Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 44 The Weakest Inner Disciple in History

There are many peaks in Dali Jianzong.

Every mountain peak is a place where spiritual veins gather, and is controlled by a real person.

Only cultivators who have reached the golden elixir realm and have formed the original golden elixir in their bodies can be called real people.

After becoming a real person, you can apply to the Elders Council to obtain the qualifications to establish a foothold in Kaifeng.

The Dali Sword Sect has been passed down to this day, and after generations of changes, there are only more than sixty existing peaks.

Among these more than 60 peaks, Yudie Peak is one of the latest to open its peak. Master Yudie also only established the original golden elixir in recent decades.

Therefore, the location of Jade Butterfly Peak was chosen by others, and the spiritual energy contained in it was much smaller than that of other peaks.

In addition, soon after Master Jade Butterfly opened the peak, he traveled overseas and did not return for decades, which caused the number of disciples on Jade Butterfly Peak to wither.

So far, there are only more than two hundred disciples left on the peak, which is nothing compared to other large peaks with thousands or even tens of thousands of people.

In such a mountain peak, it is a rare thing for a new person to join, so before Lu Yuren came to Jade Butterfly Peak, the news about him was already spreading.

"Have you heard? We have a new member coming to Jade Butterfly Peak soon!"

"Who can't think so? The first real person has been gone for so many years, why would anyone still want to come to Jade Butterfly Peak?"

"Hehe, he didn't come here voluntarily, but was kicked here."

"Oh, I know how many of those who came to Jade Butterfly Peak came voluntarily? Everyone has their own sutras that are difficult to recite!"

"Do you know who kicked this person here this time? I'll scare you to death if I tell you. It's the real person in charge!"

"Ah! How can the master care about such a trivial matter? What is going on?"

"It is said that this person has a relationship with Fang Haoran. He was originally going to be taken to Wangyue Peak. However, this person has extremely bad character. He offended Baiyunfeng with his wanton behavior and seemed to have destroyed some treasures of the secular dynasty... Baiyunfeng and Secular The relationship between the dynasty and the dynasty was very good, so they went to the Presbytery to file a complaint and demanded compensation from Wangyue Peak. Seeing such a situation, the leader did not dare to ask for it, so he kicked us directly..."

"Then this person is really a disaster..."

"Who says it's not the case? It is said that Fang Haoran was severely reprimanded by the master because of this matter!"

"Then now that this person has arrived at our place, Baiyun Peak will not come to our Jade Butterfly Peak to ask for compensation, right?"

"Don't worry about this. We at Jade Butterfly Peak are poor and destitute. If Baiyun Peak comes to us to demand compensation, isn't this a clear sign of bullying? A drop of spittle could drown them..."

Amidst the attention, Lu Yu arrived at Jade Butterfly Peak.

There was already a senior brother responsible for welcoming him waiting for him.

Lu Yu handed over the invitation letter and waist tag that Fang Haoran had prepared for him, and handed them over to his senior brother for verification.

The senior brother first read the invitation letter, glanced at it hurriedly, and said nothing. When he saw the badge, his eyes widened.

"Inner disciple?"

Lu Yu's waist badge is the standard for inner disciples, which means that as soon as he enters the academy, he becomes an inner disciple without any assessment.

Compared to outer disciples, inner sect disciples receive much higher monthly benefits, and the techniques they can learn are also more advanced.

In addition, there is a more direct benefit, that is, you are freed from the chores assigned by the sect, and you can concentrate on your cultivation.

Perhaps it was for this reason that Fang Haoran directly gave him the status of an inner disciple.

Senior Brother Hui Ying's eyes flickered between the waist card and Lu Yu, and he asked suspiciously: "Senior Brother Lu, what is your cultivation level?"

"What did you call me?"

Lu Yu had a question mark on his forehead.

"Senior Brother Lu..."

Senior Brother Jie Ying looked a little embarrassed.

"This sect has always emphasized the distinction between superiority and inferiority. Although I am a few years older than you, I am still only an outer disciple, but you are an inner disciple. It is right to call you senior brother..."

"Oh I got it……"

Lu Yu nodded, his expression a little embarrassed.

I didn’t expect that in such a short time, I would become a younger brother...

