Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 4: The Galaxy Reverses

After a group of people dragged Lu Xing's body out of the yard.

Lu Yu looked at the Feihong Sword in his hand and was stunned again.

Seeing him like this, Xiaozhu couldn't help but feel worried again.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Oh it's all right."

"Master... didn't you say that your Qihai has been destroyed? But Xiaozhu feels that you are more powerful than before. You can even use the Feihong Sword left by the master... What's going on?"

Lu Yu responded in silence.

It was obviously impossible to tell her what happened in the sword room just now.

So Lu Yu changed the topic.

"Where's the fourth uncle?"

The fourth uncle's name is Lu Yuanshan. He is the chief steward of the third room. He comes from a branch of the Lu family. According to his seniority, Lu Yu wants to call him fourth uncle.

Lu Yuanshan is the old man of Sanfang. In the ten years since Lu Tianying passed away, he has been the mainstay of Sanfang. Thanks to his support, Sanfang can manage to survive until now.

Such a big thing happened today and he didn't even show up. Lu Yu felt very strange.

"Young master, you have been unconscious. Uncle Yuanshan was worried about your injury, so he took Lu Qing and others out. He said that he was going to the Jianghuai area and asked an old friend of the master to come and heal the young master's injury..."

"As soon as they leave, there will be no one in charge of the family. There are all kinds of rumors outside, and the family will be in chaos..."

"Many people came to me and asked for leave for various reasons. I told them that I couldn't make the decision and would wait until Uncle Yuanshan came back, but they just didn't listen..."

The more Xiaozhu talked, the more aggrieved he felt, and in the end he was about to cry.

Lu Yu was silent.

No wonder Lu Xing was so bold and dared to lead people directly to the inner courtyard to rape Xiaozhu. It turned out that he had seen the opportunity and took advantage of the opportunity.

Lu Yu didn't mean to blame Lu Yuanshan. He could imagine how the entire third house would be in a state of panic after learning that his Qi Hai was abolished. Lu Yuanshan must have been confused at that time. Going to Jianghuai to look for his father's old friend was just a dead horse treated as a living horse doctor.

"Xiaozhu, I want to retreat for a while." Lu Yu said suddenly.

"Ah?" Xiaozhu was stunned, "Oh, okay..."

Lu Yu saw that she was still a little shaken, and Wen Yan comforted her: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. The house is not peaceful these days. Remember not to run around, just stay in the house. When I come out, everything will happen." Everything will be fine.”


Returning to the sword room, Lu Yu's mind had calmed down.

The death of my father...

Mother's humiliation...

The Lotus Seed involves a greater secret about the Nine Heavens...

No matter how much he thinks about these things now, it won't help. The only priority is to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

Strength is the basis for solving all problems!

If he didn't have the strength, he wouldn't even be able to protect the position of the third room, let alone take revenge.

Lu Yu began to practice without any distractions.

Nine red lotuses slowly rotated in the sea of ​​qi, forming a stable inner breath.

Through observation, Lu Yu discovered that in addition to rotating around the sea of ​​​​qi, each of the nine red lotuses was also rotating on its own axis.

In fact, each red lotus is composed of a cyclone, like a miniature version of the sea of ​​​​qi.

Although these cyclones are small, their rotational speeds are extremely high.

At this time, the power contained in each red lotus cyclone is equivalent to the strength of the first-level air sea in the physical realm.

Nine cyclones equivalent to the power of the first level of the physical realm were combined together to form Lu Yu's sea of ​​​​qi at this time.

Such a state of Qi Hai is simply unheard of.

The movement trajectory of the red lotus cyclone implies some kind of truth of heaven and earth, which seems to be a set of natural cultivation techniques.

Lu Yu followed the trajectory of the red lotus cyclone and activated his inner breath, and the spiritual energy from heaven and earth suddenly surged in.

The nine red lotus cyclones pulled each other and formed a huge inner energy vortex in the body, swallowing up the surrounding spiritual energy like a black hole. This speed was completely different from the past.

Along with the spiritual energy billowing from heaven and earth, there was also a spiritual light that flashed into his mind.

Lu Yu seemed to be enlightened and instantly realized a truth.

"It turns out... this is the Nine-turn Nirvana Technique!"

"As expected of the technique above the Nine Heavens, it is indeed extremely mysterious!"

For five years, Lu Yu had never had such a hearty training experience.

The inner breath turns faster and faster, reaching extreme speed.

In a trance, Lu Yu seemed to be transformed into a huge lotus flower, placed in a starry sky.

As the lotus rotates, the stars light up or go out, and the galaxies fly and turn upside down!

It seems that with his own power, he can change the trajectory of the stars in the sky.

Lu Yu was deeply shocked.

Such power is comparable to that of a god.

"Is this...the power of cultivation to reach the extreme?"

"Father said that this lotus seed comes from the nine heavens, but I have only heard that there are nine heavens in today's world. Could this be a world beyond the nine heavens?"

"This world is really fascinating... I wonder if one day I will see this world with my own eyes..."

For a moment, Lu Yu realized the vastness of the world, felt a sense of insignificance, and gained a deeper understanding of power.

The stars in the sky quickly shrank, and finally turned into a star map, which disappeared into the Niwan Palace behind Lu Yu's head.

Lu Yu looked inside and found that the entire star map was closely connected with the Red Lotus Cyclone, and the star map was already dim, with only one star looming.

Lu Yu suddenly realized that the stars on this star map would probably light up as the Red Lotus Cyclone grew stronger.

"I wonder what kind of magic will these stars do after they are lit up?"

"The first star is almost lit. Maybe if I work harder, I can light it up!"

With this in mind, Lu Yu continued to act with all his strength.

There are thousands of miles in the sky.

In a huge floating palace, a white-haired old man in white clothes suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the stars.

