Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 63 Let me copy it

Haoyuan Fairy Beauty Pill?

What the hell is this?

I’ve never even heard of this name!

Huang Shuyun immediately burst into laughter.

"Is this your Jade Butterfly Peak's gift?"

"Just use a piece of paper to draw a talisman, and you can be a better treasure than my Lingyuan Zhuyan Pill?"

"Yang Chudie, your disciple is so talented! This is really a mistake!"

Others around him also laughed.

"Just write down a recipe and it will be comparable to an eighth-grade elixir. This joke is a bit too much..."

"Young people are just too impetuous. They admit it honestly without preparing a gift. Why bother trying to make a fool of yourself like this?"

"This disciple still has a good heart. In order to maintain the majesty of Jade Butterfly Peak, this method is not advisable!"

"Actually, no matter whether the courtesy is light or heavy, it is all a matter of sincerity. It is wrong for Deacon Huang to use moral hijacking and forced comparison, but it is even more wrong to resort to fraud like this..."

Everyone was talking about it, and they didn't believe that Lu Yu's improvised prescription would have any value.

Only Yang Chudie knew that Lu Yu was definitely not such a superficial person.

In fact, in the process of treating her injuries, Lu Yu had made up novel elixir recipes many times and gave them to Fang Qian to refine. The results proved that those elixir recipes were not randomly made up, but were all real and effective.

Therefore, even though she could not understand the prescription written by Lu Yu, she still chose to believe in Lu Yu.

"This pill recipe is our Jade Butterfly Peak's gift!"

Yang Chudie said affirmatively to the disciples of Tianquan Peak.

"As for its value, why not find someone knowledgeable to appreciate it?"

As soon as this statement came out, the surrounding discussion became even louder.

"What does Yang Chudie mean? Is Yudie Peak really giving this thing as a gift?"

"The little one is ignorant, so the big one will follow suit!"

"This time Jade Butterfly Peak is so embarrassed!"

"After today, Jade Butterfly Peak will probably become the laughing stock of the entire Dali Sword Sect!"

Huang Shuyun clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Since you still don't give up, then send this piece of waste paper to the elders inside for evaluation. Let's see how long you can keep up your face!"

After saying that, she began to urge the disciples of Tianquan Peak to send the prescription to the elders in the venue, and her attitude was even more eager than that of Lu Yu and Yang Chudie.

"How about you let me take a look?"

At this time, an old voice sounded, but it was an elder from Tianquan Peak who came out.

"Elder Lu Yongzhen is here!"

"Elder Lu Yongzhen has excellent medical skills and is well versed in pharmacology. He can definitely tell the authenticity of this prescription!"

"Lu Yongzhen is the medical officer who is attending the Presbytery and has a high prestige. It is most appropriate for him to expose the tricks of this Jade Butterfly Peak disciple!"

The person who came was Lu Yongzhen, the elder of Tianquan Peak.

As an elder, he has a distinguished status. Originally, he did not need to handle matters here.

But after he heard that the new disciple from Jade Butterfly Peak was present, he couldn't help but be curious and rushed over on his own initiative.

The restrictions on Zhao Zhuo and others have not been released yet, which gives him a headache, so he really wants to see what kind of person the disciple who imposed the restrictions is.

While everyone was still discussing, Lu Yongzhen had already walked to the field.

After taking a deep look at Lu Yu, he took the prescription from the disciple in charge of registration and looked at it seriously.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him, watching his every move.

At first, people thought that Lu Yongzhen would soon see through the fraud of the Jade Butterfly Peak disciples, and throw the prescription back to the Jade Butterfly Peak disciples.

However, no.

Lu Yongzhen stared at the prescription for a long time and never made a sound.

Gradually, people discovered that something seemed wrong...

Lu Yongzhen held the prescription in his hand, sometimes frowning and sometimes relaxing, as if he was completely immersed in Dan Fang's reasoning.

how so?

Shouldn’t the authenticity of this prescription be obvious at a glance?

How do you make it seem like there is some truth in it that is worth savoring?

Could it be...that this is really a valuable prescription?

Even Huang Shuyun couldn't help but be frightened by Lu Yongzhen's reaction.

"Elder Lu, what is this prescription like?"

Only then did Lu Yongzhen come back to his senses.

He put down the prescription, but ignored Huang Shuyun and looked straight at Lu Yu.

"Did you write this prescription?"

Lu Yu calmly replied: "I wrote it correctly, but I was just a ghostwriter. This is a gift from our Jade Butterfly Peak."

Lu Yongzhen looked at Lu Yu and didn't speak for a long time.

Huang Shuyun on the side could not help but ask: "Elder Lu, is this prescription true or false?"

"Whether it's true or not, I can't say..."

Lu Yongzhen smiled.

