilate all the preparations with me, except for your chakra, it’s a bit helpful, others Both shots were unhelpful. If it weren’t for giving Ten-Tails to Madara before the reincarnation, I used the duel to get Ten-Tails over again, and it would be a major event!"

Katsuyu Sage Wei reveals ashamed.

"Duel" Sage of Six-Paths felt a bit outrageous.

He was silent for two seconds and said: "We haven't confirmed your identity, so we dare not tell them all.

You said that in 20 years there will be Otsutsuki Momoshiki who is ordered to hunt down mother, since it is Ordered to come, that Otsutsuki Momoshiki will not be the original warrior of Otsutsuki in the same style as the mother.

Even if he is guarded by the Guardian, he is stronger than the mother, and at best he is only limited and fully grown. Indra and Asura chakra reincarnation got my Yin Yang Release Jutsu, how could it not be his opponent at all? In your description, there is no participation of the three of me and Katsuyu..."

'It was because I'm not completely convinced of my rhetoric from the future. 'Meichao said in his heart, feeling that Tsunade and the others' expressions have also changed. Face doesn't change and said: "Before space-time travel, I was not the high level of the Ninja World Allied Forces. I don't know where you have been. I doubt you should be earlier. Ask me."

Sage of Six-Paths is silent.

"Forget it." Meichao shaking ones head: "Because of this, I didn't trust you wholeheartedly. I didn't show you the trump card I prepared.

It's nothing more than cooperation The mistakes made on the above, the result is good, at least you release Otsutsuki Kaguya, it will change my opponent from a big tube into a Kaguya, so that I can relax."

Even if I trade Ten-Tails, Six Paths Madara will not die immediately, Otsuki Yishi still has a chance to be reborn through him. From this perspective, Sage of Six-Paths' release of Otsutsuki Kaguya's operation, in addition to being very sudden and risky, ultimately had a positive effect.

"Easy?" Sage of Six-Paths said: "Meichao, don't underestimate mother. Mother just rarely fights, and the power nature is not too much to lose to the big barrel. Don't be careless, You can share part of the Ten-Tails chakra with everyone, work with a common purpose, and then you can fully grasp the seal mother!"

Everyone has understood the entire process of development, and gathered together, Tsunade also reminded: "Don't be careless, Meichao, that is the ancestor of Ninja World after all."

Meichao laughed, looking up at the sky.

"Ancestor! Your son said bad things about you, let us work with a common purpose to seal you!"

tone barely fell, a dark space channel appeared in the air, Otsutsuki Kaguya walked out sadly: "Hayi."

" Otsutsuki Kaguya?" Tsunade whispered: "What a tall woman..."

Sage of Six -Paths looks complicated, a little alert and a little guilty: "mother..."

Fortunately, Otsutsuki Kaguya quickly looked away from this unfilial son, because she found that among the dozen or so people present, Even half of them are involved in her bloodline, her descendants!

This further stimulated her maternal psychology.

But when I saw Meichao, Kaguya’s other emotions were replaced by anger: "Thief, give me back my Ten-Tails...!"

"Be careful, she It’s time to attack!"

"Meichao, what should we do?!"

everyone asked quickly.

Meichao replied: "Just looked."

I saw Otsutsuki Kaguya Byakugan's edge veins burst, a huge amount of chakra gathered in the palm of the hand, and then in the wave, split second broke out !

'Eighty gods air strike! '

Countless powerful fist hiding the sky and covering the earth strikes down, covering everyone!

Long before Kaguya punched, Sage of Six-Paths hurriedly issued a reminder: "That is the strongest Taijutsu Eighty God air strike by mother fusing Attack and Defense in One launched by Byakugan. The power is not there. With a single kick, and the attack is more durable!"

Complete Body Susanoo is reduced to a unit of measurement. Kaguya's eighty god air strikes have indeed crushed Sasuke's Complete Body Susanoo, which should not be underestimated.

If it was the previous Meichao, you must fully resist the defense and remind everyone to disperse.

But now, he is greeted head-on!

An invisible barrier condenses on his top of the head, covering in front of the countless shadows of the eighty gods.

The rumble keeps colliding.

one after another fist shadow disappeared.

The barrier does not even shake!

At the same time, no trace of power penetrated, as if Otsutsuki Kaguya’s attack only had light and shadow effects. When attacking everyone directly below, even the hair was not blown!

Sage of Six-Paths was surprised.

How come... so strong? !

Meichao's real strength is very different from his estimated Meichao strength!

Because Meichao is not an ordinary Ten-Tails Jinchuriki! He first transformed his bloodline into a more perfect state than ordinary Ten-Tails Jinchuriki. Without Ten-Tails, he would surpass Ten-Tails Jinchuriki!

And when you get Ten-Tails at this time, the power of Ten-Tails will match his bloodline incomparably, even better than Otsutsuki Clan and Ten-Tails!

This is the perfect Ten-Tails Jinchuriki, definitely a little bit stronger than the ordinary Ten-Tails Jinchuriki. Whether the opponent is one style or Kaguya, there is not much difference!

bang! With the last muffled sound, the shadow of the fist that Kaguya threw was completely dissipated. Meichao, who was flying against the shadow of the fist, came to her and grabbed Kaguya's slightly panicked wrist!

"I'll take her to the stars."

When this sentence fell, everyone saw Meichao pulling Kaguya from the back to the moon.

Oh, there is no Moon anymore.

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