Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 37 Understanding the Thoughts

Lu Yu was awakened by the sound of orders coming from the sky.

After dealing with Ning Feng and Hua Zhilan, he hid his whereabouts and found a secret place without the armored puppets to guard him. He hid quietly to recuperate from his injuries and regain his strength.

When the announcements from the four major counties came from the sky, his injuries were almost healed and his strength had been restored to some extent.

"Before dark?"

Lu Yu looked up at the sky.

Now he already has two command flags in his hand. As long as he captures two more command flags, he can be promoted smoothly.

However, if you want to capture the flag, it depends not only on strength and strategy, but also a certain amount of luck. Lu Yu cannot say with certainty that he will be able to capture two command flags before dark. It is better to prepare for this kind of thing in advance.

So Lu Yu stopped hiding, walked out again, and joined the battle to capture the flag.

At this time, the battle in the entire Capture the Flag area has reached a fever pitch, with all contestants fighting hard for the final promotion spot.

Lu Yu was lucky. Not long after walking, he encountered an order flag. However, around this order flag, a group of contestants were already surrounded and fighting with each other.

At the end of the day, after repeated battles, Lu Yu had already become accustomed to the rhythm of this kind of melee and directly participated in the battle group.

Relying on the sharpness of the Feihong Sword and the strength of the Fire Scale Armor, Lu Yu quickly killed the commander with the flag.

"Wow! This guy has two flags!"

"Quick! Kill him first!"

"Don't even think about touching my flag!"

"Boy! Take your life!"

In the blink of an eye, Lu Yu became the target of public criticism.


Lu Yu swung his sword with his right hand, first forcing back the crowd on one side.

At the same time, he reached out with his left hand and put away the command flag.

Three flags are in hand!

There is only one last step left to advance to the third area.

At this time, the offensive from the other side had arrived.

Lu Yu flashed, rolled up three flags, and ran away like crazy.

During this process, he was inevitably hit by many attacks, but there was a clanking sound, which did not hurt Lu Yu at all.

Under the torn clothes, fire scale armor as red as fire was exposed.

"Fire Scale Armor!"

"Is this person Lu Yu?"

Immediately someone who knew the goods called out.

"He is Lu Yu! Chase him quickly!"

"Damn it! Is this the guy? He wasted so much of our time? We finally found him!"

"What's the use of finding it now? Xiang Chen has already been promoted. No one will honor the four flags for him..."

"Stupid! There is no more Xiang Chen, but he now has three flags!"

"Oh! That's right! Chase, chase!"

"Don't let him have the chance to capture the fourth flag!"

Lu Yu embarked on the road of escape again.

However, although there were many people chasing him this time, they were far less pressing than when Ning Feng and Hua Zhilan were chasing him, and the pressure was much smaller.

After the fierce battle just now, Lu Yu's clothes were completely damaged. They were basically just pieces of cloth hanging on his body. Running along this way was really exciting.

Lu Yu simply tore off all the "cloth strips" on his body, completely revealing the red fire scale armor underneath him.

This time, Lu Yu became even more eye-catching.

Every time I went to a fighting group, I was recognized before I could join.

"Lu Yu!"

"Finally, you have shown up!"

"Don't let him come!"

"Kill him quickly!"

In the battle group, everyone who was still fighting with each other suddenly stopped their offensive. They all faced Lu Yu in unison and stood ready.

Lu Yu was confused.

Do I know these people?

Why do they resent me so much?

In desperation, Lu Yu had no choice but to give up, bypassing these contestants who were strictly guarding him, and turned to the next place to capture the flag.



call out!

Lu Yu ran non-stop, running all the way, fighting in several battle groups in a row, and finally he seized an opportunity and reached the side of a command flag again.

The last command flag was already within his reach.

As long as you take this command flag, you will have enough to get promoted successfully.

"Stop him!"

"Quickly interrupt"

"Don't let him succeed!"

The surrounding contestants were anxious, but helpless, and all they could do was roar angrily.

However, it seemed that no one could stop Lu Yu.

At this moment, Lu Yu voluntarily gave up the command flag, dodged and rushed sideways, leaving the command flag in place.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

What's happening here?

No more flags?

Lu Yu rushed to the outside of the battle circle and picked up a wounded man who fell to the ground. In the midst of a few rabbits and falcons, the figure disappeared from everyone's sight.

Before everyone had time to figure it out, they suddenly realized that their biggest enemy was no longer there, and they immediately started frantically fighting for the flag...

"Tiger! Tiger!"

The injured person Lu Yu picked up was none other than Lu Xiaohu, a young man from the third room.

He walked to a secluded place, put Lu Xiaohu down, and checked his injuries.

There was only one injury on his body, which was a sword wound on his chest. The wound was deep and had already damaged his heart.

Lu Yu's heart suddenly tightened.

Logically speaking, Lu Xiaohu was wearing a second-grade inscribed armor purchased from the treasure tasting conference, and he should not be hurt like this.

What on earth is going on?

"Brother Yu..."

Lu Xiaohu opened his eyes. Although he was very weak, his eyes were still shining.

"Brother Yu, I didn't bring shame to the third house... Xiang Chen asked me about your whereabouts, but I ignored him..."

"Xiang Chen?"

Lu Yu was startled, and a huge anger surged in his chest.

His voice was cold: "Did Xiang Chen hurt you like this?"

Lu Xiaohu nodded gently.

"Brother Yu, you have to be careful..."

"Xiang Chen is looking for your whereabouts everywhere and killed many of our people..."

"He also said... If anyone can help him find you, they can get four command flags directly from him..."

"It seems that he doesn't want you to be promoted to the third area... You must not let him succeed..."

In an instant, Lu Yu understood everything.

No wonder those contestants who had never met him had such deep resentment towards him. It turned out that it was all because of Xiang Chen!

This despicable guy!

In order to find his whereabouts, he actually attacked his family!

This is intolerable!

This hatred is irreconcilable!

Lu Yu raised his head and looked at the highest peak of Tianjue Mountain. He suddenly felt a surge of murderous intent.

Aren't you looking for me?

Okay! Then I'll meet you!

Lu Yu stood up suddenly.

"Cough... cough... cough!"

At this moment, Lu Xiaohu coughed violently and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Lu Yu's body shook, and then he realized that now was not the time to act on impulse.

He almost let hatred cloud his mind, forgetting that Hu Zi was still in danger, and he couldn't help but feel a chill on his back.

"Huzi, stop talking, I'll heal you now!"


Seeing Lu Yu squatting down to heal himself, Lu Xiaohu became excited instead.

"Brother Yu, there's no time... Go grab the flag quickly, don't let Xiang Chen's trick succeed..."

"You are the hope of our Third House. If you can't get promoted, our Third House will be bullied in the future..."

"Go away... I'm fine..."

At the end, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Lu Yu felt a pang of pain in his heart.

In Huzi's faint smile, he saw a determination to die.

He knew that he was going to die, but what he thought about in his heart was still the rise and fall of the Third House!

He was only twelve or thirteen years old...

What kind of feeling is this?

Lu Yu had a sense of enlightenment in his heart.

In an instant, his thoughts were clear.

He threw aside the three flags that he had fought so hard to get before, without any hesitation.

"Fuck the promotion!"

"Huzi, stop talking nonsense, I will definitely save you!"

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