Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 59 Dragon Slaying and Enlightenment

Yang Chudie's internal injuries were old and very complicated.

Lu Yu could not completely improve it with the power of red lotus alone. He had to combine it with various rare medicinal materials to achieve a certain effect.

Fortunately, Yang Chudie's identity is extraordinary. In addition to being a deacon of the Dali Sword Sect, she is also the biological sister of Master Yudie, so many resources can be mobilized.

For some elixirs that cannot be dispatched and need to be prepared temporarily, Lu Yu can directly prescribe the prescriptions and leave them to Fang Gan to complete, and everything works together smoothly.

After more than ten days of treatment using the power of red lotus and medicinal herbs, Yang Chudie's injuries finally improved somewhat.

Lu Yu was not satisfied with the progress. Unexpectedly, Yang Chudie was already very happy.

"My old injuries have been getting worse in recent years. I even spend at least a month every year deliberately suppressing the injuries in order to prevent others from seeing the flaws and maintain the glorious image of Uncle Yang of Jade Butterfly Peak..."

"There are so many real masters who have nothing to do about this, but I didn't expect that it would finally turn around in your hands. I'm very glad that Li Wangji confiscated you and let you come to Jade Butterfly Peak. You should have been sent to us Jade Butterfly by God." Feng’s lucky star is right!”

Lu Yu didn't expect that she would think so highly of him.

He couldn't help but curiously asked: "Did Master Aunt seek help from other real people? I heard that the real person in charge, Li Wangji, mastered the Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique, one of the thirty-six magical techniques. It has miraculous healing effects and is extremely mysterious. Is it possible that even he can't do anything about Master's injury?"

"You know a lot of things. I didn't expect you have even heard of Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique!" Yang Chudie smiled.

In fact, Lu Yu not only heard about it, he even experienced it himself...

"Do you know what Zhou Guang is?"

Yang Chudie continued.

"Zhouguang refers to time. Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique is indeed a supreme magic, but its essence is to accelerate the passage of time, so that the human body can experience the passage of sufficient time in an instant, and the injuries on the body will naturally follow. Healed automatically."

"Of course, the part it can accelerate is not the entire body, but only the water in the body. That's why it is called Zhouguang Water Dividing Jue, not Zhouguang Jue... Otherwise, this true tactic would not be the first healing technique. Wonderful method, but the most wonderful way to kill people!”

"However, although this method is very mysterious, some injuries will not heal automatically with the passage of time... Therefore, although I have not asked Li Wangji for help, I also know his Zhouguang Water Dividing Technique. It’s useless to me.”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled.

It will not heal automatically with the passage of time...

What kind of injury is this?

"Senior Sister, can you tell me how you got this injury?"

Perhaps because Lu Yu already knew the secret about her, Yang Chudie didn't have the airs of a master uncle in front of Lu Yu.

After more than ten days of contact, the relationship between the two had become much closer, so Lu Yu asked directly.

Yang Chudie said lightly: "This is actually not a secret. It doesn't hurt to tell you. Back then, I traveled overseas with Yudie and encountered an evil dragon in the Endless Cape. It hurt me like this. It was that An evil dragon."

Lu Yu was startled again.

Over the past few days, he has heard a little bit about the deeds of Yang Yudie, the first real person in Jade Butterfly Peak. He knew that it was when she was traveling overseas that she slayed a dragon and became a real person.

"Could this evil dragon be the one that made the first real person to slay a dragon and attain enlightenment?"


Yang Chudie nodded, with a look of reminiscence in his eyes.

"The inner elixir of that evil dragon back then has already taken shape. His territory is all within the thousands of miles of sea. He is very powerful. Yudie and I fought fiercely with it for three days and three nights before we narrowly defeated it with one move and decided the winner."

"It was during this battle that Jade Die understood the enlightenment of the Taoist Heart and established the Golden Elixir Taoist Fruit. However, my luck was much worse. Not only did I not have any understanding, but I was swept across the back by the evil dragon's claws. , the root cause of the disease has fallen, and it has not been cured until now, and the golden elixir path is far away. "

Lu Yu responded in shock.

