Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 657: Taking the Head Start

So Lu Yu followed Yang Chudie's instructions and started refining the elixir with peace of mind, leaving all other worries to her to worry about.

Yang Chudie was already halfway to the level of a real person at this time, and she had just harvested the super powerful magical weapon called the Spring Conch, which was a great increase in strength. Coupled with her understanding of the eight major sects' operating styles, Lu Yu believed that she would definitely Coming up with a suitable strategy is far better than rushing to the door and making a big fuss...

Because of this, Yang Chudie specially opened up an independent area in the cave space as his exclusive alchemy place.

It has to be said that refining elixirs in this cave has a unique experience. At least the stability is unmatched by the previous refining on ships at sea. Moreover, Lu Yu can devote himself wholeheartedly to it without having to worry about anything happening. It disturbs oneself, so the refining effect is better.

It's a pity that the best batch of materials has been exhausted, and there is no way to refine the combination of Turtle Breath and Rising Dragon. Only the few unsatisfactory defective products in Ye Weilan's hand are left.

If he had known this earlier, he should have left the materials for the Shenglong Explosive Pill until now to refine it. But in this case, he might not be able to do anything about the Thunder Tribulation of the Spring Conch. Therefore, all Everything is already determined...

But even so, Lu Yu also had many other types of elixirs to choose from, so in just a few days, the New Universe Bag donated by the Long Family in his hand was already covered by the glow, and he had gained a lot.

Several days passed like this, and by the seventh day, Lu Yu had already consumed all the materials he could get his hands on. If he continued to refine it, it would just be a duplicate of lower-level elixirs. That’s all.

He estimated that the time was almost up, so he ended the retreat and walked out of his exclusive alchemy place.

What he didn't expect was that there was no one in the cave space. Yang Chudie and Ye Weilan were nowhere to be seen. Lu Yu's heart moved, so he chanted a spell and walked out of the cave space of the Spring Conch.

The scene in front of me changes rapidly...

Sure enough, two familiar figures appeared in front of him...

At this time, the Spring Conch has left the ocean area and is flying in the air among the mountains. Although the speed is far less than when it was in the ocean, it is also far from the ordinary light escape speed.

The two beauties were sitting side by side on the green conch body, seeming to be chatting closely. It looked like an extremely peaceful picture...

"Why did you come up here?"

Lu Yu carelessly sat down between the two of them, causing them to squeal for a while, but he didn't notice it at all. He looked at the mountains in front of him and asked, "Where are you?"

Yang Chudie looked at him directly and said nothing, but Ye Weilan couldn't bear to ignore him and replied in a low voice: "Sister Die said that we have arrived at Luotian World, and it won't be long before we have to leave him." Entering the sphere of influence of Bixiao Shrine..."

Sister Die...this is really intimate...

Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and asked with a smile: "I wonder what you were talking about with Sister Die just now?"

Ye Weilan suddenly blushed and stopped talking.

"Is that what you call me Sister Die? No matter how big or small!"

At this time, Yang Chudie on the side took over the conversation, gave him a sharp look, and said: "We were just talking about you. I wonder how your elixir is doing, and whether it is enough to be used as a betrothal gift." ?”

"bride price?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

The two beauties in front of him were completely integrated spiritually and fleshly with him. Anything he had on him could be shared with the two of them without any reservation. Why would he even talk about the betrothal gift without any reservation?

But since the aunt had already spoken, he still took out all the elixirs in the Qiankun bag and displayed them in front of the two of them.

Suddenly, a burst of rays of light appeared on the jasper conch body, becoming radiant and beautiful.

"It seems pretty good..."

Yang Chudie commented: "It is rare for you to be able to produce so many elixirs in just a few days. When you go to Bixiao Shrine to propose marriage, you can barely get it..."

"What? Propose marriage?"

Lu Yu was startled. Only then did he realize that maybe his understanding just now was slightly wrong...

Could it be that... Senior Sister asked me to make alchemy before, and the so-called alchemy is useful, does it mean that it is useful?

"Why such a big reaction?"

Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him angrily: "If you don't go out to propose marriage, how can you convince Bixiao Shrine to hand over a person who can't be beaten to us? Hongjian? This is the best solution I can think of..."


Lu Yu was speechless for a moment, but he felt that something was not quite right.

"Don't stay here, mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Even sister Lan'er didn't say anything. What else are you dissatisfied with..." Yang Chudie said dissatisfied.

"Besides, don't just think about good things. This is just a way to save people's rights. The ultimate goal is to take back the Feihong Sword. Everything else is just a cover... Or, you Is there something you can’t let go of in your heart?”

After being stabbed by her, Lu Yu felt better and smiled: "What can I not let go of? The two people I care about most in my life are already by my side. God has treated me well. What else can I ask for... The only thing I care about is your feelings. I don't want you to be unhappy because of this..." These words were said quite sincerely, and they were exactly what he said from the bottom of his heart. Ye Weilan didn't say anything, but looked at him silently, everything was unspoken. Yang Chudie's heart softened, and she said quietly: "Actually... I have told Sister Lan'er all your secrets. There are no more secrets between the three of us..."

"We all know that compared to what you are pursuing, there is still a long way to go in the future. There will inevitably be difficulties and hardships along the way. If you encounter dangers, you will naturally need more helpers to help you..."

"So, everything is based on the overall situation. Save the person first. If this Miss Ling is really good, it is also a good choice to recruit her to the Jade Butterfly Peak. In the future, the Jade Butterfly Peak will inevitably expand, but it is in urgent need of talents!"

These words, which seemed to be sincere, resonated strongly in Lu Yu's heart.

At this moment, he deeply realized what a soul mate is...

The so-called Taoist companion is not only about mutual achievement and mutual bondage in Taoism, but also mutual reliance and mutual sharpening in the depths of the soul.

What else can a man ask for with such a beautiful woman and a beautiful companion?

For a time, Lu Yu couldn't help but be full of excitement.

Finally, he said, "Where are we going now? Go directly to Chunyang Palace to ask for someone?"

"No, we go to Biyun Tianmen!" Yang Chudie replied.

Lu Yu was stunned. He knew this place...

When he was communicating with Ling Yufei in the fourth area of ​​the Tianyu battlefield, he had inquired about various information about Bixiao Palace in detail. He knew that this place was the top training place in the entire Bixiao Palace, and it was also the most revered sacred place in the entire Bixiao Palace...

"Where are we going to do what? According to your strategy, even if we can't go directly to Chunyang Palace, we should go to Bohai Palace to ask for marriage..." He said puzzledly.

"Do you think that you can just ask for marriage from the true disciples of Bixiao Palace with a gift?"

Yang Chudie glanced at him.

"Don't be too naive. First, you have to prove your strength and make a name for yourself..."

"Considering that Miss Ling has been imprisoned in Chunyang Palace, the situation is precarious. We must take the initiative. Therefore, it is best for you to break through the gate of heaven in one fell swoop and reach the top of Biyun!"

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