Ninja Realm Correction Belt

Chapter 34 School is about to start

Shuishui Shen is indeed good at fighting in water, and his clothes are washed very clean, which was praised by Aunt Xiu.

So the next morning.

‘Water Escape – the art of water body transformation! ’

Zheng Dai: As a water avatar who is good at fighting in water, it makes sense to practice cooking for me, right?

Water body: Is it reasonable?

No water allowed for cooking?

...reasonable and reasonable.

The next night.

‘Water Escape – the art of water body transformation! ’

Zheng Dai: Clone, come here and give me a pat on the shoulder. After that, tidy up the house.

Water body: Is it reasonable?

Zheng Dai: Maintaining a relaxed and happy mood and sufficient practice time will allow me to use the water body longer and more frequently. Isn't it unreasonable?

Reasonable and reasonable.

The third day.

Zheng Dai: I'm going to practice cooking. When I'm tired, I'll help Aunt Xiu clean up the house. When I'm tired, I'll read a book.

Water body: Okay.

Promise... Oh, did you agree? Be sensible and work hard. I'm going to practice.

Go to hell.

More than a month later, Hongdou's house.

Hmm... Hongdou took a skewer, picked a golden and crispy tofu ball into his mouth, and made a comfortable and somewhat indecent hum.

Hong next to her looked at Anko helplessly and ate one with an expression of enjoyment.

Hiccup... No, no, I really can't eat anymore. After swallowing, Anko patted her belly and stared at the remaining meatballs on the plate with some distress.

Her current status is——

Stomach: I’m full. If I eat any more, I’ll explode.

Mouth: I’m not full, I can still eat.

Throat: Why don't you keep it here first?

Hongdou: Okay, okay.

Zheng Dai, your skills are really getting better and better. If you open a restaurant in the future, you will definitely make money!

Okay, I will open a restaurant when I can no longer be a ninja. Zhengdai replied with a smile.

The fully sweet flavor of meatballs and red beans has been easily accepted, but the correction rate has remained at 50% and has not increased for seven or eight days, and it has reached a bottleneck.

For more than a month, he (his water body) has practiced cooking skills when he had time. He worked very hard and improved his cooking skills to level 4 by 31%.

Level 4 seems to be a hurdle, completely different from level 3!

In the words of Anko, a snack foodie: I, Anko, would like to call you the strongest cook in Konoha Village!

Although it is not such an exaggeration, Konoha Village is just a ninja village, and there are probably only a handful of people who are better at cooking than Masa Dai at this time.

With such superb cooking skills to rely on, the degree of improvement of red beans is increasing day by day. Now as long as it is made by Zhengdai, it doesn't matter whether it is sweet or spicy.

But because of his superb cooking skills, the red beans can be eaten sweet or spicy, and the correction is stuck at the midpoint of 50%, unable to go up.

But Zhengdai is actually not in a hurry now.

Anko is different from Kakashi after all.

Kakashi is decadent and depraved, so there's nothing wrong with breaking him over completely. Red beans are just a taste deviation. From the perspective of a friend, Zhengdai thinks that sweets and spicy foods are good at 70%, which means that it can be corrected to 70% in the end. Not only did he gain attribute points, but he also made Hongdou's eating habits healthy.

If you really have a sweet tooth...

Forget it, I can’t think of it.

Although this would result in a loss of a lot of attribute points and would not achieve 100% strategy achievement, Zhengdai did not want to make corrections just for the sake of correction.

What's more, when you come into contact with more people after graduation, you will always find other people who need correction, right? There is no need to hang from a tree.

Here, here you go. Hongdou took out a fifty-tael silver note and handed it to Zhengdai. After thinking about it, he said, I've been eating meatballs for two days. Let's change the taste tomorrow.

Hongdou, tomorrow is September 1st. Hong reminded.

Huh? Hongdou was stunned and said in frustration: So fast? Then won't you only be able to eat the food cooked by Zhengdai on weekends?

Seeing her pitiful look, Zhengdai smiled and got a haircut: I can make a lunch box.

Hey, what a great idea!

Hong's face looked strange for a moment, and then she said a little embarrassedly: I want one too, is that okay?

No problem. Zhengdai thought for a while, can I make a big pot of rice and sell lunch boxes at school?

Bah bah bah!

I am not traveling through Naruto to become the God of Cooking!

Ten minutes later, Zhengdai left the Mitarai clan with a food box. When he got home, he saw the water body with an apron on his waist sweeping the floor. He nodded happily and returned to the room.

Having an obedient and sensible water body saves Zhengdai a lot of time and energy. Although the work experience made Zhengdai feel a little worse every time he was relieved, he was able to recover quickly because of his big heart, so he never tired of it.

After losing weight, the most obvious change was that Aunt Xiu had gained two more pounds.

In front of the desk, Zhengdai neatly packed the more than ten books on it and opened the properties bar.

After scanning it several times, he felt a little distressed. The hair style of Einstein's genius was not easy to manage.

If it weren't for the damn Hokage's book, I might be able to challenge myself and get perfect scores in all subjects without using attribute points. I'm really a genius!

Outside the door, Shui Shui, who was sweeping the floor, turned around and stared at him silently.

at the same time.

Under the southwest cliff, Ye Cang was breathing heavily and said with a smile: As expected of Konoha, I almost lost to a ninja student for the second time. Your progress is really fast.

Opposite Kakashi returned his short blade to its sheath, pulled up his mask, and UU Kanshu shook his head and said, You haven't used the Blood Succession Limit yet. Thank you very much for this time.

Huh? Ye Cang smiled slightly and pretended to be confused: Why do you want to say thank you to me? I also want to thank you for sparring with me, which made my strength improve a lot. In the Joint Chunin Exam, I am more I am confident that I can defeat you Konoha genin.

Kakashi was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Cang who had a smile in his eyes, and reluctantly changed the subject: Am I still far behind Zhengdai now?

Hmm. Ye Cang thought for a while and said, Maybe he is no match for you more than a month ago... Not necessarily, that thing is worse than you.

Did you just catch up with him a month ago? Kakashi murmured, looking up at the cliff.

Hey, you want to crawl again? Take a rest and let's talk. You won't come over when school starts tomorrow, right?

I'll come tonight.

The land of the Hyuga clan.

Facing the human-shaped target, Hinata Hideki concentrated his mind, thrusting one hand forward and raising the other backward.

Bagua... one palm! Two palms! Four palms! Eight palms! Sixteen palms! Thirty-two palms!!

After finishing the spanking, his breath was still relatively stable, which was completely different from the way he was out of breath and weak after just eight spanks more than a month ago!

Thirty-two palms are enough to teach that commoner a lesson! He suppressed his excitement, turned around and bowed deeply: Thank you for your guidance during this time, Mr. Hizashi, I did it!

Well, not bad. Hinata Hizashi nodded slightly and said, I can see your efforts. School starts tomorrow, go and defeat that kid.


“Keep practicing and don’t slack off.”


Hinata Hizashi nodded and turned around, a strange light suddenly flashed in his pure white eyes...

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