Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 647 Arowana Black Tail

"As expected of a person whom Your Majesty values, he indeed possesses extraordinary power..."

Facing the strength displayed by Lu Yu, the dragons finally did not look down upon him, and one of the older dragons spoke.

"Mr. Lu, we are here this time on the orders of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor to invite you to join the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom... His Majesty said that it is thanks to your gift that she can be reborn. You are a person of real ability. , if we can join forces with her, our grand hegemony will be achieved in an instant, and our transformation into immortality will be just around the corner..."

"As long as you are willing, then you will be the Holy King of the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom. Your status is only under His Majesty. The Dragon Clan, including us, will also obey your orders..."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in Yanjing City behind him.

The Holy King of Wanlong Kingdom? Can you still command these giant dragons in front of you at once? This is really inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people... No, to be precise, it should be superior to dragons!

It seems that the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons still misses Mr. Lu's old feelings. In this way, Yanjing City will not only be spared from the disaster, but it may also be lifted...

Everyone in the Long family behind him really wished he could take Lu Yu's place and agree.

Unfortunately, Lu Yu seemed unmoved at all. Instead, he insisted on asking the previous question: "Why doesn't she come to see me in person?"

"Your Majesty is planning to enter the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave. He is currently dealing with some other very important matters and cannot be distracted for the time being... But she said that if Mr. Lu is willing, he can go see her at any time, and we will lead the way..." Then Tou Laolong replied.

"No need, we don't agree with each other!"

Lu Yu refused: "Since Liu Hongxu sent you here, she should know that I am not interested in your so-called grand ambitions and hegemony at all. As for the road to immortality, I have my own way to go!"

Behind them, everyone in the Long family at the top of Yanjing City suddenly became frightened again, thinking to themselves that this Mr. Lu is really, you just refuse others, why do you have to speak so ruthlessly...

However, this time these giant dragons did not get angry anymore. Instead, after looking at each other for a few times, the old dragon spoke again:

"Your Majesty did anticipate that the young master might refuse. She said that if the young master refuses to join, we will ask us to dedicate this thing to the young master..."

After saying that, the old dragon suddenly opened its claws, flicked it slightly, and suddenly a beam of light shot out, hovering exactly five feet in front of Lu Yu.

Lu Yu took a closer look and saw that it was a black thing that was several feet in diameter and looked like the tail of a fish.

Lu Yu was not sure what was going on, when suddenly the eight giant dragons on the opposite side chanted in a low voice at the same time, and rays of light shot out from the bodies of these giant dragons, all concentrated on the black fish tails.

Immediately, the black fish tail bloomed with golden lines, becoming mysterious and unpredictable, filled with a huge wave of spiritual energy. The golden lines extended along the shape of the fish tail, and actually appeared as a phantom of a giant dragon. stand up.

This is not a fish tail at all, but a dragon's tail!

Behind him, the people on top of Yanjing City had already exclaimed:

"This...could it be the legendary lost treasure of the Dragon God...Arowana Black Tail!"

"I didn't expect that this treasure actually existed..."

"The Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons is so amazing, she actually found this treasure!"

"These giant dragons, are they blessing this treasure?"

"I think these treasures had already expired when the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons found them, so it was necessary for these giant dragons to reactivate the sacrifice..."

"Tsk, tsk, eight giant dragons are using their divine power at the same time. This scene is really rare..."

"Only Mr. Lu has such a great reputation..."

After a while, the originally black fish tail had taken on a new look. The stripes on it were black and gold, and it was so radiant that it was extraordinary at first glance.

"This is the black tail of the dragon fish. It is the most precious treasure of our clan. After our sacrifice, it is equivalent to having the power of ten dragons. It can cross the ocean and soar into the sky. It is an extremely rare escape magic weapon... From now on, it belongs to you, Master..." Old Long said with a slightly tired voice.

"Escape magic weapon?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "What does this mean? Liu Hongxu can't win me over and doesn't want me to ruin her good deeds, so you gave me this thing so that I can get out of here as soon as possible, right?"

The old dragon lowered his head and said: "We dare not guess your Majesty's thoughts...but your Majesty did not let us restrict the whereabouts of the young master. After the young master accepts this thing, will he leave or stay, or where will he go? , we will not interfere..."

Lu Yu's expression softened slightly.

He looked at the black tail of the dragon fish in front of him, then at the eight behemoths in front of him, and finally turned back to look at the Rock Crystal City behind him.

Not to mention that there would be no benefit in completely falling out with these eight dragons now, just for the sake of the Long family behind him, he had to temporarily compromise...

Moreover, this treasure really made him very excited, because with this treasure, he could rush to the Jade Whirlpool Sea as quickly as possible...

"Forget it! In that case, I will accept this thing for the time being..." Lu Yu sneered, "But when you go back, you have to tell Liu Hongxu that this can only be regarded as a little interest. What she owes me, one day I will make it all repaid. !”

After receiving the dragon fish Black Tail, he was still so arrogant. The dragons suddenly became restless again. In the end, they did not flare up again under the suppression of the old dragon.

The old dragon stared at Lu Yu with his huge eyes and said, "Since you have accepted this thing, please allow me to say one more thing. This thing is a supreme divine thing. Unfortunately, our strength is limited. Although we have refined it, it only has the power of ten dragons..."

"But if you are willing to join the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom and accomplish great things with us, once the seal of the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave is lifted and more of our people are rescued, this thing may exert hundreds or thousands of times its power. You can use it to resist the thunder tribulation and soar into the sky!"

"Sir, why don't you think about it carefully?"

It turned out that the purpose of giving this treasure was Here...

The more dragons are sacrificed for this item, the more powerful it will be. In other words, only in the Wanlong Kingdom is it the most suitable place for it to be used...

Lu Yu couldn't help but chuckle: "You are really thoughtful and told me about this, but I have made up my mind. If you don't plan to continue to send it, you can take it back... At most, I will find Liu Hongxu to charge some extra interest!"

The old dragon hurriedly said: "My lord, you are too serious. How dare we take back the order on behalf of His Majesty? In this case, we will not disturb you too much, and we will take our leave!"

As he said that, his huge body coiled up and was about to take off.


Lu Yu shouted, and the old dragon suddenly stopped and turned around to look at him in confusion.

"The owner of this Yanjing City is my friend. If there is nothing special in the future, please don't come to disturb my friend!" Lu Yu said unceremoniously.

The old dragon looked at Lu Yu quietly, then bowed his head slightly: "As you wish, the Wanlong Kingdom will never disturb your friends easily!"

After saying that, the old dragon soared up and flew into the sky, never looking back.

The other dragons followed closely, and soon their bodies disappeared into the clouds.

Only when the last dragon left, it poked its head out from between the clouds, shook its head and sighed disdainfully: "Human, you don't know what you are rejecting..."

After saying that, it left without waiting for Lu Yu's response.

On the ground, only the completely stunned people of Yanjing City were left.

Lu Yu looked at the black tail of the dragon fish in front of him, sighed softly, and said to himself: "I'm afraid you don't know your situation!"

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