Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 76 Victory begins

Fang Qian lived up to his demeanor as an old gambler. He was already gearing up and had a look of excitement on his face.

"Junior brother Lu, please stay here for a moment, and I'll go out and give you a test first!"

As he spoke, he took out an elixir from his body, put it into the small cauldron, and then gently pushed it out with a palm of his hand.

Lu Yu noticed that what Fang Qian used was not the seventh-grade Purple Jade Snow Pill, but a relatively ordinary fourth-grade pill.

The small cauldron was activated, making a buzzing sound, and a burst of energy suddenly exploded from the small cauldron.

A small whirlwind swirled around the small tripod.

Because this whirlwind produced a huge attraction, the Xiaodings began to pull each other towards each other.


After a while, a small cauldron was attracted, and the two cauldrons collided.

Fang Gan laughed, reached out and took out the elixir from the small cauldron, and then threw the empty small cauldron back.

This means that he has won this pill.

The loser on the side took over the empty cauldron, with no change in his expression. He took out a pill from the Qiankun bag and rejoined the gambling game.

In this way, Fang Qian won two more people in a row and received a total of three pills.

Finally, his little tripod was attracted by a more powerful one next to him, and lost the fourth-grade elixir.

Until this time, Lu Yu finally understood.

In fact, this battle of elixirs also requires strategy. After all, each elixir is worth a lot of money. Everyone is afraid of losing, so at the beginning they cast stones to ask for directions, first find out the details of the opponent, and judge the opponent's strength. This way you can avoid losing the strongest trump card in your hand right away.

Therefore, if Fang Gan used the seventh-grade Purple Jade Snow Pill as soon as he came up, he would probably only receive some low-level pills, and others would see through his trump card and avoid him.

To put it bluntly, this is actually throwing bricks to attract jade. First, you use bricks to lure out the beautiful jade, and then you use your strongest trump card to collect the opponent's beautiful jade as well.

After receiving the fourth-grade elixir, Fang Gan did not panic, took out another fifth-grade elixir, and joined the battle group again.

As soon as the fifth item came out, Fang Gan immediately won three games in a row.

Originally, if he had not refined the seventh-grade Purple Jade Snow Pill, this fifth-grade elixir would have been Fang Qian's trump card today. Because he had a stronger trump card, he used this fifth-grade elixir in advance. Go up.

Therefore, naturally he is invincible and becomes more courageous as he fights.

"This Fang Gan is so strong today!"

"It seems that he has obtained a lot of good materials in the past month."

"It seems that with his current aura, the elixir in the cauldron is at least a fifth-grade elixir."

"Did he use his trump card in advance?"

"I think Fu Mingcheng from Qingyang Peak and Zhang Biao from Zixia Peak haven't used their special moves yet. These two have great potential!"

"Fang Gan may lose..."

"What's possible? You will definitely lose! This Fang Gan is serious. This is not the first time he has competed with Dan. Why is he still so restless!"

While everyone was talking about it, the situation in the field also reached a fever pitch.

Half of the people have withdrawn from the gambling game, leaving only five still on the field.

After a while, two more of the five elixirs were taken away. The two men looked at the situation on the field and finally reluctantly withdrew, with expressions of reluctance on their faces.

There are only three small tripods left in the field, Qingyang Peak Fu Mingcheng, Zixia Peak Zhang Biao, and Yudie Peak Fanggan.

"I didn't expect you to be able to persist until this point. Not bad!"

Fu Mingcheng looked condescending and said to Fang Qian.

"Let me see what information you have!"

As he said that, he moved Xiaoding towards Fang Qian.

The strong wind whined and whirled.

The two small tripods are getting closer and closer.


In the end, Fang Gan's Xiaoding was attracted and lost his fifth-grade elixir.

Fu Mingcheng couldn't help laughing and took out the fifth-grade elixir.

"Fang Gan, Fang Gan, you still haven't made any progress! Just a fifth-grade Tianxiang Pill, and you want to beat me?"

He threw the small tripod back and looked at Fang Gan with a provocative look.

"Come on, keep coming, let me see if you have any other methods?"

"You won't just use this fifth-grade Tianxiang Pill as your final trump card, right?"

"If you have any other means, use it quickly, otherwise your fifth-grade Tianxiang Pill will be lost in vain!"

Fu Mingcheng kept provoking Fang Gan, just hoping that Fang Gan would get excited and continue to press up the remaining pills.

At this moment, Fang Qian took out the Purple Jade Snow Pill and held it tightly in his hand to prevent any trace of sunlight from being exposed.

He deliberately looked angry, but in fact he was already excited inside.


Above the small cauldron, the strong wind swirled again.



Fu Mingcheng and Zhang Biao's Xiaoding were originally wrestling, but unexpectedly they suddenly changed direction and were sucked in at the same time.

A double kill!

The smile on Fu Mingcheng's face suddenly stopped.

Zhang Biao also had a look of astonishment on his face.

Fang Gan took out the elixirs from the two small cauldrons, and they turned out to be sixth-grade elixirs!

The crowd around him suddenly exclaimed.

"Sixth grade!"

"Both of them are actually sixth grade!"

"No wonder these two keep winning!"

“There’s a lot of money to be made down here!”

"The two sixth-grade pills can't beat Fang Qian's current pill, so what kind of pill will be in this cauldron?"

Fang Qian held two sixth-grade elixirs and couldn't help but smile.

"Fu Mingcheng, I've told you this before, right? Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, who is the loser this time?"

Fu Mingcheng was not angry at all, but had a greedy look on his face.

"I didn't expect that you, a useless Jade Butterfly Peak disciple, would actually refine some pretty good elixirs this time!"

"Do you think you've already won this way? Don't be so naive!"

With that said, he took out the elixir from his body again, put it into the small cauldron, and continued to fight.


Xiao Ding was attracted again.


Fu Mingcheng finally showed a surprised expression this time, but still refused to accept it. He took out the elixir again and returned to the field.


Lose again!

Fu Mingcheng was completely shocked. What kind of elixir did Fang Qian concoct back then? It was so powerful.

But he was already losing his mind at this time, and there was still a slight chance, so he was unwilling to give up. He finally took out the last pill in his body and put it into the cauldron.


The last pill was still a loss.

Fu Mingcheng's eyes widened.

How can this be!

All four pills were lost?

These four are all sixth-grade elixirs, only two of which are his own, and the other two were obtained from the materials brought by his fellow disciples when the Xiaoli Tian Secret Realm was about to be opened, and he was asked to help refine them.

He actually lost them all...

His own two elixirs were okay, if he lost, he would lose, but what should he do with the two elixirs he had refined for his fellow disciples?

Seeing that the secret realm of Xiao Li Tian is about to open, the senior brothers are all eager to use it!

Now, how should I explain to the two fellow disciples?

Fu Mingcheng couldn't help feeling cold all over his body and fell to the ground.

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