Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 382 Escape by cutting off the tail

To be precise, the bad feeling in Lu Yu's heart was a special reaction to a certain strange force.

This feeling was very similar to the feeling when he noticed that the opponent had the Eclipse of the Blood Moon in his body when he fought with Chu Yunhe before.

When he was resting in the camp before, he had already sensed that someone nearby was exerting the power of the Blood Moon Eclipse. However, the sense at that time was very weak, and he did not find any abnormalities at the time, so he did not take it to heart. .

At this time, this feeling appeared again, and he couldn't help but realize that all this might not be a coincidence. Indeed, another demon with a similar identity to Chu Yunhe had appeared nearby.

Lu Yu immediately cheered up and looked in the direction where the feeling came from.

Unfortunately, there was only smoke and dust in that direction, and no one could be seen at all.

At this time, Jiang Feiyan also noticed something different in his expression, so she came closer.

"Junior Brother Lu, is there something wrong?"

Before Lu Yu could speak, a clear cold light suddenly flew out from the bursts of smoke and dust.

The two of them were slightly startled, but before they had time to react, the cold light instantly cut off the chains that bound the body of the King of Hell with devastating force!

This sudden change made everyone stunned.

Without the restraints of the spirit binding formation, the King of Heavenly Hell immediately twisted his body wildly, swung his huge tail fin, and directly shoveled the entire hill into the air.

Suddenly, the sand flew up and the sky became dark.

At least half of the entire team involved in the ambush plan was shoveled away along with the hill, while the remaining half scattered and fled frantically for their lives.

The originally good situation collapsed and took a turn for the worse.

Lu Yu and Jiang Feiyan jumped up at the same time and were in mid-air. Although they avoided the deadly tail fin of the Hell King and the sand and gravel in the sky, their hearts sank.

Originally, they had gained the advantage through careful preparation and calculation, but now they could not restore the previous situation no matter what.

"Hurry up and attack!"

Jiang Feiyan shouted loudly. Regardless of the injuries of others, her body immediately fell down and landed on the dorsal fin of the King of Hell. Then she turned around and made a gesture to Lu Yu to draw his sword and cut downwards.

Lu Yu understood this in his heart, and immediately drew out his sword, gathering the bright stars all over the sky. The sword's direction was exactly the tail fin of the King of Hell.

From the landing point of Jiang Feiyan's jump, he had already guessed that this woman wanted to directly remove the entire tail fin of the King of Hell.

I have to say that this is indeed a very bold and crazy move, but they don't have many choices. If they don't want this ambush plan to fail, they can only risk it and fight to the death.

Sure enough, Jiang Feiyan's sword surged with dazzling white light, and the entire blade was completely inserted into the body of the King of Heavenly Hell. Using the momentum of the fall, he and the sword cut straight down, slashing across the huge body. Make a long opening.

The King of Heavenly Hell has thick skin and a single wound cannot cause fatal damage to him. However, the offensive of Lu Yu's Star Sword Art arrived at this moment. The huge star spheres happened to bombard the long... On the mouth.

The King of Hell let out a wail of pain, his body twisting wildly, and countless liquids as black as ink splashed out from the long and narrow wounds.

Jiang Feiyan was immediately poured all over her face, as if she had turned into a clay doll soaked in ink.

But she was not shocked at all. Instead, she became more and more excited and shouted to Lu Yu: "Do it again!"

Lu Yu wanted to vomit blood and thought to himself: Do you think the Star Sword Technique is an ordinary move that can be used casually without accumulating energy?

Although he was complaining in his heart, he still activated the sword power in his hand again. In this situation, no matter how difficult it was, he could only grit his teeth and fight hard.

Jiang Feiyan also jumped up again and landed on the other half of the King of Hell's body, ready to do it again.

At this moment, the clear cold light hidden behind the smoke flew out again and hit Jiang Feiyan's body accurately.

Jiang Feiyan's body trembled, her footing suddenly became unstable, and she fell straight off the back of the King of Hell.

However, the cold light disappeared, and it turned around and flew towards Lu Yu again.

Lu Yu was at the critical moment when the stars were gathering, and he had no way to dodge. He swallowed this cold light attack forcefully, and his body felt as if he had been struck by lightning. The starlight in the sky quickly faded away, and he fell from the air.

Affected by this, the offensive was interrupted.

The King of Hell also regained his composure at this time, but after the joint offensive by Lu Yu and Jiang Feiyan, it no longer wanted to fight, and its huge body slapped the ground hard several times, suddenly like a carp shaking. , the body jumped up and flew up.

The Hunyuan Qi Sect's roaring offensive, the Wuya Immortal Pavilion's Golden Body's offensive, and the Dali Sword Sect's Great True Dragon Sword Art's offensive were all revealed.

The King of Hell ignored this and was determined to leave. He twisted his body and slapped the ground. After several ups and downs, he finally escaped from the scope of Sanli'ao and jumped into the fourth area, leaving only half of it in place. Caudal fin.

Several main attackers couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, the King of Hell would be so decisive, trying to escape from this place despite the pain of having his tail cut off.

Although they won this battle, the entire ambush plan failed, and it was a disastrous defeat.

At least half of the people's hands were buried underground by the rocks and soil stirred up by the King of Hell, and they were waiting for rescue without knowing whether they were alive or dead.

The remaining half was fortunately not buried by the rocks and soil, but it was also covered in bruises and miserable.

Lu Yu also got out from among the rubble, and found Ling Yufei standing in front of him holding a long sword, the sword still reflecting the afterglow of the red sun.

After being knocked to the ground by the cold light, the following few slaps from the King of Hell caused several mountains to fall down on him. If he only relied on his own strength, he might not be able to climb it for a while. When he came out, it was obviously Ling Yufei who used his sword to break the rocks, allowing him to escape.

"Are you OK?"

Ling Yufei quickly sheathed her sword and came forward.

Lu Yu found that her eyes were red and filled with tears.

"Don't cry, don't cry... I'm fine, I'm fine, I won't die for a while..."

Ling Yufei couldn't help but burst into tears and pushed him with a smile, then immediately felt sad again.

"What are you talking about? I'm not crying for's Huihui. She is dying and needs your treatment immediately!"

Lu Yu suddenly realized that it was Luo Shuhui who was seriously injured. No wonder she came to rescue him in such a hurry, which made him unable to help but overthink...

"What? Senior Sister Luo..."

Immediately, Lu Yu reacted immediately.

Frankly speaking, Luo Shuhui is the one he likes the most among this group of people, because the head of the most knowledgeable and memorized person in the Bohai Palace is likely to contain information related to his mother.

So, he jumped up from the pile of rocks.

"Where is she? Take me there quickly!"

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