Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 384 The thief is still alive

Seeing Lu Yu piercing Ge Huairen with his sword in front of him, Duan Minglou couldn't help but lost his dignity and became furious.

"That's unreasonable! Shuzi is going too far!"

The exquisite pagoda in his hand was thrown violently, and a strong force suddenly came, and Lu Yu was instantly knocked away.

Duan Minglou was still angry and wanted to continue the pursuit, but was stopped by Jiang Feiyan.

Duan Minglou said dissatisfied: "Jiang Feiyan, get out of my way! Didn't you see that the disciples of your Dali Sword Sect hurt people first?"

Jiang Feiyan said neither humble nor arrogantly: "Senior Brother Duan, you believe in your disciples of Wuya Immortal Pavilion, and I also believe in my fellow disciples! Whether Junior Brother is the mole who caused trouble, and what the truth is, we still need to investigate clearly!"

Duan Minglou suddenly became furious: "Jiang Feiyan, what do you mean? Now you also believe that my junior brother is the traitor? Just because of this kid's baseless words?"

"Let me tell you, when the battle plan was implemented, you were the guarding general. Now that the plan has failed and the battle is over, you are nothing! Do you think you can still use your status as the guarding general to suppress others?"

Sure enough, everyone around him looked like they were watching a show, and no one had any intention of coming up to persuade him.

Jiang Feiyan still remained unmoved, with a calm expression: "I don't need to use my identity as a guard general to suppress anyone, I am just talking to you as an equal as a disciple of the Dali Sword Sect!"

Duan Minglou frowned and couldn't help but hesitate in his heart.

Jiang Feiyan has made rapid progress in the past year, and her strength level has been fully demonstrated in this operation. If she refuses to give in, this will be really difficult. After all, if the two of them really fight head-on, He was not sure of victory either.

At this moment, Lu Yu suddenly slowly climbed up from the ground beside him.

Only then did people realize that Duan Minglou's blow just now had seriously injured him.

Half of his body was stained red with blood, and the forearm of his left hand was broken, even the bones had exploded. Half of the bones were exposed through his sleeves.

He dragged half of his disabled body and walked forward slowly with firm steps.

"I have indeed produced some real evidence now, but Ge Huairen cannot clearly explain his position. This is also a fact! Since I have stabbed him, let's leave the matter like this for the time being, but one day, I will let him admit it personally. Let him plead guilty and be punished for his crimes!”

"As for you... Duan Minglou, I thank you for what you have given me today, and I will definitely repay you twice as much in the future!"

"What a loud tone!"

Duan Minglou couldn't help but sneered.

"It doesn't matter. After all, we are in the battlefield of Hell. I can't really kill you. Since you have learned a lesson today, I will spare you this time! If we meet again next time, you'd better stay away. Then take a detour and go away, otherwise I will kill you!"

Lu Yu responded with a contemptuous smile, then turned and left without saying a word, but did not approach any crowd, but walked alone into the desolation, like a wounded lone wolf.

Jiang Feiyan couldn't help but frowned. If Ge Huairen was really the mole who sabotaged the entire operation, how could he stab him with a sword and forget about it?

But now that Lu Yu has left, there is no use if she continues to pester him. Besides, Lu Yu glanced at her casually before leaving, and her eyes always made her feel that Lu Yu seemed to have a deeper meaning.

So, after briefly settling the scene, she immediately followed the direction Lu Yu left.

Lu Yu walked towards the depths of the battlefield and stood on a huge stone.

Not long after, Jiang Feiyan and Ling Yufei followed up at the same time, just as he expected.

"Are you OK?"

Ling Yufei looked at the shocking wound on Lu Yu's arm and couldn't help but asked worriedly.

Lu Yu chuckled lightly, and then straightened his arm in front of the two of them, and pressed the exploded bone back to its original position. The clear sound of the bones connecting could not help but make the two of them feel a little creepy.

Then, Lu Yu condensed the Red Lotus Qi and acted on the wound on his arm. Under a soft red light, the wound on his arm healed quickly at a speed visible to the naked eye. The two of them could not see it. Amazed.

It wasn't until the entire arm had fully recovered and could move without any hindrance that Lu Yu raised his head and said directly to Jiang Feiyan:

"I can be 100% sure that Ge Huairen is the mole in the team. Maybe he is not the one who directly released the King of Hell, but he is definitely inseparable from the person who really did it, and he is probably that person. Provided cover."

Jiang Feiyan was startled and was about to ask, but Lu Yu spoke out first.

"You want to ask me the reason? This reason is actually the same as the reason I killed your junior brother Chu, but I can't explain it clearly, and it's hard for you to believe it if I tell you, so you'd better go back and ask Maoye Be real!”

Jiang Feiyan was silent, and she couldn't help but guess silently in her heart, what was the reason that made Lu Yu so secretive?

Lu Yu continued: "As for Duan Minglou, my strength is limited, and I can't tell his depth yet, but judging from the way he protects Ge Huairen, I'm afraid he is probably involved and cannot escape from it. !”

Jiang Feiyan was stunned for a while, digesting it for a while before accepting the fact with difficulty.

"Then what do you plan to do next?" Jiang Feiyan asked.

"What else can I do? Let's eat it cold!"

Lu Yu curled his lips.

"We can't really kill them here. Besides, even if we kill them, it won't help. The plan to ambush the King of Hell has failed after all. It's better to keep them for a long time to catch big fish and find out their True intentions are what matters!”

"After you leave here, you can report the matter truthfully. Then someone will naturally have a headache. Let's not worry about it for the time being!"

Jiang Feiyan couldn't help but have a helpless smile on her face. He said it lightly. For such a major matter, which caused so many people to die under her leadership, she could not be as free and easy as Lu Yu.

"Why did you come here?" Ling Yufei asked.

Although she was also very shocked by this matter, in her opinion, Lu Yu only needed to tell Jiang Feiyan about this matter. She couldn't figure out why he winked at her before leaving.

Moreover, the place he was at at this time was really far away from Sanli'ao, and was about to enter the fourth area.

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously and did not answer. Instead, he asked: "You are not injured, are you?"

Ling Yufei replied: "It's just a little skin injury, it doesn't matter."

"That's good. Do you still remember my promise to you? Next, it's time to complete it!"

Lu Yu took out the green blood golden elixir that Jiang Feiyan gave to him before, and suddenly swallowed it in one gulp.

"What?" Ling Yufei was stunned.

Jiang Feiyan couldn't help but show a puzzled expression, wondering why Lu Yu wanted to take the Blue Blood Golden Pill at this time.

Lu Yu turned his head and looked at the fourth area shrouded in dark clouds ahead, his eyes filled with moving colors.

"How many protocrystal nuclei were precipitated from the half of the tail fin just now? Seven or eight? With just half of the tail fin, you can harvest so much. If you capture the entire Hell King, what kind of overnight wealth will it be? ?”

"I finally left behind the inner ghost and no longer have the interference of the mysterious man. If I don't take off the head of the King of Hell now, how long will it take? Besides, I have never forgotten my Grade A mission that day! "

Jiang Feiyan and Ling Yufei couldn't help but stand stunned on the spot.

This is already the case, but this guy is still obsessed with evil, and wants to enter the fourth area and continue to hunt down the King of Hell?

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