Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 693 Not taking the main entrance

The conch of spring pushed hard against the tide and headed towards a majestic gate.

This is the entrance to Bohai Palace.

The disciples responsible for guarding had no idea that such a huge creature would suddenly visit. They thought it was a monster emerging from the sea. They couldn't help but be frightened. They quickly sounded the alarm and stood ready.

When the Spring Conch got a little closer, I saw that it was not a sea monster, but a magic weapon that escaped, and there was a person sitting on it, but this was even more surprising than the appearance of the sea monster. After all, What kind of person actually passed through Tianshui Shiwei without the guidance of lights and suddenly appeared here?

"Stop! This is the important place of Bohai Palace. Visitors should stop and tell their names!"

A group of guarding disciples lined up in front of them, all of them nervous, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, why have you become so blind? Can't you even recognize me?"

Ling Yufei jumped down from the green shell, walked in front of everyone and said with a cold face.

For a moment, Lu Yu seemed to see the appearance of the elder sister in the Heavenly Prison battlefield again.

"You are...Ling Yufei...Senior Sister Ling?" A group of guarding disciples were surprised, "You...why are you here?"

"What? Shouldn't I be here?" Ling Yufei said coldly, "Then where do you think I should be?"

All the guarding disciples looked at each other in silence, and one of them couldn't help but mumbled in a low voice: "Didn't you say... that he had been executed by Chunyang Palace a long time ago? Is this a human or a ghost..."

It seems that these people have no idea what happened in Chunyang Palace two days ago, but it makes sense when you think about it. Lu Yu made such a big fuss in Chunyang Palace, which is not a glorious thing. Naturally, they will not go around. Publicize it, and as long as they don't publicize it, it's still not that easy for outsiders to know about it.

"I am standing here now, do you think I am a human or a ghost?"

Ling Yufei's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a fierce aura burst out. The disciple who was muttering suddenly became unsteady, and was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground.

After all, she was once a true disciple in the Bohai Palace, and her prestige was still there, and just one look could make the hands and feet of these guarding disciples tremble.

"Get out of the way quickly! These are all my friends. We have to return to the palace together." Ling Yufei ordered without any doubt.

However, these guarding disciples looked at each other, but they still held on without moving. One of the leading disciples said: "I'm sorry, Senior Sister Ling... You were a prisoner before. Without proof, you have been released." Or we can’t let you in without a pardon..."

Ling Yufei frowned immediately and called out the man's name: "Wei Jianmu, do you know what you are talking about?"

The man looked at her with begging eyes: "Senior Sister Ling, please don't embarrass us..."

Ling Yufei looked at him silently for a moment, and finally thought about her old feelings: "Okay, I won't embarrass you. You go and invite the deacon who is on duty today. I want to ask in person. I, Ling Yufei, really can't enter this gate today." "?"

"You are indeed not qualified to enter this gate!"

At this time, a voice suddenly spoke.

Everyone turned around and saw a true disciple leading a group of people flying quickly from the Bohai Palace. The person speaking was the true disciple who was leading the way.

It turned out that these people came specifically to support them because they received the alarm from the guarding disciples.

"Uncle Qin is temporarily busy. I am the palace gate guard today. How can a disciple who has been expelled from Bohai Palace still be qualified to enter this gate?"

The true disciple stood in front of the palace gate and said with disdain.

Ling Yufei was suddenly shocked and stared at the true disciple in front of her: "Huang Yuanxiu, what did you say?"

The true disciple Huang Yuanxiu smiled disdainfully: "What? Isn't what I said clear enough? Senior sister Yu Qingya has already made the scandalous things you have done public. All the brothers and sisters in the palace were furious and jointly submitted a letter demanding that you be removed from office. The Great Elder passed this resolution half a month ago to remove you from our Bohai Palace. In other words, you are no longer a disciple of our Bohai Palace!"

"No! This is impossible!" Ling Yufei's face was full of astonishment, "Even if all of you are instigated by Yu Qingya, there is no way that Master and she will agree!"

"You still have the nerve to mention Master? The scandal you have committed has brought shame to Bohai Palace. Do you want Master to continue to defend you blindly? When the Great Elder removed your name, Master, she can Didn't say anything..." Huang Yuanxiu said with a sneer.

"No... Unless Master tells me this personally, I will never believe it. You guys, please get out of my way. I want to go in and ask Master in person!"

With that said, she was about to force her way in.

Huang Yuanxiu and others pulled out their weapons and stood in front of her.

Even though she was extremely powerful, she didn't have any weapons at this time. She didn't even have a weapon at her disposal. How could she break through such a formation?

Huang Yuanxiu knocked her back with just one blow, and sneered: "Ling Yufei, I advise you not to humiliate yourself. Not to mention that the master is not in the palace now, even if she is, you can't see her if you want. See you!”

Ling Yufei suddenly had a look of despair on her face, and her shoulders could not stop trembling slightly. She had been born and died so many times, and suffered so many disasters. She had spent half her life serving her home, but now she was no longer allowed to enter...

At this time, Lu Yu suddenly stepped forward, patted her shoulder gently and said, "Although you miss your old relationship, you don't care about it at all. In this case, let's find another way!"

After saying that, he stepped forward, guarding Ling Yufei behind him, and faced the bright edges of Huang Yuanxiu and others.

"I am Lu Yu, a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect. Can I enter this gate today?" he said calmly.

"Dali Sword Sect?"

Huang Yuanxiu glanced back and forth at Lu Yu and Ling Yufei twice, secretly speculating on the relationship between the two, and coldly snorted: "No matter who you are, as long as you don't come through formal channels, you can never enter our Bohai Palace. door!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly and suddenly got angry. He suddenly flew up and kicked Huang Yuanxiu hard.

Huang Yuanxiu had already been on guard. He clearly saw Lu Yu's movements, but for some reason, he still didn't take precautions.

Because this kick came too fast and too hard!

The next moment, Huang Yuanxiu suddenly flew up like a ball, and then hit hard on the beam of the palace gate behind him. Immediately afterwards, the entire palace gate also flew up, and was kicked directly into the interior of Bohai Palace. There was a loud rumbling sound.

Everyone couldn't help but feel stunned.

It was enough to kick Huang Yuanxiu away, but the entire palace gate, which weighed at least ten thousand kilograms, actually flew up at once... And it wasn't directly kicked away, but was carried away by Huang Yuanxiu's body... …

Who is this guy?

Is this still a power that mortals can possess?

However, the initiator of all this dusted off his hands leisurely, as if he had just done an insignificant thing.

"In that case, then don't take the main entrance!" He said casually.

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