Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 622 Gold Water Swallows the Sky

The wind and rain are dark and the waves are dangerous.

A small boat shuttled through the raging waves. If it had been driven by an ordinary person, it would have capsized and been completely swallowed by the sea. But the boat was being driven by Lu Yu and others, so naturally such a situation would not happen.

The three of them drove in the turbulent waves for several hours. Under such violent turbulence, the boat's various auxiliary formations had long since failed. They relied entirely on Liu Hongxu's power to maintain high-speed sailing. momentum.

Judging from the distance traveled, this place should be close to the center of the Endless Cape. The surrounding storm has become obviously more dangerous, but there is still no discovery.

"Do you want to continue moving forward?" Liu Hongxu suddenly asked, "It looks like it will get dark soon..."

The sea surface in the storm was so dark that it was impossible to distinguish the color of the sky. However, according to the time, it should be almost sunset. Once the sky was completely dark, even with Liu Hongxu's ability, night sailing would be a very difficult task. Something sinister.

What's more, in such a strange sea area, you might encounter other threats...


But Lu Yu didn't intend to give up and answered in a very firm voice.

"If it gets completely dark, we'll just spend the night wandering on the sea like this."

Liu Hongxu nodded without saying a word, and continued to control the surrounding wind and current, driving the boat forward.

"Perhaps Miss Yang was just delayed by something on the road and hasn't arrived yet..."

Ye Weilan looked at Lu Yu and comforted softly, but even she felt that her statement was very unconvincing...

You must know that Yang Chudie's strength is not comparable to theirs. When she was in Dakong Mountain, she had already stepped into the realm of a half-real person, and she also had the laws of heaven and earth as the foundation. How fast is her light escape speed?

It had been half a year since the original separation. With her foot strength, if she still hadn't reached this point, it would only be a sign of danger...

"Whether it was a delay or something else, we will know after we search this place... I think that since she asked us to come here, no matter what the situation is, she will leave us clues. Prompted.”

Lu Yu's eyes were so dark that it was impossible to guess his true inner thoughts...

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but have a strange light flash in his eyes as he listened to the exchange between the two.

Miss Yang... I don't know what the relationship is between her and the man next to her, and what kind of bond there is between them...

Could it be... that it was because of this person that he rejected his own initiative?

"what is that?"

Suddenly, Lu Yu shouted loudly. He held the shade with one hand and pointed towards a raging wave on the left with the other hand.

"Does it look like...a trace of the formation?"

The two of them followed his gesture and saw a sea of ​​waves arising and dying. When the waves surged there, they always formed a fixed pattern, like a dragon but not a dragon, like a snake but not a snake. Because it lasted for a short time, , if you don’t look carefully, you won’t notice it at all, but once you stop looking at it, you will find that this pattern is endless and keeps emerging. It looks really weird.

Liu Hongxu immediately changed direction and drove towards that place.

Soon, they came to the front of the strange wave. In addition to feeling the strangeness of the tide more clearly, they also clearly sensed a strange wave of spiritual energy.

"This is indeed a sign of formation feedback."

Liu Hongxu came to the conclusion: "I have never seen such formation feedback. It seems that someone has arranged a very amazing formation here... Is this Miss Yang's technique?"

"I don't know either……"

Lu Yu shook his head: "I have never seen her setting up formations in the water... However, she has endless ways to think of it. It is not completely impossible that such formations were made by her..."

Although he was not sure, Ye Weilan and Liu Hongxu could clearly feel that his voice became excited, indicating that he was still very optimistic about the signs before him.

Liu Hongxu hesitated for a moment: "Then do we want to go deeper from here? If this is not the handiwork of Miss Yang, but someone else, we may encounter huge risks..."

"Get in!"

Lu Yu did not hesitate and said categorically: "No matter what kind of danger lies ahead, we must figure it out today!"

So, the boat resolutely broke into this unknown formation.

Suddenly, the surrounding waves were like long snakes, raising their heads angrily and sweeping towards the three people, and the hull began to shake violently.

"Miss Wei'er, please help me..."

Even with Liu Hongxu's ability, it was difficult to cope with the sudden increase in resistance, and she had to ask for help. After all, although her body had been recuperated, the blood that had been deprived could not be restored out of thin air. In terms of strength alone, At this time, it is only less than 30% of the original amount.

Ye Weilan had already consciously stood on the bow of the boat at this time. Before Liu Hongxu could finish her words, she punched out suddenly, and a strong wind swept back her, and a looming shadow of a ghostly phoenix appeared on her body. Shadow, the overwhelming serpentine waves around him suddenly shattered.

Liu Hongxu stood at the back and couldn't help but feel shaken.

Having lost her strength, she is now extremely sensitive to powerful forces. Even in her heyday, Ye Weilan's strength could not be said to be able to win without the help of the golden elixir rules. This is really very difficult. It is unimaginable that such a powerful force could appear in a person who has not yet entered the Golden Core Realm...

I'm afraid this cannot be explained by the power of blood, because she herself originally possessed extremely outstanding power of blood...

All of this must be inextricably related to the man next to him. Otherwise, how could someone as outstanding as Miss Wei'er be willing to lie beside him?

