Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 386 Hundred Ghosts Night Parade

"How to get over this?"

Looking at the dense air masses in front of her, Ling Yufei couldn't help but feel her scalp numb.

With the density of these air masses, it is absolutely impossible to pass through them silently without disturbing them, and any disturbance will definitely attract a large group of them, just like poking into a hornet's nest.

"Break through!"

Jiang Feiyan's eyes sparkled, and she said in a low tone: "There is no other way except this."

Ling Yufei was stunned: "Can we get through this? There are so many fallen air masses, even if they stand still, we won't be able to eliminate them all even if we are weak..."

Lu Yu looked at Jiang Feiyan thoughtfully and said, "I guess Senior Sister Jiang must have some special method. It is impossible to break in directly, otherwise she will definitely seek death."

Jiang Feiyan nodded in approval and said: "These air masses are not considered real fallen demons. They are just here to absorb evil thoughts and strengthen themselves. Therefore, they are very sensitive to changes in the surroundings. Once something comes close, they will immediately attack in groups... "

"We can just take advantage of this and gradually disperse them... First, let one person go over to divert a group of air masses, use the advantage of speed to bring the group of air masses to a nearby place, and then come back here, and then divert a group of air masses. …”

"As long as the speed is fast enough, these air masses will have no choice but to keep chasing behind them. Repeatedly, and going back and forth several times, these air masses will eventually be diverted away, and there will no longer be any air masses blocking the road, and then you can move effortlessly. Passed right through here.”

As Jiang Feiyan spoke, she drew circles on the ground with her scabbard to indicate.

Lu Yu and Ling Yufei quickly understood what she meant.

Although she said it lightly, both of them knew that it would not be easy to implement this strategy. First, the speed of the movement must be fast enough, and secondly, the route must be planned in advance. As long as one of them is tiny, If there is a mistake in the link, it will be trapped in a tight siege and the outcome will be death.

"Let me do it!"

Lu Yu took a deep breath and volunteered.

In order to prepare for the Xiaolitian secret realm and complete the trial mission given by Yang Chudie, he had faced various situations of being chased and intercepted. With the blessing of Feihua Dunying, he was confident that he could do the job. .

Unexpectedly, Jiang Feiyan objected: "No, I'm more suitable than you, so let me do it!"

"Although your Flying Flower Shadow Escape is exquisite, it focuses on flexibility. In terms of speed alone, it is no better than my Feather Light Technique..."

"Besides, I haven't told you yet. These air masses also have a very special attack method, which directly interferes with people's minds, causing countless distracting thoughts and giving birth to inner demons..."

"And I just happened to understand the realm of Taoist enlightenment not long ago, which has a natural advantage in dealing with these air masses, so this matter must be mine!"

Ling Yufei couldn't help but let out a soft "ah".

"No wonder Senior Sister Jiang is so powerful, she has already understood the realm of Taoist enlightenment!"

Lu Yu was also surprised.

Comprehending the state of enlightened Taoist heart is equivalent to getting half a ticket to enter the golden elixir state. Unexpectedly, Jiang Feiyan has already obtained this half ticket at such a young age. Maybe she is the same as Fang Haoran and Yang Chudie. Compared to this, it’s just a little less heated.

"Can three people go to divert these air masses at the same time?"

Ling Yufei suddenly said with a whim.

"Although Senior Sister Jiang has understood the realm of Tao Heart Transparency, it is still dangerous to face so many air masses alone. It is better to divide them into three groups to divert these air masses. In this way, it is not only more efficient, but also risky. It’s also greatly reduced.”

Lu Yu and Jiang Feiyan checked the surrounding terrain, and then shook their heads at the same time.

"I'm afraid it won't work. If we divide it into three groups, it would take too much space. The terrain and location here are limited. Let alone three groups, even splitting into two groups won't be enough." Lu Yu replied.

Jiang Feiyan also added: "Besides, if the three of them are responsible for each wave, who will clean up the fallen demons around them and keep the route open?"

Hearing what the two said, Ling Yufei had no choice but to give up and sighed: "In this case, I will have to work hard for Senior Sister Jiang!"

Jiang Feiyan smiled slightly: "It's my job."

Then began to survey the terrain.

The three of them circled the nearby area and quickly confirmed the route. They also cleaned up the fallen demons along the way. However, there would still be some wandering fallen demons breaking in from time to time, so Lu Yu and Ling Yufei still had to work hard to keep the route clear.

Jiang Feiyan clenched the sword in her hand, took a deep breath and said, "I'm going!"

After saying that, her body turned into a white light and rushed towards the direction of the air mass.

Sure enough, everything was as expected. Before Jiang Feiyan could get completely close, she just sent out a sword energy from a distance, and immediately a large group of air balls chased her.

Jiang Feiyan turned around and ran away, but a large group of air masses were chasing after her, constantly changing into various colors, and making a howling sound of ghosts and wolves, which was very scary.

Lu Yu and Ling Yufei were on the sidelines pointing the direction for Jiang Feiyan and clearing the route.

After several rounds in a row, things went very smoothly. A long queue had formed behind Jiang Feiyan, but she was always methodical, like a orb, constantly attracting and tempting the surrounding air masses, making them continuous. He joined the long dragon behind him.

"Senior Sister Jiang is really amazing!"

Seeing this scene, Ling Yufei couldn't help but admired from the bottom of her heart.

"Where do you think she will be ranked on the Jin Kui list that will be reset next month?"

"Fifty?" Lu Yu said casually.

In fact, he has never studied Jinkuibang carefully, but he has met many disciples of Jinkuibang. In his opinion, Jiang Feiyan's own strength is no better than that of Yuhaixian, who is ranked thirty-seven. The sect disciple Bai Yuzhang is weak, but unfortunately there is a big gap in equipment and treasures. The ranking on the Golden Sunflower Ranking is a comprehensive strength evaluation that also takes the treasure factor into consideration.

"More than that! After all, she has a clear mind... I think that if she can successfully kill the King of Hell this time, it is not impossible for her to enter the top thirty!"

Ling Yufei said with bright eyes. In addition to admiration, there was also full of envy in her eyes.

Lu Yu couldn't help but laugh: "You don't have to envy her. I think sooner or later, you will achieve such an achievement!"

Ling Yufei snorted softly: "You are a liar, even I don't believe you when you say this!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, as long as I believe it!"

Lu Yu said with a smile, but he was not just thinking silently in his heart, if the situation forced him to rescue his mother and the plan did not go smoothly, even if he used elixirs, he would have to find a helper on the Golden Sunflower List.

I don't know how long it took, but the mountains and plains were filled with air masses chasing after Jiang Feiyan, and the momentum was spectacular.

In two or three more times at most, Jiang Feiyan could divert all the air masses away, allowing the three of them to successfully pass through this area.

With victory in sight, the three of them were overjoyed.

But at this moment, the sky suddenly brightened, and a beam of light shone in this direction.

This sudden change made the three of them startled at the same time.

Lu Yu immediately turned his head and looked in the direction of the beam. He was so frightened by this look that he almost fell over.

What kind of beam is this? It is clearly the King of Hell who has opened his eyes!

For a moment, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel cold all over.

Jiang Feiyan, who was speeding along, suddenly stopped and froze in place under the gaze of this substantial gaze, as if he was under a spell.

Behind her, countless air masses followed closely, threatening to completely submerge her...

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