Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 614 The city lord is crazy

"What did you say?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at Lan Tianzhu maliciously.

Lan Tianzhu suddenly woke up and said quickly: "Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue... Don't blame me, sir, I made a mistake. It should be the Red Moon God Sect..."

Lu Yu snorted as if he was dissatisfied: "Now City Lord Lan should understand, right? What do we rely on? At the same time, it should also be clear why I need to use Queen Wangyou? No matter how bad her physical condition is at this time, , under the nourishment of the blood moon eclipse, she can naturally be restored to her original state!"

"Lan has always admired the magical abilities of the Scarlet Moon God Sect, and he doesn't dare to have any bad suspicions, but..."

As Lan Tianzhu spoke, he suddenly glanced at Lu Yu and Ye Weilan hesitantly.

"I wonder what positions the two of you hold in the cult?"

"What? You still want to find out my background?" Lu Yu said contemptuously.

Lan Tianzhu said uneasily: "Master, please forgive me, I have to give an explanation to the big customer about this matter..."

"City Master Lan is worrying too much. I will of course pay a visit to the big patron behind you in person. Since he has the ability to overthrow the Kingdom of Wangyou, he also put Queen Wangyou up for auction. Such a behavior will definitely lead to problems with me. We have many common languages, maybe we can still find opportunities for cooperation..."

Lu Yu suddenly smiled strangely.

"As for Lord Lan, you don't have to know my specific identity. As long as you are willing to keep this Blood Moon Eclipse, then everyone will be one of your own from now on, and naturally you can say anything!"

Lan Tianzhu was immediately frightened out of his wits.

Preserving the Blood Moon Eclipse means that he will become a demon son of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect. From then on, the entire Hailan City will become a vassal of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, not to mention that Hailan City will completely lose its independence. This puts himself in a dangerous situation. Once the news is leaked, at least the eight major sects will definitely not let Hailan City go...

In addition, the other party's words also revealed another piece of news...

After all, Mr. Ye can grant the Blood Moon Eclipse at will. Doesn't this mean that he is the Demon Lord?

This news is really exciting!

Lord Red Moon's identity has always been a mystery. Except for the core subordinates of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, no outsiders have ever seen his true form. Unexpectedly, he would appear in front of him now.

This Young Master Ye’s true identity is Lord Chiyue. No wonder his behavior is so mysterious and strange...

Lan Tianzhu kept thinking about it, and the more he thought about it, the more clues he found. Only in this way can all the doubts have reasonable explanations.

"No, it's not necessary... I'm just asking casually. If it's not convenient for you, sir, I won't ask..." Lan Tianzhu said with sweat on his forehead.

"What? City Lord Lan still thinks I'm trying to harm you? Do you know how magical this Blood Moon Eclipse is? Once you master it, your cultivation will improve by leaps and bounds!"

Lu Yu had a mocking look on his face.

"Do you know that this Blood Moon Eclipse can only be divided into one group every three months? Originally, I thought that your Aquamarine City was quite strong, and I wanted to divide it into one with you. But in this case, I would have to wait another three months before I can do it again. I treated Queen Wangyou... I didn’t expect you to refuse, that’s your loss!”

Hearing Lu Yu say this, Lan Tianzhu's doubts suddenly disappeared, and there was no longer any doubt.

"Thanks to Young Master's love, Lan is ashamed... Lan knows that he has a dull talent and has not been able to break through the Golden Core Realm after practicing for hundreds of years. Now he is even more old. How dare he waste Young Master's Blood Moon Eclipse again? Young Master Let’s leave it to someone more useful! We in Hailan City are willing to be Young Master’s friends forever!”

The next thing became very simple. Lan Tianzhu responded to Lu Yu's conditions and did not dare to make any objections. He even dared not mention the 20 million spirit stones that Lu Yu had promised. .

After all, the person standing in front of him is the most vicious devil in the world. If he disagrees, the other party may forcefully turn him into a devil. In that case, the result will be the same in the end...

In the end, it was Lu Yu who took the initiative to mention the 20 million and expressed his willingness to pay. After all, if Hailan City is willing to cooperate obediently, there must be some sweetness. If he just threatens, even if Lan Tianzhu is not suspicious,

"I don't have 20 million in cash now, but I have something on hand that can probably be worth the price..."

Then, at Lu Yu's signal, Ye Weilan took out five huge black and shiny crystal stones from the storage ring.

"This is...the original crystal core?" Lan Tianzhu said in surprise.

Lu Yu smiled and said: "As expected of City Lord Hailan, he is indeed a discerning person! With City Lord Lan's ability, as long as it is operated, this thing should be worth more than 20 million, right?"

Five original crystal cores are worth 20 million spiritual stones. This estimate far exceeds the original estimate of Shengyun Mountain.

