Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 390 Grand Plan


"Does this mean that the King of Hell has been eliminated?"

"Yes! We won! We won!"

"Ah? Didn't it say that the King of Hell has returned to the fourth area..."

"That's right, the King of Hell was eliminated in the fourth area this time!"

"The fifth time! In the past tens of thousands of years, the King of Hell has only been killed four times in the fourth area, and now it is finally the fifth time! We have witnessed history!"

"Awesome! I don't know who defeated the King of Hell..."

"Who else could it be? It must be Jiang Feiyan! She is the commander of the entire ambush plan and is proficient in top-notch Taoist techniques such as the Great Light Sword Technique. If we want to talk about the first achievement, she will definitely be counted!"

"I have long known that this person is extraordinary! When the secret realm of Wangchun River was opened, I had an encounter with her. At the beginning, I predicted that she would achieve extraordinary things in the future. I didn't expect that it would come true today!"

"I think that if we talk about the first achievement, it should be Master Yue Qian. If he hadn't severely damaged the King of Hell, Jiang Feiyan would not have succeeded. She just took advantage!"

"Haha, friend, don't be sour! That's the fourth area. If you have the ability, why don't you go and find a bargain?"

"Master Yueqian is the supreme commander. The King of Hell has been eliminated. No one can erase his contribution. He has been awarded by eight factions and received countless resources. It is a foregone conclusion. He will not compete with his subordinates like this. Credit goes..."

"Actually, if we want to take credit, everyone involved in the battle has a share..."

"Woooooooo, it's finally over... Our service ends here, and we can finally go home!"

In every corner of the Heavenly Prison battlefield, people were smiling and talking happily.

Because the destruction of the King of Hell is beneficial to everyone. Not only can the disciples serving here be able to end their mission early, but the new fallen demons that appear on the battlefield will also become much weaker. In the future, the entire battlefield will be It will become relatively safe, and the difficulty of obtaining the original crystal will also be reduced.

Without the King of Heavenly Hell, although the inflow of fallen energy from the second level of heaven will be reduced, the output of the original crystal will not actually decrease, because the excessive inflow of fallen energy was originally intercepted by the King of Heavenly Prison. of.

On the contrary, because the fallen demon becomes weaker, the output will become larger.

In the next few years, the Heavenly Hell battlefield will become a holy land of carnival. Even the coalition guards at the entrance to the battlefield will be temporarily removed, and people will no longer be restricted from entering.

By that time, you might see many disciples who have just stepped into the True Essence Realm come here and daydream about getting rich overnight.

However, not everyone is happy to hear about this...

There are always people who are happy and others who are worried, and Ge Huairen, a disciple of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, happens to be one of the sad people.

When the sky cleared and the warm sun appeared, he was on his way back to the entrance of the battlefield. The moment he saw the sun appear, what he felt was not warmth, but a coldness all over his body.

He could hardly believe his eyes. He had obviously assisted the King of Hell to return to the fourth area and successfully released the tiger back to the mountain. Why was it still eliminated in the end?

After staring at the rising sun for a quarter of an hour, he finally accepted the fact with difficulty and looked at the only companion beside him with a wry smile.

"Senior Brother Duan, I didn't expect that we still failed..."

The person standing with Ge Huairen is Duan Minglou!

Lu Yu's guess was correct. Not only was Duan Minglou closely related to Ge Huairen, he was actually the one who actually released the King of Hell. Ge Minghuai only provided him with a cover. He used special means to hide behind the smoke and released a cold light offensive to cut off the chains on the body of the King of Hell.

"It's God's will. We have tried our best. We can only blame this King of Hell for his bad luck and missed the opportunity to sacrifice for the Supreme God!" Duan Minglu said expressionlessly.

Ge Huairen frowned: "But, without the King of Hell as a sacrifice, how can the next step of the Lord's plan proceed? Do we have to wait for the birth of a new King of Hell? That may be how many years later. Already..."

Duan Minglou said: "How can the Lord's grand plan not be carried out just because there is one less King of Heavenly Hell? Don't worry, the Lord is knowledgeable about heaven and man, and is very resourceful. There will definitely be an alternative plan!"

Ge Huairen calmed down, was silent for a moment, and then said: "At that time, Jiang Feiyan suddenly left without a trace. I thought she was frustrated and left. Unexpectedly, she turned around and came back to kill her! This person can be in the fourth place." Killing the King of Hell in the area shows her extraordinary strength. It seems that we have underestimated her! "

Duan Minglou sneered: "How can you be sure that it is Jiang Feiyan? She was not the only one who left at that time!"

"You mean...Lu Yu?"

Ge Huairen's face was full of astonishment.

"Isn't this possible? Although he is powerful, after all, he is only at the True Yuan realm and has not even reached the Guihai realm. Is he qualified to kill the King of Hell?"

Duan Minglu said: "Don't underestimate this person. According to the news from Dali Sword Sect, this person is the disciple appointed by Patriarch Yunxiao through mantra transmission. There must be something special about him! Just follow him Being able to see that you are suspicious at a glance is enough to show that he is not simple!"

Ge Huairen remembered that not long ago, Lu Yu steadfastly stabbed him with the sword in front of Duan Minglou, and he couldn't help but feel lingering fear in his heart.

"Could it be...that it's really him?"

Duan Minglou looked at the clear fourth area with deep eyes: "I didn't say it must be him...Whether it was him or Jiang Feiyan, in short, it was the good deeds of the Dali Sword Sect!"

"First Xu Mingshen, Chu Yunhe, and then Qi Tongshan, the Dali Sword Sect has successively killed several of our generals! This matter must not be left alone. Maybe it's time to free up our hands and help Dali. Jian Zong has a look!”

Ge Huairen's heart suddenly tightened and he asked cautiously: "What does Senior Brother Duan want to do? The Lord has never given us instructions to intervene in the affairs of the Dali Sword Sect..."

"The Lord is executing a key step in his grand plan. He is currently in a critical stage. It is reasonable for him to have no time to take care of this for the time being. Once he frees up his hands, he will definitely teach the Dali Sword Sect a severe lesson!"

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Duan Minglou's face.

"Before that, we can make some preparations for him!"

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