Liu Hongxu's eyes were wandering, Lu Yu's figure was reflected in his pupils, and he couldn't help but feel a little crazy for a moment...

However, the power of this formation obviously cannot be suppressed by this alone. After Ye Weilan's counterattack, the surrounding waves became more turbulent. Countless snake-shaped waves emerged again, and some even opened directly. It opened its huge mouth and evolved into ferocious fangs.

This scene looks like purgatory, full of ghosts and extremely terrifying.

"Give me the sword!" Lu Yu said suddenly.

The sword he refers to naturally refers to the Butterfly Shuangfei in the storage ring. Although he cannot use his true energy at this time and cannot drive this magical weapon at all, this is a mysterious weapon after all, but it can automatically protect Lord's.

The reason why Lu Yu asked Ye Weilan to take out Die Shuangfei was, firstly, because he felt that the surrounding situation was in danger, and secondly, because this sword had a deep bond with Yang Chudie. If this formation was really related to her, If relevant, then once the appearance of Die Shuangfei is noticed, perhaps the surrounding offensive will calm down.

So Ye Weilan took advantage of the lull in the offensive to hurriedly take out Die Shuangfei and handed it to Lu Yu's hands.

Suddenly, a powerful force swept across the scene.

Liu Hongxu's eyes suddenly lit up and he said in surprise: "This is... the Xuanling Divine Weapon?"

The Wangyou Kingdom is weak, and even though she is a strong person in the Golden Core Realm, she has never mastered such a powerful weapon. She didn't expect that Lu Yu would have such a treasure in his hands, which made her feel more and more like the man next to her was really hiding something.

With the appearance of Butterfly Shuangfei, the surrounding sea level reacted, and all the waves calmed down instantly.

The three of them suddenly felt happy.

Lu Yu suppressed his inner excitement and was about to raise his voice to ask.

At this moment, a powerful voice suddenly sounded.

"Who dares to break into my territory?"

The sound was like a rolling thunder, causing the surrounding seawater to violently vibrate again, fully demonstrating the extremely powerful power of the person who spoke.

Lu Yu and others had no time to be surprised when they suddenly felt a huge force coming from under their feet, and then they were thrown into the sky together with a boat.

Looking around, countless water columns rose from the sea like fountains. It was the spurts of these tides that lifted them into the sky. The waves of water shot out. Liu Hongxu and Ye Weilan could only connect. With both hands, they steer the boat to maintain balance on the water, just like dancing on a fountain.

The water lasted for a while, then gradually subsided, and a huge creature slowly emerged from the water.

The three of them were surprised to find out that the spurting of the fountain was just the momentum caused by the giant thing in the water displacing the water.

Just displacing the water has caused such a strong pressure, so how powerful must this behemoth really be?

In mid-air, Ye Weilan suddenly felt her heart tremble. She couldn't help but think of what Lu Yu said before... Could it be that there really is a dragon here?

The behemoth's body was gradually revealed. Ye Weilan was slightly relieved that this thing was not a dragon, but it was not much better.

I saw that this was a giant monster that looked like a giant turtle. In addition to its extremely huge size, the most eye-catching thing was that its turtle shell was densely covered with countless holes, and each hole was accompanied by a huge... The golden python looks ferocious and shocking.

"What kind of monster is this?" Ye Weilan said with numbness.

When she encountered the Nine-Headed Mirage Dragon before, she thought it was already the most ferocious monster in the world. Unexpectedly, the monster in front of her was even more hideous and disgusting than the Nine-Headed Mirage Dragon!

Lu Yu and Liu Hongxu didn't speak. The appearance of this monster was obviously beyond their understanding.

The monster's head poked out of the water, and its cold eyes watched the three people in the air warily. Until it saw the butterflies flying in Lu Yu's hand, its eyes visibly froze.

"Are you from the Dali Sword Sect?"

Lu Yu was originally feeling discouraged, but after hearing the monster's words, he suddenly became energetic and felt as if a fire had been ignited in his heart.

"Who are you? How do you know my identity?"

However, the monster looked up to the sky and laughed wildly:

"Jie Jie Jie, it seems that that person did not lie to me, Lao Jin. As expected, someone from the Dali Sword Sect will come to the door. It is not in vain that I spent eight hundred golden snakes to set up this golden snake swallowing the sky formation... That's terrible It is my Lao Jin’s eight hundred years of cultivation. I hope you can give me a good meal to make up for these losses of my Lao Jin!”

Lu Yu frowned. This was obviously not the answer he expected, but it couldn't be a misunderstanding. Otherwise, the other party would never be able to clearly point out his identity as a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect.

"Who told you that someone from the Dali Sword Sect would come?" he asked in a deep voice.


The monster laughed wildly.

"When you go to hell, you will naturally know!"

Instantly, the monster's body shook violently, and thousands of golden snakes on its carapace opened its bloody mouth at the same time.

The surrounding seawater was instantly sucked up, turning into long snakes that twisted up into the sky, completely blocking the airspace above the heads of the three people like chains. It seemed as if even the sky no longer existed, leaving only a streak. A ferocious and wildly surging snake-shaped water force.

This Golden Water Swallowing Heaven Formation really deserves its reputation!

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