Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 636 I just can’t do it

Lu Yu and Liu Hongxu returned to Chiyan Island.

At this time, although the outside world had gradually stabilized, the internal turmoil had not subsided. The island was still full of dangers, and one could be doomed if one was not careful.

However, Lu Yu had the protection of a Jindan realm expert like Liu Hongxu, so naturally everything was no problem. The two of them had no danger along the way, and soon they went deep into a cave under the volcano.

This cave was naturally the core of the formation that imprisoned Long Qingxuan.

"I didn't expect that after such a violent shock just now, it seemed that nothing had happened here..."

Liu Hongxu looked at the cave rock walls around him that were intact, and said in surprise.

"That's natural!"

Lu Yu responded: "Because to some extent, this is equivalent to the heart of the Dragon God. Even if the entire Chiyan Island is completely destroyed, this place should be able to hold on until the last moment before it is damaged..."

"The heart of the Dragon God?" Liu Hongxu was shocked.

So, Lu Yu explained to her the special features of the entire Chiyan Island. This time, he suddenly broke his usual habit and not only explained it in great detail, but also repeatedly asked her if she understood it and whether she could understand it, as if he was afraid that she would not understand it...

Liu Hongxu was shocked and felt a little strange. She asked back: "Master, why do you have to explain it to me in such detail? Frankly speaking, the things you said are indeed a little difficult for me to understand... It may take some time to slowly digest..."

"Then you'd better hurry up and digest it..." Lu Yu smiled and said, "How can I not explain it more clearly? Because when we break the curse on me, we will most likely borrow the power of this place, so I must explain these details to you in advance, so as not to make mistakes in a hurry..."

Liu Hongxu was slightly startled, and a strange emotion floated in her heart.

According to Lu Yu's original statement, she had to give up her body to complete the breaking of the curse. She was a little embarrassed at first, but now seeing Lu Yu's appearance, it seems that he has changed his plan again, and she can't help but worry about gains and losses.

Deep in her heart, there seemed to be a voice telling her that if she wanted to get the same treatment as Miss Genweier and touch the mysterious power that ordinary people could not reach, the best way was to have a complete fusion of soul and body with the other party. Even if she could not become the other party's Taoist partner, just being a furnace that could be beaten by anyone would be a good thing... It's a pity that fate played tricks on people. At present, it seems that there is no hope for this matter. I don't know what Lu Yu's so-called new plan is, and whether she will still have the opportunity to touch those mysterious powers in the end... The two walked and talked all the way, and it took about a quarter of an hour to reach the center of the cave. Lu Yu finally saw the real flesh and blood Long Qingxuan, no longer just existing in a virtual illusion. At this time, Ye Weilan had already arrived here first, guarding beside Long Qingxuan, trying to cut off the shackles and fetters of the formation on Long Qingxuan in order to rescue her. "You finally arrived!" Ye Weilan raised her head with great joy, staring at Lu Yu intently: "I didn't expect your plan to work. All the dragons were scared away at once, not a single one was left!" When she said this, her tone revealed a full sense of accomplishment. Although the whole plan was thought up by Lu Yu, it was implemented by her. Following Lu Yu's guidance, she injected the power with the Demon God's mark into the formation core of the Dragon God statue, successfully scaring away all the dragons... Although the whole process was not complicated, she experienced several ups and downs in her heart. Therefore, not only did Lu Yu's plan work, but it was also a verification of her personal ability. "Are you okay?" Lu Yu asked with concern. Ye Weilan shook her head and said, "Although I did receive the backlash of the Dragon God statue when I injected the power of the demon god into the formation core of the Dragon God statue, I took the healing pills in advance as you ordered, so there is no big problem..."

"On the contrary, the movement just now caused a great impact on this Miss Long Er, making her physical condition even worse... Sister Hongxu, come and help me, let's work together to rescue her from these formations!"

At this time, Lu Yu stepped aside very tactfully and gave the place to Ye Weilan and Liu Hongxu to play.

The power of these two people joining hands is naturally extraordinary. They quickly suppressed the surrounding formation light and shadow and successfully rescued her.

"What should we do now?" Ye Weilan asked.

When she said this, she and Liu Hongxu looked at Lu Yu at the same time.

"Ahem! Then... let me check her and see how her physical condition is..." Lu Yu coughed dryly, rolled up his sleeves and walked up.

Ye Weilan and Liu Hongxu blushed at the same time, and both of them couldn't help but think of the experience of being examined by Lu Yu.

To be honest, Lu Yu felt a little embarrassed at first to attack another beauty in front of two beauties, but once he really got into the mood, all the unrealistic and charming ideas were thrown behind him.

Soon, Lu Yu finished checking Long Qingxuan, raised his head and said to the two of them: "Her condition at this time is similar to Hongxu's before, but the degree of damage was much more serious than Hongxu's at that time. I have a way to save her life, but...I'm afraid it will be difficult to wake up for a while..."

"Ah? What should we do?" Ye Weilan couldn't help but have a look of disappointment on her face, "So, we still have no way of knowing the specific whereabouts of Miss Yang?"

Lu Yu pondered for a moment and suddenly said: "Perhaps, I have a way to find out!"

After saying that, he suddenly picked up Long Qingxuan who was on the ground and pressed his forehead against hers. There were two colorful horns lying between them.

Seeing this scene, Liu Hongxu's heart beat suddenly, and he felt a sense of sadness for no reason.

Why... he can communicate with anyone, but I can't?

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