Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 649 Urgent report from afar

The black turtle-shaped clouds floated over Yanjing City for three days and three nights and still did not dissipate. It became a thing that the entire Yanjing City talked about.

On the fourth day, the clouds suddenly shrank and melted into the alchemy room of Long Mansion, and then bursts of rays of light were reflected from the alchemy room, making the entire Rock Crystal City shine.

Then everyone knew that the elixir refined by Mr. Lu was complete.

Everyone couldn't help but be curious, and wanted to know what kind of elixir was refined, which had such a shocking effect. Unfortunately, Lu Yu arranged a formation around the elixir room, and they could not get close at all, so they could only look at it and sigh.

In the alchemy room, Lu Yu had handed a handful of green elixirs into Ye Weilan's hands. Without exception, these elixirs had the totem of the black turtle swimming in them, which was the Turtle Breath Meteor Spirit Pill.

"Why so many!" Ye Weilan couldn't help but exclaimed.

She clearly remembered that last time Lu Yu only made four pills in total, but this time he made six pills at once.

"Is it much?"

Lu Yu smiled: "If I told you that these pills have cost nearly two million spirit stones worth of materials, would you still think they are too much?"

Ye Weilan's pretty face suddenly fell. Thinking about it this way, these few pills were really not much at all. On the contrary, she felt that they were too little.

She held a few elixirs in her hands, feeling they were heavy, and carefully put them into the ring.

But Lu Yu actually just said this, but he was still very happy in his heart.

During this refining process, although several materials were replaced, the total amount of materials that could be consumed was not much different from the last time it was refining in Black Wind City, but the output was two times more. Pill, it seems that after the realm is improved, the power of red lotus will also significantly improve the effect of alchemy.

According to this calculation, when he refines the Shenglong Baoyuan Dan next, he will also achieve excellent results.

This is not just about saving a lot of money on materials. You must know that the materials for refining these two elixirs are very rare, and you may not be able to buy them even if you have money.

Originally, Lu Yu only planned to rest for half a day before continuing to refine the Shenglong Baoyuan Pill. Unexpectedly, half a day later, when he was about to open the pill furnace, Long Qingxuan came over.

As soon as they met, she saluted Lu Yu directly.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Lu. Qingxuan was able to escape from danger this time, and the Long family was able to bring order to the chaos in time. It is all thanks to the young master. The young master is so kind and benevolent that no one in the Long family can repay him!"

Lu Yu quickly helped her up and said with a smile: "When our Jade Butterfly Peak was still in poverty, it was the second young lady who insisted on cooperating with us despite all the opinions and greatly supported our development. I am impressed by the second young lady's skill and courage. I appreciate it very much. We are all friends, so don’t say such disrespectful words again!”

Long Qingxuan nodded seriously to Lu Yu: "From now on, no one or anything will be able to affect the friendship between the Haixi Long Family and Jade Butterfly Peak!"

After saying that, she turned to look at Ye Weilan aside, with curiosity in her eyes.

"I have an impression of you. When I was on Red Flame Island, I felt as if someone had spoken to me in a daze. At that time, I thought it was Mr. Lu, but after thinking about it, I didn't think it was the case... That person should be Is that you? I don’t know what to call the girl?”

Ye Weilan smiled and nodded: "My name is Ye Weilan, and I come from the demon spirit world. Miss Qingxuan is safe and sound now. It's a worry for us."

"It turns out to be Miss Weilan... Miss Weilan has superb skills and strong cultivation, which makes Qingxuan admire her. What's even more rare is that Miss Weilan is so beautiful and has unparalleled grace. She stands with Mr. Lu, but What a hero and beauty, a match made in heaven!”

At the end of the sentence, Long Qingxuan's eyes couldn't help but become narrowed.


Ye Weilan was caught off guard and let out a soft cry, her face turning red with embarrassment: "Miss misunderstood...the relationship between him and actually just a friend..."

With her look like this, anyone could tell that there was something between the two of them, it was totally worth three hundred taels of silver.

Long Qingxuan looked at her and said nothing, but just smiled.

Ye Weilan became more and more panicked and at a loss. At this moment, she didn't have half the majesty of the powerful Heavenly Demon.

Lu Yu felt quite helpless. Even though Ye Weilan usually had a fierce style and could be called the unparalleled number one assassin in the world, compared to the city and his skills, he was inferior to Long Qingxuan, who had been on his own since he was a child.

He coughed dryly, stepped forward and said, "Okay, the second young lady suddenly came here at this time. She probably didn't just want to test the relationship between us. What happened?"

Long Qingxuan's eyes lit up and he said with a smile: "Young Master is indeed very discerning, and nothing can be hidden from your eyes... Since Miss Weilan is one of our own, I will tell you straight away..."

As she spoke, she turned her palm over, took out a communication talisman, and displayed it in front of the two of them.

Lu Yu showed a puzzled look: "Is this a message from our Jade Butterfly Peak?"

Due to the cooperation between Yudie Peak and the Long Family, a special communication channel was established between the two places. Therefore, although the two places are thousands of miles apart, there is a stable communication channel.

The last time Lu Yu came here, he used the communication channel here to contact the Jade Butterfly Peak. However, he only reported that everyone was safe at that time in order to stabilize the morale of the army, and he also specially asked Qi Yun No need to reply.

But now he still replied to the letter. Could it be that something big happened on Jade Butterfly Peak?

At this time, facing Lu Yu's confused eyes, Long Qingxuan nodded and said: "I know that Mr. Lu is refining elixirs in seclusion and refuses to be disturbed by outsiders, but this message is marked with the word urgent, so I have to come. Report!”

Lu Yu was startled, and the doubts in his heart deepened. He stretched out his hand to take the communication talisman and asked, "Do you know what happened?"

Long Qingxuan shook his head and replied: "No one has read the content yet..."

So, Lu Yu unfolded the communication talisman on his own. Unexpectedly, there was not one but two contents inside, and a small piece of paper automatically fell out.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lu Yu caught it and unfolded it, only to see that there was only one sentence on it: Sister Fei is in trouble, please rescue her quickly, Ouyang Tingliu.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned, and several young and beautiful figures unexpectedly appeared in his mind.

In the past on the Tianyu battlefield, he was fortunate enough to get to know several disciples of the Bixiao Shrine. When they finally parted, he once gave his Feihong Sword to Ling Yufei, firstly because he wanted her to test the new saint of the Bixiao Shrine. Female Meng Ting's reaction was to collect information about Jiuyou Land for herself.

I didn’t expect that such a long time has passed, but now I suddenly got such a message...

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