Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 373 The target of public criticism

Next, the situation on the battlefield developed exactly as Jiang Feiyan said.

The demon generals quickly broke through the formation barrier set up by the guarding generals and came to the defense line of the second area. However, at this time, there were no longer a few demon generals, but dozens of them. Looking around, the mountains and plains are filled with terrifying creatures filled with black energy, and their momentum is spectacular.

Fortunately, the defense line in the second area is much more stable than before. It is not easy for the fallen demon army to easily crush it. The two sides formed a tug-of-war. As Jiang Feiyan mentioned, taking advantage of the stalemate situation to lure the King of Hell to appear.

During this process, the eight-man team led by Lu Yu and others participated in several battles. Since Jiang Feiyan said that there are several similar defense lines behind them, it means that there is still enough time for them to move freely.

At least until the King of Hell officially appears, the entire ambush plan is just an empty talk and can only be regarded as a rainy day preparation.

Unexpectedly, after this series of battles, the eight-man team was actually very lucky. Within one day, two demon generals died in their hands and they harvested two raw crystal cores.

Moreover, with the protection of the coalition forces and Lu Yu's strong recovery ability, they did not suffer any serious injuries, just minor bumps and bruises.

The situation remained like this for several days.

The coalition's defense line has retreated three times in a row, but the King of Hell has still not been seen, and there is no news about the ambush plan.

Jiang Feiyan's figure has been active on the battlefield, nodding to them from a distance from time to time, but she has never mentioned it.

Just when Lu Yu thought that the whole plan was going to be ruined, he suddenly received a summons from Jiang Feiyan.

The content of the summons was very simple. There was only one time and one place - midnight tonight in the Valley of the Storm.

Lu Yu suddenly became energetic.

After relaying the news to Ling Yufei and others, everyone was very excited and immediately started packing their bags and rushed to Jingfeng Valley overnight.

The Valley of Storms is in the first area.

This place is within the protective formation of the coalition headquarters. The number of fallen demons is very rare. Moreover, the location here is relatively remote and has always been inaccessible.

But when Lu Yu arrived here, he found that the place was already a bustle, with at least hundreds of teams and thousands of disciples from various sects gathered.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be a little confused.

Don't you mean an ambush plan? Why would there be an ambush with so many people? It would be more appropriate to say it was a head-on decisive battle!

It wasn't until he met Jiang Feiyan that he realized something was fishy.

Jiang Feiyan originally only contacted more than a dozen teams, with about a hundred people, but the news leaked out at some point. Many people learned that the coalition headquarters would have an ambush plan against the King of Hell, which attracted many people. ran over.

Some of them are just to watch the fun, while some think this is a good opportunity to plunder resources and want a share of the pie. Others think they are quite capable, but they failed to join this plan. , so I feel angry and unfair.

Seeing this situation, the eight-man team was immediately overjoyed.

I didn't expect that this ambush plan would be so popular, with so many people rushing to join, but they almost gave up the opportunity at the beginning...

Lu Yu couldn't help but have a strange feeling in his heart.

Not long after the summons for the gathering was sent out, so many people gathered here. He always felt that there seemed to be an invisible big hand hidden behind it, secretly pushing all of this.

Jiang Feiyan ignored this and directly mobilized a coalition force to clear out the uninvited people, leaving only those who had accepted her invitation in the valley.

Unexpectedly, this move caused an uproar.

The disciples of various sects who were to be cleared out suddenly became angry.

"Why should we leave?"

"Why can't we join the plan to ambush the King of Hell?"

"The battlefield of Heavenly Prison is a battlefield jointly maintained by the eight major sects. Even the coalition headquarters cannot prevent us from moving freely!"

"The King of Hell contains countless resources. These resources should be equally divided among the disciples of all sects. How can we let a small group of you swallow them privately?"

"The coalition headquarters has such a plan, why not adopt an open recruitment method? Why do they have to select secretly and privately?"

"What are your criteria for selecting people? Are they fair and just?"

Lu Yu was filled with emotion.

In the final analysis, the problem is still caused by resource allocation. Everyone knows that the King of Hell is a big piece of fat, and everyone wants to fight to eat this big piece of fat.

Normally, they might not have the guts to take advantage of this piece of fat, but this time it was a unified action planned by the coalition headquarters. They couldn't help but see hope in it, so they all hoped to get a piece of the pie.

But they also don’t want to think about it. The King of Hell has not yet officially appeared, and the matter of eating fat has not been mentioned yet. Don’t these people think that this good thing is a bit too early?

What's more, is this piece of fat so delicious? Throughout the ages, many outstanding disciples of various sects have failed to eat this piece of fat. Not only did they fail to eat it, but they ended up choking to death.

Lu Yu was thinking silently in his heart, when suddenly several disciples with very strong fighting ability broke through the guards of the coalition forces and rushed in.

The direction they were heading was exactly where Lu Yu and others were.

Lu Yu took a closer look and found out that these were old acquaintances. They were Su Jianqiu, Yu Qingya and others.

"Why are these people only able to participate in the ambush plan when they are only at the True Yuan realm?"

"Why can't we, the true disciples of Guihai Realm, do it? Are we worse than them?"

"This one among them is only at the sixth level of the True Essence Realm! Can such strength be enough to withstand the King of Hell's gentle breath on him?"

"Guard General, I hope you can give us a reasonable explanation!"

"Is it because you and he belong to the same Dali Sword Sect that you opened a back door for him?"

The questioning by Su Jianqiu, Yu Qingya and others immediately pushed the atmosphere at the scene to a peak.

Everyone started shouting and demanded an explanation from Jiang Feiyan.

Even the people inside the valley couldn't help but cast suspicious eyes on Lu Yu. In their view, Lu Yu, a disciple who only had the sixth level of True Yuan Realm, was really not strong enough.

Lu Yu suddenly felt that he was really wronged. He had done nothing, yet he suddenly became the focus of the audience and the target of public criticism...

"Do they have any grudge against you?" Jiang Feiyan approached Lu Yu and asked softly.

Lu Yu thought for a moment and said, "That's right!"

In fact, he doesn't have any grudges against each other, but he and Ling Yufei and others are now on a team and are regarded as one, so they can be regarded as having a feud.

"Then I understand."

Jiang Feiyan nodded slightly and strode towards Yu Qingya and others.

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