Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 94 Race against time

Outside the entrance to Hongyu Mountain Secret Realm.

Because Hongyu Mountain Secret Realm is the most popular secret realm recently, with disciples gathering from all over, a lot of market ecology has sprung up outside the secret realm, such as those who buy and sell elixirs, purchase materials, sell equipment and treasures... various All kinds, just to name a few.

It was still three o'clock in the morning, and the secret realm had just been opened. It was originally the most leisurely time of the day, but the disciples teleported out of the secret realm one by one made these traders dumbfounded.

"What's going on today?"

"Why are you out so early?"

"Senior brother, how was your harvest today? I bought the cores of the toad monsters at a high price. Come and take a look...what? The time was too short to find any toad monsters with cores? Not even one?"

"Jianghu, help! Jianghu, help! I accepted a mission at Xuanhongtang and need eight troll lizard tails. Today is the deadline for the mission... Which brother or sister can do a good job and give me a few tails... "

Because of the early closure of Hongyu Mountain’s secret realm, there was a lot of mourning and complaints at the entrance...

Amidst the complaints, Lu Yu and the other five people held the shining sun crystal mine in their hands and walked past the crowd in a swaggering manner.

Robbing the Sun Crystal Mine was originally a matter for the elite disciples. More disciples just did some simple tasks on the periphery, looking for some unique materials, because they did not know what was happening in the central area of ​​the Hongyu Mountain Secret Realm.

It wasn't until they saw Lu Yu and others strutting through the market holding the Sunlight Crystal Mine that they understood what was going on.

"It turns out that the Sun Crystal Mine was mined! No wonder the secret realm was closed so early!"

"They actually picked it? Who are these people?"

"It seems that he is not a disciple of Tianxiang Peak or Wangyue Peak? He is not also a disciple of Baiyun Peak. Could it be that he is a disciple of the Three Peaks Alliance?"

"These people are from Jade Butterfly Peak!"

"What Jade Butterfly Peak? Which Jade Butterfly Peak? Is it the Jade Butterfly Peak that has always been ranked at the bottom?"

"Are the disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak so strong?"

"Aren't these Jade Butterfly Peak disciples causing trouble? They closed the secret realm so early, and my mission was not even completed!"

"That's right, I haven't found enough of the materials I need! I urgently need these two materials to make weapons to prepare for the Little Litian Secret Realm!"

"It's so abominable!"

Feeling that the eyes around him had become very unfriendly, Baozi couldn't help but feel sad in his heart and leaned close to Lu Yu's ear.

"Brother Yu, these people seem to be very dissatisfied with us, as if they want to eat us all?"

Lu Yu naturally knew that walking around like this was too much for people to hate, but he had no better way. Who knew that the Sun Yao Crystal Mine was so big...

"Next time, let's prepare a larger Qiankun bag." Lu Yu finally said.

The five people walked a few hundred meters and didn't stop until they came to Yang Chudie.

Yang Chudie looked at the sky and said, "Are you guys moving too slowly? It's almost past time, and you're only coming out now!"

The five of them couldn't help but smile bitterly. Just now, a group of disciples were scolding them, saying they were too fast. Unexpectedly, Master Yang still thought they were too slow.

"Uncle Yang, we met the Golden Wings and Six Wings Salon inside today..." Qi Yunkai explained in a low voice.

"Golden Wings and Six Wings Salon?"

Yang Chudie was slightly surprised, but her expression quickly calmed down.

"That can't be used as an excuse for your slow movements. Do you know that when your first master was still a disciple, he once met the Golden Wings and Six Wings Salon in this secret realm. Guess how much time it took her Mined the Sun Crystal Ore?"

Her sharp gaze swept over the faces of the five people one by one.

Under the pressure of her gaze, several people began to make random guesses.

"Two hours?"

"An hour and a half?"

"It can't be an hour, right?"

"None of it is right."

Yang Chudie shook her head, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and couldn't help but reveal a look of reminiscence in her eyes.

"At sunrise that day, it happened to be chen hour. She entered the secret realm immediately. At three quarters of chen hour, she had already come out with the Sun Crystal Mine, which happened to be three quarters of an hour."

Three quarters of an hour?

The five people couldn't help but froze.

is it possible? Isn’t this incredible?

Originally they thought they were fast enough. Although they were scolded by other disciples along the way, deep down in their hearts, there was not a trace of secret joy.

But now they know that compared with the first real person back then, they are not even qualified to help carry shoes...

"So, you still have a lot of room for improvement!"

Yang Chudie smiled and continued: "You should sum up for yourselves and see which aspects can be done better. In the next few days, you should keep challenging this secret realm!"

"I don't require you to be as good as Jade Butterfly back then. At least shorten the time to less than an hour! If you can mine the Sunlight Crystal Mine within an hour, you will be considered a passer!"

Within an hour, the Sun Crystal Mine was mined.

As Yang Chudie made this request, Hongyu Mountain's secret realm began to get agitated.

The next morning, Lu Yu and others came to the entrance of the secret realm early in the morning.

Compared with the previous day, this time they attracted great attention.

"Here they come, they come again!"

"It was because of them yesterday that they mined the solar crystal ore so early that I didn't even have enough materials. Isn't it going to be the same as yesterday?"

"Absolutely not. They were opportunistic yesterday. The elite disciples in the major mountain peaks today will definitely learn from yesterday's lessons and be careful with them. They will definitely not have the good luck today!"

"That's right. I hope they can fight for the Sun Crystal Mine for a longer period of time so that I can have a good harvest!"

However, two hours later.

With a flash of white light, all the disciples were teleported out by the protective formation, all of them looking confused.

"what happened?"

"Why is it like this again today?"

"It stands to reason that wouldn't it be true that the more intense the competition, the more intense the battle, and the longer it takes?"

"I don't know who won today..."

Everyone was scratching their heads.

Lu Yu and others walked out of the crowd struttingly holding the Sun Crystal Ore in their hands.

"It's them again!"

"It's really them!"

"These bastards from Jade Butterfly Peak are so abominable! They made me lose everything today!"

"Well, if this continues, I don't know when it will be until I can gather the materials to build my weapon..."

"No, we can't let them continue like this!"

"That's right. If this continues, what's the difference between this Hongyu Mountain secret realm and being closed?"

"We must find a way to curb their behavior!"

"The secret realm of Hongyu Mountain is the secret realm of all the disciples of our entire Dali Sword Sect, and it is not a secret realm unique to their Jade Butterfly Peak family!"

"Let us all join hands to protect our Hongyu Mountain!"

Amidst the commotion, everyone finally reached a consensus to join forces to deal with the Jade Butterfly Peak disciples.

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