Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 65 Natural love

The man came forward and looked at the two people standing side by side, acting very intimately, and was obviously stunned for a moment.

But he was extremely well-controlled and quickly covered up the past without showing any strange emotions.

"Chu Die, what are you doing?"

"Enjoy the scenery of the spring."

Yang Chudie replied calmly.

"Senior Brother Zhang Ji, why are you here too?"

So this man is Zhang Ji?

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at him carefully.

Sure enough, he was born with a good skin, a jade tree facing the wind, and a heroic spirit. No wonder Huang Shuyun would deliberately target Yang Chudie for him.

Zhang Ji smiled, and the smile on his face made people feel like spring breeze.

"I came here specifically to find you. I have something to say to you."

"Then tell me."

Zhang Ji glanced at Lu Yu next to him.

"Can we...can we talk alone?"

Lu Yu understood immediately that he thought he was getting in the way here and was about to find a reason to avoid it.

Unexpectedly, Yang Chudie said without hesitation: "No need. Although he has just joined our Jade Butterfly Peak, he is a disciple that I trust very much. If you have anything to say, you can tell him directly. There is no need to avoid him."

"Oh well!"

Zhang Ji sighed, the smile on his face was full of helplessness.

"Chudie, I heard about what happened just now. I didn't expect that I just went to the back mountain to sit for a while, and you and Junior Sister Shu Yun had an unpleasant incident at the concierge. If I had been there at that time, I would never have allowed her to To say that to you..."

"This time I came to Tianquan Peak for the banquet. Mr. Huang Ge appointed me and Junior Sister Shu Yun to come together to give gifts. The birthday gift was actually given by Mr. Huang Ge, not me and her. As for the birthday gift, it was given to her. The Lingyuan Zhuyan Pill was also refined using the excess materials provided by Mr. Huang Ge. Many things are not as she said..."

"Junior sister Shu Yun is the daughter of the pavilion elder. She is blessed with many blessings. She has been arrogant and indulgent since she was a child. She has always behaved erratically. When I am in the Celestial Elephant Peak, I often cannot help myself..."

"Chudie, I hope you can understand my difficulties and stop being angry, okay?"

Zhang Ji's voice was low, his tone was sad, and he was full of sorrow.

Although there is not a single word that expresses one's feelings clearly in the whole article, the sincere affection in it is beyond words.

Lu Yu listened with goosebumps and felt extremely embarrassed.

"Are you done?" Yang Chudie asked.

"That's it."

"Then it's my turn to say, Brother Zhang Ji, you are completely over-worrying. I am not angry, and it is completely impossible for me to be angry because of these things."

Yang Chudie didn't make any pretense.

"In addition, I feel that Huang Shuyun has a lot of affection for you, and Mr. Huang Ge also has great expectations for you. If you two can become a Taoist couple, it will be a happy situation for everyone. I hope Senior Brother Zhang Ji will consider this more."

Zhang Ji's body was shaken and he was filled with sadness.

"Chu Die, are you still blaming me? You are still angry with me, right?"

"Don't you understand what I mean? Have you forgotten the time when we performed missions together, studied skills together, and joined forces to brave the fantasy world of the cave?"

"shut up!"

Yang Chudie's face was as cold as ice.

"Zhang Ji! You and I did have an intersection in the Tianxiang Peak, but I only focused on cultivation and had no other ideas. If this caused you to misunderstand, I can only apologize deeply."

"Now I am no longer a disciple of Tianxiang Peak, but a deacon of Jade Butterfly Peak. Everything in the past is in the past. I hope you can remember the difference in status between you and me at this time. Don't call me by my name when you see me in the future. Call me Deacon Yang!"

"No! No! This is impossible!"

Zhang Ji's face was full of pain.

"Chudie, you said this because you are still blaming me for not joining you in Jade Butterfly Peak, right? I have already explained this..."

"When Yudie was promoted to a real person, you had to follow her to open a dojo at Jade Butterfly Peak. If I also left, Elephant Peak would lose three combat powers that day, so Tianxiang Peak would not let me leave..."

Yang Chudie didn't want to listen anymore and said to Lu Yu, "Let's go" and left the place.

"Wait a moment!"

Zhang Ji stretched out his hand and blocked the two of them.

He smiled miserably, with a miserable look on his face.

"Chudie, you can be ruthless to me, but I will never be unjust to you. I have one more thing to tell you..."

"When I came to the banquet this time, I learned a secret. Tianquan Peak is planning to establish the Seven Peaks Alliance, intending to annex your Jade Butterfly Peak into it. At the birthday banquet in a while, this matter should be formally raised. You Be careful. ”

"Master Jade Butterfly has traveled overseas for many years. It is really hard for you to support yourself in Jade Butterfly Peak alone... If nothing can be done, you can come back to Tianxiang Peak. Tianxiang Peak will always welcome you! I will always welcome you." Welcome……"

Even though the body is covered with scars, the fire of love in the heart is still not extinguished.

Zhang Ji's infatuated and unrepentant look moved even Lu Yu who was standing beside him.

This Zhang Ji is simply a natural lover!

But for some reason, Lu Yu always had the feeling that he had exerted too much force.

"Thank you for letting me know, no trouble."

Yang Chudie still had no reaction and continued to walk forward.

"Wait a moment..."

Zhang Ji stretched out his hand again, blocking the way of the two of them.

Yang Chudie frowned: "What else do you want?"

"It's about your disciples..."

Zhang Ji looked at Lu Yu this time.

"Are you Lu Yu?"

Lu Yu was stunned. He didn't expect that Zhang Ji, who was far away in Tianxiang Peak, actually knew his name.

Is he so famous now?


"Since Chudie said that you are her trusted disciple, then I will remind you!"

"I don't know how you offended Baiyun Peak. I heard that they have prepared extremely powerful means to attack you at this birthday banquet. Although it is impossible to cause a death at the birthday banquet of a real person, they can destroy your cultivation. You must be careful!"

Lu Yu was stunned and nodded: "Thank you for the reminder."

"Can I leave now? Is there anything else to say?" Yang Chudie asked.

Zhang Ji shook his head and sighed helplessly: "Take care."

Yang Chudie left with Lu Yu without looking back.

Zhang Ji stood there, watching the two people walk away, looking very lonely and lonely.

Until the two figures completely disappeared, the expression on his face suddenly changed, the loneliness and solitude disappeared without a trace, replaced by a sinister and resentful look.

"Chu Die, what is the relationship between you two..."

Zhang Ji's eyes were gloomy and he murmured.

"If he was just an ordinary disciple, why would your purple gold bell be on him?"

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