"I wonder what your senior brother's cultivation level is?" the lead disciple asked again.

"Seventh level of physical realm." Lu Yu had a harmless expression on his face.

He almost spurted out a mouthful of blood when he led the disciples.

The seventh level of the physical realm?

Inner disciple?

Did you hear that right?

A person who has not even reached the True Yuan realm can actually become an inner disciple!

He has reached the ninth level of the physical realm, but he is still an outer disciple!

This world is so irrational!

It seems that this person really has a deep relationship with Fang Haoran. Otherwise, why would he be treated so favorably?

The leading disciple was depressed for a long time, and finally regained his composure and sighed helplessly.

"Senior Brother Lu, this inner disciple, is probably the most promising one in the history of our Dali Sword Sect..."

The most potential?

Lu Yu heard it. Wasn't this a euphemistic way of saying that he was the weakest inner disciple in history?

This dear fellow is really quite capable in his speech.

"What is your name?"

"I am Zhang Rucheng."

"Junior brother Zhang is an interesting person."

"Don't dare to take it seriously..."

Zhang Rucheng brought Lu Yu to the entrance of a hall on the peak.

"Although the first real person is not on the peak, once you enter the gate of Jade Butterfly Peak, you still have to kneel down and worship as a rule. There is a statue of the first real person enshrined in the temple here, so go in and bow down!"

"Am I going in alone?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

This temple is empty, not even a witness. Isn't this too casual?

No one knows whether he bowed after entering or not...

"The first real person's magical power to penetrate the mysteries. All thoughts are responded to. After you enter, be sure to pray sincerely! I will go and apply for disciple clothing for my senior brother."

Zhang Rucheng finished speaking hastily and hurriedly walked towards a building on the left, leaving Lu Yu alone at the door.

What the hell?

It's just a matter of getting clothes, is there any need to be in such a hurry?

Lu Yu shook his head and strolled into the hall.

Although Master Jade Butterfly has not returned for decades, these disciples on Jade Butterfly Peak are still quite devout, and the entire hall is kept spotless.

In the middle of the hall, stands a refined white jade statue.

Seeing this statue, Lu Yu couldn't help but froze.

Master Yudie was a woman, he had already thought of this.

But what he didn't expect was that this woman was so beautiful.

Facing this statue, there was only one word in his mind - fairy!

"First Master, is this your true appearance?"

Lu Yu walked up to the statue and observed it carefully, his eyes almost touching the statue.

"Or are your disciples and grandchildren deliberately beautifying you into this in order to flatter you?"


Lu Yu responded with a burst of energy.

Fortunately, Lu Yu's spiritual sense was much sharper than that of ordinary people. He turned his head to avoid it a moment in advance, otherwise he would have been slapped firmly in the face by this energy.


That energy hit the stone pillar next to Lu Yu, leaving a clear palm print.

Lu Yu was shocked.

So awesome?

Could it be that this real person, Jade Die, is really a god?

Soon, Lu Yu discovered the clues.

It turns out that there are many tiny details in this hall that are very similar to the previous thatched hut. It seems that there should be extremely profound formation restrictions in place here.

Lu Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

I thought I had really met a god, but it turned out that it was just a wonderful formation.

No wonder Zhang Rucheng was so fussy just now that he didn't dare to follow in. He must have suffered from this formation.

"Forget it, although you can't teach me anything, I will continue to practice in the dojo you created and enjoy the resources you left behind, so I will kowtow to you!"

"I hope you will stay beautiful forever and come back safely as soon as possible!"

After saying that, Lu Yu knelt down and kowtowed three times in a row.

This time, the formation's offensive was finally not triggered again.

When he walked out of the hall again, Zhang Rucheng had already taken his clothes and was waiting at the door.

Seeing Lu Yu come out like a normal person, Zhang Rucheng couldn't help but look surprised.

People who walked into this hall for the first time were either scared to death or beaten all over their bodies. Zhang Rucheng had never seen anyone like Lu Yu who was fine at all.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you...are you okay?"

Lu Yu spread his hands: "Should I be in trouble?"

Zhang Rucheng shook his head quickly and handed the disciple uniform to Lu Yu.

"Let's go, I'll take senior brother to see where he lives now."

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