But this is not Shengyun Mountain. This is the overseas world. It is even more difficult to obtain the original crystal core. It is a scarce resource that they cannot reach at all.

Even Shengyun Mountain will not actually put the original crystal cores delivered by Lu Yu up for auction. Most of them are kept for their own use or given to regular customers with whom they have cooperative relationships. Occasionally, they only take out one or two, and only It's just a gimmick to create buzz.

"As expected of Chi...Young Master Ye, he actually has such scarce resources in his hands! Lan must operate well and do his best!" Lan Tianzhu said with excitement.

It wasn't until the sky turned completely dark that the conversation between the two parties on the top floor of the VIP club finally ended.

Lan Tianzhu walked out of the living room, feeling a gust of night wind blowing, and felt a chill on his body. Only then did he realize that his clothes were soaked with sweat.

It has to be said that this negotiation was the most thrilling negotiation he had ever experienced in his life. Although Mr. Ye did not release any pressure during the whole process, the mental pressure was always with him. .

This also fully illustrates from the side how unfathomable this Young Master Ye is...

"Lord City Lord..."

After watching Lu Yu and Ye Weilan walk back to their rooms, Kawasaki and several other directors immediately came over to greet them.

"How was the discussion? Who is this person from? Is he willing to pay?" Everyone asked with concern.

"He did not pay the 86 million. He was only willing to provide a batch of materials for us to operate on our own and use them to offset the amount..." Lan Tianzhu said.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned: "What kind of material is it? Is it very valuable? Worth 86 million?"

"If it works properly, it should be worth twenty million!" Lan Tianzhu said matter-of-factly.


Everyone was immediately shocked.

"Only 20 million?"

"And you want us to operate on our own?"

"Is this guy here sincerely looking for trouble?"

"What is his background..."

"It doesn't matter what his background is! I think this kid just doesn't understand the world and dares to make fun of our Hailan City!"

"Why did the Lord City Lord let this man go back to his room just now? I will order someone to arrest him right now! Show him some color!"

Lan Tianzhu added: "Although he only took out something worth 20 million, he was willing to announce to the public that the amount he paid was 86 million spirit stones, and he was willing to cooperate with our publicity and ensure that our Hailan City The limelight of this auction can overshadow that of Shengyun Mountain..."

"This is absolutely impossible!"

"This guy is simply whimsical!"

"What's the use of having the limelight overshadowing Shengyun Mountain? This is just a false reputation, but the spiritual stones obtained are more affordable!"

"Eighty-six million...I had already expected that this guy wouldn't be able to come up with so much money, but I didn't expect that he would discount it so much!"

"Where does this guy come from? Why don't we just detain him and let his family use the money to redeem him... Even if we can't raise 86 million, we have to let him take off his skin! Otherwise, Does he think this limelight is so easy to gain?"

Everyone was talking and angry.

Lan Tianzhu said lightly at this time: "Actually, I have already promised him."


Everyone was caught off guard and had no idea that Lan Tianzhu would agree to such a ridiculous request.

"Lord City Lord..."

Lan Tianzhu didn't wait for anyone to ask questions again, and took the initiative to take out the five original crystal cores and display them in his hand.

"This...could it be...the legendary original crystal core!"

When everyone first saw the original crystal core, it was exactly the same as his previous behavior in the living room, and everyone looked extremely surprised.

"These are the things Mr. Ye took out to pay off the debt..."

Lan Tianzhu did not explain too much, and said directly: "Regarding this matter, the details are not allowed to be disclosed to outsiders. Everyone must have a unified voice and say that he paid the money truthfully... The rest, you guys You don’t need to worry too much..."


Kawasaki couldn't help but raised his doubts: "We can say nothing, but how should we explain it to the major customers?"

"With the big customer, Mr. Ye will go over to negotiate in person... Therefore, our only task now is to seize the time to prepare a ship for him, make full preparations, and send him to the land west of the sea for an interview. Let them discuss the big customer in detail in person!" Lan Tianzhu said.

Everyone was stunned.

What's happening here?

Not only could such a large sum of money not be recovered, but the identity of the major patron was revealed, allowing Lu Yu to take the initiative to find him, and even prepare a ship for him...

Could it be that this city lord is crazy?

Or did he drink some of the other party's magical soup?

Otherwise, how could you agree to such a weird condition from the other party...

"City Lord, who is this person's true identity..."

Kawasaki hesitated and asked cautiously.

If this is not a problem with the city lord's mind, then there can only be a problem with the other party's identity...

Unexpectedly, City Lord Blue’s eyes immediately became serious, and his eyes were full of warning:

"Don't ask if you shouldn't! All you need to know is that this person is someone we absolutely cannot afford to offend! Everyone should do their own thing, and it is only right to send this person away as soon as possible!"

Everyone couldn't help but look shocked.

I really don’t know what happened on the top floor just now, but the Lord of the City reacted like this...

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