"After all, this is a prescription that has not been verified in practice. How can we say whether it is true or false?"

"However, in terms of medicinal properties and pharmacology, the various medicinal materials in this prescription complement each other and bring out the best in each other. The ingenious combination and perfect efficacy are the only ones I have seen in my life."

"I want to believe it's true."

The whole audience was stunned.

Although Lu Yongzhen did not clearly say whether it was true or false, his evaluation was higher than directly admitting that it was true.

Huang Shuyun was stunned.

She couldn't believe that that boy could get such a high praise from Elder Lu after writing a few words casually.

Or is it that Elder Lu is so dim-sighted that he has lost his sight?

"Go and invite Elder Feng from Baoding Peak and let him see this recipe too!"

Lu Yongzhen ordered to the Tianquan Peak disciples.

His instruction was exactly what Huang Shuyun wanted.

Baoding Peak is the peak with the most prosperous alchemy attainments in the entire Dali Sword Sect, and Elder Feng is the leader among them. It is not an exaggeration to call him the great master of alchemy.

Elder Feng was also an elixir fanatic. When he heard that a novel elixir recipe had come out, he immediately rushed over and arrived at the scene soon.

"Elder Feng, please take a look at this recipe."

Lu Yongzhen handed the prescription to Elder Feng.

Elder Feng took the prescription and took a quick look at it, when he suddenly felt a huge shock all over his body.

He suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Yongzhen in shock.

"Elder Lu, this prescription is a birthday gift from Master Cangsong? Can you lend it to me to copy it? We at Baoding Peak are willing to give you three ninth-grade elixirs as a reward!"

Everyone around was shocked by Elder Feng’s words!

Three ninth-grade elixirs!

It was just in exchange for a copy!

This recipe is so valuable!

Those who had ridiculed and ridiculed Jade Butterfly Peak before all regretted it.

If I had known that it would be better to take a few more glances at that prescription just now, why would I want to make fun of others!

If you could write down the contents on the prescription, wouldn't it be equivalent to making three ninth-grade elixirs in vain?

Huang Shuyun's mouth was full of bitterness.

Originally, her eighth-grade Lingyuan Zhuyan Pill was already extremely good and stole the show among a group of guests, but now Elder Feng is willing to pay three ninth-grade pills just to copy this recipe. So what about this? The value of Fang Zi itself is not only one and a half grades higher than her Lingyuan Zhuyan Pill?

Even Lu Yongzhen was shocked by Elder Feng's words.

"Is this recipe so valuable?"

Elder Feng held the prescription in his hand and said with great joy: "You treat diseases all day long, so you don't know the value of this prescription. But I deal with the alchemy furnace every day, so I know its benefits best."

"This Haoyuan Immortal Beauty Pill, from the material ratio, should have the same effect as the Lingyuan Beauty Pill, but its material ratio is more reasonable than the Lingyuan Beauty Pill, and its effect is also more powerful. ”

"From my many years of experience in alchemy, if you refine the elixir according to this recipe, both the probability of the elixir and the quality of the elixir will be higher than that of Lingyuan Zhuyan Dan. Who can come up with this elixir?" , What a genius!”

"I don't care. Anyway, you have to let me copy this recipe. If you don't agree, I will tell Master Cangsong personally!"

Seeing Elder Feng holding the prescription to his chest like a treasure, Lu Yongzhen couldn't help crying or laughing.

He turned to look at Lu Yu and Yang Chudie, and said solemnly: "I didn't expect that Jade Butterfly Peak would bring such a generous gift. On behalf of the First Master, I would like to thank Guifeng for this generous gift!"

After a pause, he turned around and looked at the guests with eager eyes.

"How can Tianquan Peak dare to keep such an exquisite elixir recipe to itself? I will boldly make a decision for the first master. This recipe will be donated to the Tibetan Scripture Building. All disciples of the Dali Sword Sect who meet the corresponding conditions can go to the Tibetan Scripture Library. Check it out in Jinglou! ”

There was joy all around.

People praised Tianquan Peak for its high moral integrity and elegant demeanor, and they also praised Jade Butterfly Peak unanimously.

Amidst the bustle of people, Lu Yu did not forget Huang Shuyun beside him.

"Deacon Huang, we at Jade Butterfly Peak are not disrespecting the real person now, are we?"


Huang Shuyun's face was twisted and extremely ugly. He snorted heavily and left without saying a word.

Lu Yu kindly reminded: "Deacon Huang, where are you going? Didn't you send your gift? Do you want to be disrespectful to the real person?"

Huang Shuyun stiffened.

Her shoulders couldn't help but tremble, and she struggled internally for a while before holding back her anger and walking back.


The Lingyuan Zhuyan Pill was slapped heavily on the table of the registration office.

Huang Shuyun didn't even look back, covered his face and ran away.

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