The old man's aura was powerful and his eyes were as bright as a torch. Although there were many buildings blocking his sight, he could not block his sight at all.

"The starry sky triggered the starry sky. Who is this person who has comprehended the true path and caused the starry sky vision?"

"I only heard the visions in the starry sky, but did not see the changes in the world below. He must be an unknown person..."

"This son's talent is something that no one in the world would think twice about. If it can be obtained by our sect, it will definitely bring our sect into an even more glorious realm."

"Here comes the pen!"

The old man gave a clear drink, and suddenly a cloud of mist rose up, wrapped around his hand, and turned into a large pen with a wolf hair.

The old man raised his pen and waved his brush, and large seal characters appeared out of thin air, turning into streaks of golden light and flying towards the Middle-earth world below the floating palace.

At the same time, a golden light suddenly flew from a great spiritual river in Middle-earth.

The place where the golden light fell was the summit of Wangyue Peak, one of the eight great immortal sects, Dali Sword Sect.

At this time, in the main hall of Wangyue Peak, Li Zhenren, the current head of the Dali Sword Sect, was holding a golden light in his hand, with an excited look on his face.

"Master, what big thing happened? That golden light just now seemed to be an urgent message from our sect..." A young man in a moon-white robe hurriedly broke into the hall and asked urgently.

"It's Ancestor Yunxiao who has returned with a message!" Master Li's voice trembled slightly.

"Ancestor Yunxiao?"

The man in moon-white robe was surprised.

"Is it true? Ancestor Yunxiao is still in the world..."

Patriarch Yunxiao is the forty-seventh generation ancestor of the Dali Sword Sect. After traveling for nine days a thousand years ago, there has been no news for hundreds of years. Everyone in the Dali Sword Sect thought that he had passed away, but they did not expect that he is now alive again. The message came back.

This is indeed exciting news.

"What did the old man say in his letter?"

Li Zhenren said: "The ancestor asked us to find a person and bring him into the sect... Junior Brother Haoran, you can handle this matter yourself!"

Fang Haoran, the man in moon-white robes, was startled. The origin of the person whom Patriarch Yunxiao personally told him must be something extraordinary.

"Who is this person?"

Li Zhenren shook his head.

"We don't know anything about this person's name, appearance, address, or origin. We only know that he must be within the four counties of Jiangzuo, and he is extremely talented."

Fang Haoran's eyes widened: "How can I find this?"

The four counties of Jiangzuo have a population of hundreds of millions, and there are also many talented people. Such conditions are tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Li Zhenren thought for a while: "This person can cause visions in the world and attract the attention of the ancestors, and his level of cultivation will inevitably improve rapidly. You can pay attention to the talents that have suddenly emerged in these four counties one by one. Screening, we should be able to find clues.”

Fang Haoran still felt very embarrassed.

"This... what if this person has been in seclusion, or has deliberately hidden his cultivation, and no one knows his depth?"

Li Zhenren stood with his hands behind his hands and looked up at the sky.

"If this is really the case, it is also our sect's luck. The ancestor has already made it clear in his letter. If you gain it, I will be lucky, but if you lose it, I will die. It doesn't matter if you go."


Lu Yu was unaware of what was happening in the distance.

He circulated his inner breath for seventy-two consecutive days.

When I opened my eyes again, a day and a night had passed.

The surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become very thin. This is because the flow rate of spiritual energy of heaven and earth is far less than the absorption speed of the inner breath vortex.

Lu Yu looked inside and found that the red lotus cyclone was significantly stronger than before, and it was already equivalent to the third level of the physical realm.

Overnight, the realm was raised to two levels, and nine cyclones were raised at the same time. This speed was simply astonishing.

At the same time, the first star on the star map finally lit up.

Dazzling white light bloomed above the star map.

Lu Yu touched his consciousness for a moment, and his mind suddenly roared.

Countless mixed messages flooded into my mind.

"This is... the Lotus Nirvana Medical Sutra?"

In Lu Yu's mind, a lot of medical principles related to acupuncture points, meridians, bones, organs, medicinal properties, acupuncture, massage, etc. appeared out of thin air. They were all-encompassing and too numerous to mention.

"The ultimate in medicine, the living dead, flesh and bones, transformed into lotuses with drops of blood, immortal, this is nirvana..."

"It turns out that by cultivating the Red Lotus Cyclone to the extreme, you can actually heal the dead, make flesh grow from the bones, and turn a drop of blood into lotus fruit, leading to Nirvana and rebirth..."

"This lotus seed is worthy of being a divine object above the nine heavens. It is indeed extremely magical. No wonder it is called the Nine Turns of Nirvana Technique!"

"However, I am still far from such a state..."

Lu Yu swam among the stars of medical scriptures for a long time, and was deeply shocked in his heart.

After exiting the star chart, he felt extremely comfortable.

He is no longer a loser.

He is even more "genius" than before.

"Next month is the four-county martial arts competition held every four years. I don't know how many people are waiting to see the joke of my third wife in the Lu family."

"They thought that the Four Counties Martial Arts Competition would end in Lu Yu's disastrous defeat and the death of the third member of the Lu family."

"You people are destined to be disappointed this time!"

"I'm going to surprise you this time!"

Lu Yu clenched his fists.

After five years, he finally no longer felt that his future was bleak.

"And...Bu Yi, Xiang Chen!"

"I'm afraid you would never have dreamed that your plot against me would actually help me to awaken the lotus seed in my body."

"You still want to rely on my Tianxing Swordsmanship and Wuji Xindan to shine in the four-county martial arts competition, and then successfully join the Dali Sword Sect and soar into the sky?"

"Go and have your big spring and autumn dreams!"

"Soon, you will pay for what you owe me with interest!"

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