Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 641 The Final Steps

Facing Ye Weilan's clear eyes, Lu Yu could only smile bitterly in return.

"What's the use of talking about this now? This matter has already been done and irreversible... Even if the first plan is still useful, I don't have much time left. It is impossible for me to wait until I can practice the furnace cauldron. I’m done…”

"So, is it really useful?"

Not only was Ye Weilan not disappointed, she also showed an expression of surprise.

She bit her lower lip gently, and her pretty face suddenly turned red, as if it was on fire: "Perhaps, there is no need to wait any longer... Do you think I have developed what you call a mysterious body?"

As he spoke, the light and shadow on Ye Weilan's body surged rapidly, and there was a holy halo, from which came bursts of power that made Lu Yu feel palpitations.

"What are you..."

Lu Yu was so surprised that he couldn't speak. The appearance that Ye Weilan showed at this moment was exactly the furnace cauldron mysterious body he planned. He didn't expect that Liu Hongxu had not perfected it after practicing for so long, but now it appeared on Ye Weilan. Lan's body.

"How did you succeed?" Lu Yu said in disbelief.

Two red clouds flew up on Ye Weilan's face, and her eyes became extremely charming: "When you were teaching Liu Hongxu, I listened for a few words, but I don't know what happened, but I practiced it naturally... In fact, I have been I have doubts, it can’t be that simple, right? Is my practice wrong?”

"No, there is nothing wrong with your practice. This is exactly the effect I designed at the beginning... But how is this possible? Why did you practice so smoothly? It's not like 'if you want to refine your mysterious body, you must refine your mind'... …”

Halfway through his words, Lu Yu suddenly stopped abruptly.

In an instant, he suddenly understood that it was indeed true that "if you want to refine your mysterious body, you must refine your mind." The problem was that Ye Weilan had already completed this step, so naturally there were no other obstacles.

In other words, her heart has actually been tied to her...

Lu Yu stared at her blankly, speechless for a long time. The two of them had experienced life and death hardships, and they had already had a vague affection for each other, but such an unreserved confession still caught him off guard and made him feel My heart is heavy.

"Wei Lan..."

Lu Yu called her lowly, with a thousand words in his heart, all of which he couldn't say.

Ye Weilan's face became even more charming. She lowered her head and did not dare to raise her head to look into Lu Yu's eyes. She said softly: "I said, I can't let you die here... What should I do now? Please tell me quickly..."

Now, of course, it is time to complete the final step, make love between man and woman, and let the spirit and flesh fully intercourse...

However, Lu Yu didn't make any move. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that he couldn't... At this time, he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers, so how could he have the energy to complete this last step?

As a result, Lu Yu felt very embarrassed. He looked at Ye Weilan who was obviously open to everyone, but he couldn't do anything. It had to be said that this was a huge insult to his male dignity.

However, this kind of thing cannot be said directly, Lu Yu couldn't help but blushed.

After all, Ye Weilan was Hui Zhilan's heart. Finally, she saw Lu Yu's difficulty, bit her lip, and took the initiative to come closer with a red face.

Next, I don’t know what Ye Weilan did. Lu Yu only felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, and his desire was getting stronger and stronger. It seemed that the secret method of the Yehua clan really had its own uniqueness... In the end, he There was an inexplicable strength in his body, and he sat up straight from the ground, pressing Ye Weilan under him.

Lu Yu looked into her eyes, ready to go.

Ye Weilan looked up in embarrassment and turned her head to one side in vain.

"Lan'er..." He called out affectionately.

"Well..." Ye Weilan closed her eyes and responded softly through her nose.

it is more than words.

For a moment, a faint fragrance floated in the dark cave, and the room was filled with spring...

"Don't think too much...I just want to save your life. When this happens, you have to pretend that nothing happened...Do you understand?"

After the shower stopped for the first time, Ye Weilan put on her clothes and told Lu Yu.

Fortunately, her clothes were Lingyun Treasure Armor, otherwise she would not be able to withstand Lu Yu's ravages and would become a mess.

Lu Yu understood her intention at this time, and he already knew the taste. How could he easily grant her wish? So she raised her hand and immediately knocked out the Lingyun Treasure Armor that she was wearing halfway through.

"What are you doing!"

Ye Weilan suddenly screamed, then was stunned again, staring at Lu Yu's shining hand: "Is the curse on you lifted?"

Lu Yu slowly came forward, raised her chin with his index finger, and said, "It's not completely broken yet, but at least it's enough for me to take the initiative..."

"You want to come again?"

Ye Weilan was startled and her face flushed: "You...didn't you hear what I just said to you?"

"I heard it, but didn't you say you'd like to stay here? It's not over yet, so naturally we have to continue... This is what you said yourself!"

"You... a scoundrel!" Ye Weilan twisted her body slightly and cursed in a low voice.

Lu Yu suddenly looked straight into her eyes: "I can't give you any guarantees, and I don't know what our future will be like, but at least for this moment, let's not think about anything else and focus on feeling that this only belongs to us. A peaceful world for two people, okay?”

Ye Weilan's body trembled slightly, and she no longer had the strength to resist Lu Yu's invasion. She slowly lowered her head and said softly: "At least, you should rest first. I heard that if this kind of thing is too intensive, it will be very harmful to the body. …”

Lu Yu smiled: "That's just Zheng. For others, you have developed a mysterious body that is exclusive to me. Not only will it not hurt your body, it will also be of great benefit to me... Besides, I don't even think about it for a moment." Wait!”

After saying that, Lu Yu roared and blew the horn of attack again...

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