Unexpectedly, she was also involved in the dragon-slaying battle that year.

The evil dragon formed by the inner elixir has the power to fight. You can imagine how profound and vast her cultivation was back then!

It's a pity that fate played a trick on people. In that battle, Zhenren Yudie fought to become a god, but she didn't have the same luck, leaving only scars...

Looking at her stunningly beautiful profile, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel swayed in his heart and sigh as he recalled the scene where she and Yudie Zhenren fought side by side and fought the dragon together on the magnificent sea.

Combining the context of the whole incident, Lu Yu finally had a clear judgment on her injury.

It turns out that the injury on her body was caused by the curse of the evil dragon. No wonder the injury is so strange. After so many years, not only has it not healed, but it has become worse...

"Can you let me see with my own eyes the scars on your body?" Lu Yu suddenly asked.

He made this request without intending to take advantage of Yang Chudie. It was entirely driven by the strong urge from the medical stars in his body.

After all, injuries caused by the dragon's cursed power are really rare.

Yang Chudie was stunned for a moment.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked straight at Lu Yu for several breaths.

Then, without saying a word, she turned around, facing away from Lu Yu, and slowly unbuttoned her clothes.

Clothes slipped off.

The curves are elegant and charming.

Among the delicate white snow, there are several scars like cracks in tortoise shells distributed among them, which look shocking and hideous.

The scars have long since healed, but this is just a superficial phenomenon. In fact, the power of the curse has already invaded her body, causing her permanent and indelible damage.

"excuse me."

Lu Yu said softly, reaching out his hand to gently touch her back.

It's smooth to begin with.

Lu Yu thought he could maintain the calm attitude of a doctor, but his heart still jumped twice for no reason.

This woman is so beautiful.

Moreover, she has been cultivating on Jade Butterfly Peak for many years. She is powerful and has a noble status. I am afraid that no one has done such a thing to her in this life.

The combination of various factors inevitably caused a trace of nostalgia in Lu Yu's heart.

But soon this trace of nostalgia disappeared.

As he continued to touch the scars, the medical stars on the star map in his body shone brightly.

The entire medical constellation is undergoing strange changes.

It seems that as his understanding of the curse power in Yang Chudie's body gradually deepened, the contents of the Lotus Medical Sutra were also revised.

Lu Yu was surprised.

The Medical Scripture Stars will automatically make adjustments and corrections as the complexity of the symptoms increases!

This is really amazing!

He looked at the revised contents and was extremely surprised.

That's exactly how to cure this injury once and for all.

At this moment, Lu Yu had every reason to believe that there would be no difficult or complicated diseases in this world that could stump this star transformed from the Lotus Medicine Sutra!

"Have you seen enough?"

A long time passed, and Lu Yu kept stroking her back, but never made a sound. Yang Chudie finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked.

Lu Yu finally came to his senses and quickly retracted his hand.


Yang Chudie put on her clothes again without saying a word and turned around calmly.

On the surface, everything seems to be business as usual.

Only the slightly red ears quietly revealed that her heart was not as peaceful as it seemed.

"I think I have a way to completely cure your injury."

Lu Yu said calmly.

Yang Chudie's body swayed slightly and her eyes widened: "Really?"

Lu Yu nodded, then frowned: "I just need some medicinal materials...Nine Yang True Water, I don't know where to get it?"

"Nine Yang True Water?"

Yang Chudie had an incredible expression on her face.

"Are you sure you want Nine Yang True Water?"

Lu Yu was stunned: "Did you happen to have one?"

Yang Chudie shook her head, but laughed first.

"I don't have it, but... I know where it is!"

She waved slightly, and suddenly a red post floated up automatically without wind on the nearby table and flew into her hand.

"Originally, I didn't plan to attend this banquet, but now it seems that I have to go!"

She smiled and handed the red post to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu took it casually and took a look.

It turned out to be an invitation to the 300th birthday party of Yuan Jiansong, the first real person in Tianquan Peak.

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