Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 604 Nightless Sea City

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan were inside the shark's belly and swimming rapidly.

When night falls every day, the two of them will come out of the fish's belly, sit on the shark's head and watch the stars at night to determine whether their current position has deviated from the course.

After about ten days of this, the two of them had traveled all the way through the Whirlpool Sea, spanning tens of thousands of miles of sea, and arrived at the Gale Strait area.

Up to this point, more than half of the voyage has been completed. As long as you pass through the Gale Strait, enter the Sea of ​​Silence, and then cross the waters of the Sea of ​​Silence, you can reach the land west of Haixi.

Originally, the two planned to continue moving forward in this way, but unexpectedly they encountered huge resistance after arriving at the Gale Strait. The tiger shark was suddenly involved in a restraining circle.

At first, Lu Yu thought he had met a practitioner who hunted fish, and secretly thought that the other party used formations to hunt sharks. This was too extravagant... Then when he rescued the tiger shark, he realized that this should be a nearby bay. The city's defense mechanism.

As an important hub connecting the Sea of ​​Silence and the Sea of ​​Whirlpool, the Storm Strait has extremely prosperous trade. All passing ships will choose to dock here. In order to protect the safety of the entire bay area and avoid being attacked and intruded by monsters in the sea, Therefore, the managers of the bay city set up defensive formations everywhere in the sea.

This is the only way to pass through the Sea of ​​Silence. If you don't pass through here, not only will you have to make a long detour, but the journey will also be full of dangers.

Therefore, although the customs fees in this bay area are not cheap, there is still a constant flow of ships.

"So, we can only abandon Xiao Hei and pass through this bay area alone?" Ye Weilan said.

After freeing the tiger shark from the restraining circle, the two sat on the shark's head and looked at a lighthouse in the distance in the dark night.

After more than ten days of getting along day and night, she gradually established a relationship with the shark, so she gave it the name Xiao Hei.

"It seems that this is the only way!" Lu Yu said, "After we cross the stormy strait, we will find another way to catch a big fish. Otherwise, the goal of passing through like this will be too big and we will not be caught by the people on the other side of the bay. Discovery is impossible…”

When Ye Weilan heard this, his expression hesitated for a moment, and he said hesitantly:

"If possible... we'd better not use this method again! This move is really against Tianhe. You see, Xiao Hei has obviously lost weight over the past few days..."

Lu Yu smiled: "Why, it has lost weight. It is obviously stronger and stronger. At this time, it is many times stronger than before!"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but glared at him: "That won't work either. You see, Xiao Hei was driven so far by me and none of his family and friends could find him. I wonder how anxious he would be... "

"Anyway, we have already crossed such a long distance. The pursuers behind us would never have imagined that we are already here. Why not think of other ways to get to Haixi!"

Lu Yuxin said that sharks are egg-laying species, and the bond with their mother is completely severed from the moment they are born. How can there be any family ties at all? Besides, it’s not like she’s never seen the scene of a group of sharks competing for food. If they are provoked, these sharks will even eat their own kind. How can they distinguish between family members and friends...

But he wisely didn't say anything. He didn't expect Ye Weilan to have such a sentimental side, but when he thought about it, he was relieved. If she hadn't been so kind, how could she be so compassionate to her own people?

So, the two men released the tiger shark.

Unexpectedly, after these two people's training these days, the tiger shark actually opened up some spiritual intelligence, and became somewhat reluctant to leave it. It kept surrounding the two of them and refused to leave for a long time.

In the end, it was only after Lu Yu's continuous urging that he reluctantly left and swam completely into the vast deep sea.

Ye Weilan carried Lu Yu on his back again, turned around and walked towards the direction of the lighthouse.

"What kind of place will be ahead?" Ye Weilan couldn't help but asked curiously.

"According to the map, there is a city called Hailan City in front of this. The entire Gale Strait is under the control of Hailan City..." Lu Yu replied.

"I have only heard of this place's name before. I only know that the trade here is very developed, but I don't know much about other aspects..."

"However, judging from the defensive formations arranged in the sea, it is obvious that their strength is not weak, and they are definitely not easy to mess with. I am afraid it is another Shengyun Mountain in this overseas world!"

Ye Weilan turned her head slightly, glanced at him, and said, "Can you stop thinking about causing trouble? And where is Shengyun Mountain?"

Lu Yu said: "It's not that I want to cause trouble, but sometimes trouble just likes to come to me... Shengyun Mountain is the top shopping mall in the entire cultivation world, and many top treasures will appear there. The ones in the ring Have you seen that piece of magic weapons and butterflies flying together? I bought it there not long ago..."

