Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 698 Another twists and turns

Lu Yu didn't believe in the other party's character, but he had no better choice.

If the other party really wants to break his promise, the worst he can do is fall out, which is not much different from continuing to take action, so he might as well just choose to trust the other party once.

Fortunately, the other party had no intention of playing any tricks. Soon the elder followed Lu Yu's request and first brought Luo Shuhui, Bi Qiuxia, Yu Xiaoyu and Qi Xiaolan over.

The four of them were doing hard labor under the seabed when they were suddenly called over and saw so many elders standing in the mess. They couldn't help but be shocked. They thought something big had happened until they saw Ling Yufei. After the figure, the hanging heart was completely relieved, and an expression of ecstasy instantly appeared on his face.

"Sister Fei! Why are you here? Are you okay?"

The four people exclaimed in surprise and flew towards Ling Yufei at the same time, hugging her, touching and pinching her.

"Oh, it's really Sister Fei!"

"We are not dreaming!"

"Sister Fei, you have lost weight..."

"Woooooo, I thought I would never see Sister Fei again! Sister Fei, please let me touch you again..."

Ling Yufei was originally very excited, but seeing the performance of the four good sisters, she couldn't help but laugh and cry, and her face was full of embarrassment.

"Okay, don't mess around anymore..." Ling Yufei had no choice but to act like a big sister again, "Actually, we are able to reunite again this time, thanks to Junior Brother Lu Yu..."

"Junior brother Lu Yu?"

"Huh? Is this person Junior Brother Lu Yu?"

"I didn't expect that Junior Brother Lu Yu would already be at the Guihai Realm..."

"Woooooo, only a few of us are still walking in the same place..."

"Junior Brother Lu Yu, come on, let's take a closer do you practice and why do you make such rapid progress?"

So several women ran to Lu Yu's side again and started groping and pinching him unceremoniously. Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh or cry. The image of a strong man that he had finally built up suddenly collapsed at this moment...

Everyone in the Bohai Palace across the way couldn't help but be dumbfounded. They didn't expect that this extraordinary strength Lu Yu would be so arrogant in front of these female disciples, which made everyone feel mixed.

Especially Xu Bin, the true disciple on the opposite side. Originally, these people were close teammates with him, but he didn't expect that the two sides would end up in this position. Looking back on every bit of the past, this can't help but make him feel at a loss. feeling.

After a long commotion, Ling Yufei stopped a few people, asked them to gather around her, and told them the specific situation they were facing at this time.

After several people listened, unexpectedly, they did not show surprise, but instead showed an expression of indignation:

"We have long heard about Sister Fei being expelled from the Bohai Palace. At that time, we were extremely disappointed with the outcome of the matter. It is a pity that our words are so light that we cannot change the overall situation at all..."

"Since Sister Fei has been expelled from the Bohai Palace, what else can we miss about the identity of this Bohai Palace disciple?"

"Wherever Sister Fei goes from now on, we will follow her... A place with Sister Fei is home..."

"Yes, Junior Brother Lu, if you want to take Sister Fei away today, please take us away too!"

The four women all expressed their intention to advance and retreat together with Ling Yufei.

Lu Yu smiled slightly, looked at the elder opposite and said: "Elder, it is said that you signed the edict to remove Senior Sister Ling Yufei from Bohai Palace? I wonder what your opinion is on this matter now? Maybe, you need to do it again. I issued a few more edicts..."

The Great Elder's face was as calm as ever, and he said calmly: "Palace Master Li is the lord of Bohai Palace. Although the edict was indeed signed by me, it was approved by Palace Master Li... How should we deal with this matter? , it still needs to be decided by the Lord of Bohai Palace!”

When Lu Yu heard this, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

Although the great elder's tone was calm, he always felt that the words used in the other party's words were a bit strange, especially when he mentioned the word "Lord of Bohai Palace", there seemed to be a strange emotion. It seemed that the great elder was not like Li The relationship between the palace masters does not seem to be harmonious, and I don’t know if this is his imagination...

But no matter what, Lu Yu made up his mind. He didn't care whether Bohai Palace would let people go or not, he would take all these people away this time.

Not long after, the confiscated items were brought over.

A deacon from Bohai Palace brought a Qiankun bag in front of everyone.

"What is contained in this bag is the items previously confiscated from Ling Yufei. See for yourselves if there is anything wrong with it?"

Lu Yu winked at Ling Yufei and motioned for her to come over and check it out.

Ling Yufei stepped forward, opened the Qiankun Bag, and quickly checked it. Then she couldn't help showing a surprised look. She turned back to look at Lu Yu and said, "Everything else is there, except for the Feihong Sword." …”

Lu Yu's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and he quickly stepped forward, opened the Qiankun bag and checked it for himself. Sure enough, there were all kinds of things inside, but the only thing missing was the Feihong Sword.

Lu Yu immediately threw the Qiankun bag back into the opponent's hand and asked, "Where is the Feihong Sword?"

The deacon couldn't help being stunned and said blankly: "What is the Feihong Sword? Everything is here!"

Lu Yu ignored him and turned to the elder, his eyes flashing like lightning: "Elder, what do you mean?"

"That Feihong Sword was given to Senior Sister Ling Yufei by me when we parted at the Tianyu battlefield. I believe many disciples of Bohai Palace have seen this sword. Although it is not a top-level magic weapon, it has extraordinary significance to me..."

"Now this sword is missing in Bohai Palace. I wonder how you can explain it?"

The elder remained silent and looked at the deacon and said, "Deacon Ding, what's going on?"

"Elder, I don't know either. All the things confiscated from the warehouse are in this bag..." Deacon Ding said anxiously.

The elder stroked his beard and said, "Since it was confiscated from the warehouse, there must be a list of items in the warehouse. Go check the original deposit slip to see what's going on."

"Yes..." Deacon Ding agreed and hurried away.

The elder looked at Lu Yu and said, "Please be patient, my Excellency. Since I have agreed to your terms, I will not do anything about this matter. I will definitely give you a reasonable explanation..." Lu Yu snorted coldly, "I hope so!"

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