Three purposes? Meichao Tell me in advance?

Onoki's face went dark, I didn't listen!

The smelly little demon last night... He looked around and saw that everyone was in the know, he didn't open his mouth, nor could he ask.

"Ha, ha, ha..." Chiyo laughed dumbly when he saw it, and said: "There is an old stubborn who left each minding their own business last night without listening to everything. Let's take care of him a little bit. , Otherwise Lieutenant General Tsuchikage of the Six Shadows Talks will die on the spot. After all, it is not a commendable thing, although...this will make this meeting be remembered by more people."

Dead old woman, die. I will not die! Onoki's face became darker.

"Then let me repeat it." Terumi Mei said for the first time: "The first thing is that we hope that Five Kages will persuade Daimyo to recognize the establishment of the country of peace, to recognize the existence of the country of peace, and As First-Kage Caoying, she signed a non-aggression covenant with the five major villages, and hopes that our five major villages will also sign a similar covenant."

Supporting on the chin gives people a sense of laziness, but the manner in which they speak, the opening and closing of the red lips, and the solemn look in the eyes also give people a sense of danger.

Onoki is slightly exposed and slightly put away a little bit. For this 22-year-old woman Mizukage, it seems to be different from the temporary agent Raikage Darui, this little girl is not just an obedient worm... …This is a good thing.

Terumi Mei continued: "I thought that the first matter was actually not necessary to discuss it separately. The presence of Five Kages here means that we have established a relationship with you. Hidden Grass Village’s recognition. Although based on the situation in this country and the status quo of Hidden Grass Village, it is still too early for you to call yourself the sixth Great Country and the sixth largest village, but at least you have God of one of the strongest in Ninja World. Shinobi, there is enough potential here.

As for persuading Daimyo, I am afraid that even Hokage can’t guarantee this. Ninja Village plays for Daimyo. If your Excellency Daimyo objected, we would have nothing to do. I What can be guaranteed is that if Land of Water wants to appoint Hidden Mist Village to attack the country, I will express my clear opposition."

Darui feels that he can no longer remain silent at this time, at least on behalf of Hidden Cloud Village made a voice: "Ah, Hidden Cloud Village also has the same attitude, and has no objection to signing the covenant.

It’s just that, Hidden Cloud is more concerned about what Meichao said last night. The third thing is the negotiation of the inquiry for Moying."

Does the inquiry for Moying also count? Onoki's eyes flashed lightly, but thoughtful.

He had no objection to the signing of the covenant. Uzumaki Nagato was here, Hidden Stone and Hidden Cloud were hit by unprecedented blows. He hoped that Ninja World would no longer have war for a long time and get the opportunity of gasp for breath. .

When the time is right, the next generation Deidara Kurotsuchi of Hidden Stone will grow up, or what accident happened to Uzumaki Nagato, just a covenant, not just tear it and tear it?

He said: "The old man also wants to know how you can deal with touching shadows."

Chiyo: "Secondary."

Nagato for this situation It is expected that today's peace is based on his strength and the strength of Hidden Leaf Village. Once they have any accidents, the peace will fall apart.

But it doesn’t matter. He who once hoped to collect Tailed Beast and achieve peace, he is basically satisfied with the status quo, and will gradually improve in the future.

Even if it can't be improved, he is ready to maintain several decades of peace and aging, select and train suitable heirs, inherit Uchiha Madara's eyes, and prepare for his strength.

He said, "Thank you for your support. After the talks, I will ask Your Excellency Mifune to witness our signing of the peace agreement."

Mifune: "Yes."

Nagato continued: "As for the discussion on how to defeat Moying, the dueling field members in the field need to be temporarily removed...even if this may not be effective. So I put this matter in the third place. , Let’s follow the order."

Oh? He paid great attention to details, did he really think of a way? Onoki secretly thought, half-worried and half-happy, and then said: "What is the second one?"

"It is the peace I expect." Nagato replied: "The peace I expect is not just Ninja. There will be no more war in World!

I hope that Ninja World will no longer have orphan wanderings, no waves to endure the imminent crisis, no more homeless commoners who die of freezing and starvation! This goal is far from I can accomplish it by myself, so I hope you can help me!"

Except for Tsunade, who has known it for a long time, everyone else has different colors. This goal or ideal?

Too unrealistic, right?

Onoki observes Nagato’s expression and confirms that Nagato’s words seem to come from the heart. Shaking one’s head, and said: "Let’s not say that this idealized thing is basically impossible to achieve. Even if it can be achieved, it should It’s what the Daimyos are discussing.

Yes, in addition to First-Kage Grass Shadow, you are also a Daimyo, but to us...heh."

Nagato’s look is not Change, speak slowly:

"Tsuchikage, you have lived for more than sixty years, have you ever seen people who died of freezing or starvation alive?

Have you ever seen starvation? Shinobi, have you choked to death by eating tree bark?

Have you ever seen a mother who has only a mild wind chill, but in order to save money to buy food for his child, until the wind chill worsens his life, illness and death?

You have seen a few children who are less than ten years old for only one steamed bun. After biting their teeth and fisting for half an hour, there was only one child left and then ate the steamed buns mixed with blood and mud. Smiled contentedly and died...Such a scene?!"

Onoki's eyes changed.

Everyone's expression has also changed.

Nagato continued: "Yes, the Great Country war will make a small country appear like a hell on earth! But there is no war, this kind of thing will never happen!

There will always be orphans born due to accidents, natural and man-made disasters. After becoming Daimyo, I can roughly count the number of this group of people. Believe me, it is absolutely beyond your imagination!

I never care about these, ninja aloof and remote, impossible suffering from freezing and starvation!

Without their suffering, I don’t ask you to empathize, but I hope that at least after learning more, you can I am willing to do something within my power for this!"

The venue was silent.

Nagato's voice returned to plain: "In my exchanges with Meichao, he said a word that I very much agree with, that is the peace I expect!

He said that there is always something old. Nourish, strong, useful, young, medical, and teaching!"

Everyone couldn’t help but converge on Meichao behind the curtain behind Nagato. This sentence...

"I am happy for the appearance of Meichao. After all, this Ninja World is supported by the peace I hope. This sentence will become the foundation and goal of the country of Wano." Nagato said solemnly: "I hope that among you There are also people who can understand me."

"Meichao also brought me a huge surprise, which can really change the great discovery of Ninja World, I hope you can listen carefully."

"Let him talk about it next."

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