Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 684 Freedom and Proportion

"Elder Tan, what do you mean?"

Liu Jun couldn't help but screamed.

In fact, within the power structure of the Bixiao Palace, there are a total of twenty-seven branch palaces under the Weiyang Palace where the head master is seated. These branch palaces must obey the unified dispatch of the Biyunjian Tianshu Palace. .

Due to its huge strength, Chunyang Palace has gained a transcendent status, but at least in name, it still needs to obey the unified dispatch of Tianshu Palace.

Now Elder Tan of Chunyang Palace openly tore up the letter from Tianshu Palace in public. This can be said to be a sign of not giving him any face.

At this time, facing Liu Jun's questioning, Elder Tan just sneered: "Isn't it clear enough? You are not welcome here, get out of here!"

Liu Jun was stunned, and his face could not help but turn blue and white. Although he was just a deacon of Tianshu Palace and usually did some errands, in fact, his status was extremely respected. When had he ever been treated like this?

But it was the people from Chunyang Palace who caused him embarrassment. Even the real elders from Tianshu Palace were usually very wary of them. For a moment, he couldn't help but feel in a dilemma.

At this time, Lu Yu on the side suddenly spoke...

"So, I won't be able to see my friend today?"

Elder Tan glanced at him from the corner of his eye: "Don't you understand human language? What kind of friends do you still want to see? When will it be the turn of outsiders to dictate the affairs of our Chunyang Palace? Even if you have great reputation, you still have to Just wait for me and listen to our arrangements!"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "What if I have to see my friend today? Can Elder Tan help me think of a way?"

Elder Tan suddenly frowned: "Didn't I make it clear enough? I don't have any other options. Just go back and wait for the notice. Now I ask you to leave Chunyang Palace immediately!"

"What if I have to ask Elder Tan to come up with a solution for me today?" Lu Yu said again.

Elder Tan's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light: "You brat? What do you mean by this? Could it be that the people from the Dali Sword Sect still want to stir up trouble in our Chunyang Palace?"

"It doesn't mean anything, literally...Besides, it's not me who wants to cause trouble, it's you, Elder Tan, who started the trouble first!"

As soon as the words fell, Lu Yu's aura suddenly surged out, and the door of the side hall slammed shut tightly, as if he was about to close the door and beat the dog.

Elder Tan suddenly showed an incredible expression: "You brat? Are you serious? You actually want to threaten an elder of Chunyang Palace in Chunyang Palace? Are you tired of living?" As he said, he himself They couldn't help laughing.

Lu Yu smiled evilly: "Do you think I'm joking with you? If Elder Tan doesn't do anything today, I will come up with a solution, but you can see who is tired of living!"

After saying that, he raised his hand brazenly, and the power of the red lotus suddenly surged out.

Elder Tan snorted coldly, and then aroused the true energy in his body. He showed no mercy. He had already made up his mind to teach the disciple of Dali Sword Sect in front of him an unforgettable lesson.

"Master Lu..."

Liu Jun on the side was shocked. He did not expect that Lu Yu would suddenly take action. At this time, the two of them were facing each other head-on and could not stop him at all.

After the two people fight, no matter who is injured, the consequences will be difficult to end.

Liu Jun suddenly felt that his head was as big as a bucket. He looked at Yang Chudie beside him as if asking for help, but saw that she had picked up a cup of tea on the table and was sipping it slowly. It seemed that she didn't care about the battle in front of her at all. Looks like...

Liu Jun was immediately stunned. What on earth was going on?

You must know that Elder Tan is an elder of Chunyang Palace. Even if he is not a real person, he is still at the late stage of Guihai Realm. Even though Lu Yu has outstanding talent, he has just stepped into Guihai Realm. After all, the relationship between the two Her cultivation level is different by several realms. Isn't she not worried at all?

The doubts in his heart did not last long. The next scene soon made him feel like his eyes were about to fall out.

After a few rabbits and falcons, Elder Tan suddenly fell down and was severely trampled to the ground by Lu Yu.

Liu Jun's face was filled with disbelief.

The dignified elder of Chunyang Palace was actually defeated by a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect who had just stepped into the Guihai Realm?

Moreover, there was no competition between the two in terms of Taoism. It was just a confrontation of pure strength. Lu Yu was actually better?

How can this be!

Elder Tan himself was also in disbelief. When he was lying on the ground, he was completely confused.

Only Yang Chudie was not surprised by this.

When Lu Yu was still in the True Yuan Realm, he dared to directly challenge the elders of the peaks on Jade Butterfly Peak. Now that he had entered the Guihai Realm, how could he care about ordinary elders like Tan Zhenggang?

At this time, Lu Yu should say that he has no rivals below the Golden Core Realm. Perhaps Fang Haoran should give him the title of "No. 1 among real people", and it is not limited to the Great Li Sword Sect, but includes the eight majors. Sect included.

However, these words are not rigorous. Even Yang Chudie himself cannot see through people like Qin Yanzhen and Meng Ting. If they were to confront Lu Yu head-on, the outcome would be difficult to predict.

"It seems that the so-called Pure Yang Way is nothing more than this..."

Lu Yu stepped firmly on Elder Tan's chest and said with a sneer.

"Impossible... This is impossible... You are only at the early stage of Guihai Realm. How could you have such amazing power?" Elder Tan muttered to himself with dull eyes.

"nothing is impossible……"

Lu Yu chuckled and said: "When I entered Biyun Tianmen a few days ago, no one could have expected that I would be able to reach the top of Biyun, but in the end I succeeded... The same goes for you, Elder Tan, you I don’t think I can help me figure out a way to let me see my friends today, but you will still do it in the end!”

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Elder Tan snorted coldly, looking like he would rather die than surrender.

"Now that I'm in your hands, you can kill or chop me into pieces as you wish, but if you want me to succumb to your power, you'd better just dream!"

Lu Yu sneered and said: "Elder Tan is proud and proud, which is really admirable. If that's the case, then I will help you... Deacon Liu, please open the door!"

Liu Jun was startled: "Master Lu, what are you going to do? You must not be impulsive..."

Lu Yu said: "Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion, but if you don't help me open the door, then I will have to kill him with one sword, and then open the door myself..."

So Liu Jun had to go over and reopen the door of the side hall.

But as soon as he turned around, the scene in front of him almost made him faint from fright. He saw that Lu Yu had already raised the knife and cut off one of Elder Tan's thighs.

"Master Lu... what are you doing?" Liu Jun exclaimed.

Is this the so-called self-discipline? This should obviously be a matter of freedom and propriety, right?

Lu Yu said with an innocent face: "Isn't this what Elder Tan asked for? He said he wanted to kill or chop him up at will. Now I just follow his wishes and chop off one of his legs..."

Liu Jun was speechless for a moment.

Lu Yu suddenly threw the bloody thigh out of the door.

Suddenly, there were waves of exclamations outside the door, but Lu Yu didn't care and shouted loudly: "People outside, listen, if I don't see Ling Yufei, the true disciple of Bohai Palace, within a quarter of an hour, , throw it out and it will be your Elder Tan’s head!”

After saying that, he kicked Elder Tan away from the ground. At this time, Elder Tan had passed out and lay motionless on the ground like a dead dog.

Lu Yu, on the other hand, returned to his seat and drank tea leisurely, as if what happened just now had never happened at all.

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