Ye Weilan's eyes suddenly lit up: "So, wouldn't there be a lot of treasures bought and sold here?"

Lu Yu nodded: "Yes... maybe the quality and grade are not as high as those of Shengyun Mountain, but there will indeed be many treasures here. After all, this is an important hub connecting the two sea areas!"

"When the time comes, we can select some protective clothing for you here. Don't worry, it will definitely be better than your original python leather armor!"

Until this moment, Ye Weilan was still wearing Lu Yu's scholar's uniform. It looked quite nice when worn like this, but it would look a little strange. Lu Yu thought it would be best to find a piece of clothing here that has the ability to change. I will turn it into a maid's outfit and hire a big ship to go to sea. That will be perfect...

Unknowingly, the two of them had arrived under the lighthouse.

As we walked around the island where the lighthouse stood, our eyes suddenly opened up. Within less than twenty miles ahead, a brilliant light suddenly appeared, fully demonstrating the prosperity of this bay city.

"Ah! This place... is so beautiful!"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but marvel. She had been dormant in the demon spirit world. Although the number of demon spirits there was large, the level of development was not high. In many places, they even maintained the habit of eating hair and drinking blood. Therefore, they did not There is no real prosperous city-state.

Even Lu Yu had seen such a prosperous city for the first time. It seemed like a city that never sleeps. In terms of the brightness of the lights at night, even Qianwu City, the original capital of the Great Wu Dynasty, was inferior to it.

"It seems that people here are all night owls..." Lu Yu said with emotion.

Originally, he was worried that it was too late, all the shops in the city were closed, and he was worried about how to survive until dawn, but now he no longer had such worries.

In order to avoid shocking the world, Ye Weilan did not use the movement technique of walking on the snow without a trace, but just touched the water and flew at a normal speed. It didn't take long to cross the distance of about twenty miles on the sea, and landed steadily on this On the city's harbor.

The surrounding crowd was obviously not surprised by such a scene and did not attract too much attention. However, when they saw Ye Weilan's beautiful face, the surrounding crowd couldn't help but exclaim in amazement.

The guards at the harbor briefly questioned the two people, registered their names, and then let them go. Before leaving, one of the guards suddenly said "Happy New Year" to the two.

Lu Yu suddenly realized that no wonder the lights here were brightly lit, it turned out to be to celebrate the New Year!

Before I knew it, a year had passed!

For a moment, he was filled with emotions. At this time last year, he was still preparing a huge plan on Jade Butterfly Peak and dealing with various creditors who came to ask for debts. He never expected that he would be in such a place now. In an overseas city, I spent the New Year with a demon woman who was a complete stranger.

Thinking back on this, the lights in front of me suddenly became a little different. It was no longer just noisy and prosperous, but also had a sense of nostalgia and nostalgia.

I don’t know where Master Sister is at this moment. Are there bright lights around her?

"It's so lively here! It turns out that this is what a human city looks like..."

The two walked to the streets of the city, and Ye Weilan sighed softly.

She has always been very novel, her eyes are always bright, and she is constantly looking at the traffic and all kinds of new things around her.

Lu Yuxin said that this is not a real human city, because the residents in the city are not just humans.

Through observations along the way, it can even be said that this place is a "mixed mix", but perhaps it is precisely because of this "big mix" that this bay city has great vitality.

"Where exactly are we going?"

After walking aimlessly, Ye Weilan suddenly turned around and asked Lu Yu.

Lu Yu shrugged and said, "How do I know? Aren't you the one who has been leading the way? I thought you knew where to go?"

Ye Weilan's pretty face turned slightly red, showing a bit of embarrassment. She was indeed a little carried away along the way.

Only then did Lu Yu laugh and said, "We don't have any purpose tonight. Let's just go wherever we go! As long as we are happy!"

Ye Weilan suddenly opened his face, looked back and smiled.

During this period of time, the two of them have been struggling on the edge of life and death, exhausted from running for their lives. They have indeed been suppressed for too long, and the road ahead will not be easy, and even the final outcome will be uncertain. The unknown.

It was rare to have such a good opportunity now, so Lu Yu also planned to put down his burdens temporarily and relax completely for a night.

The two of them walked for a while, and suddenly a tangy fragrance came, which made people's index fingers tickle.

"What is this? It smells so good!" Ye Weilan said.

Lu Yu looked to the side and saw that the source of the fragrance was a tall building, with three strong and strong characters on the plaque - Zuixian Tower.

It turned out to be a restaurant.

Suddenly, Lu Yu couldn't help but become interested. After all, he had been eating dry food for so long along the way, and he was really greedy.

"Let's go! Let me show you the real delicacies of the world!"

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