Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 364 Just make friends

A round of red sun poured into the body of the Porcupine Demon General, and the huge body immediately began to fall apart, and instantly turned into ashes flying all over the sky.

Huge power poured out in all directions, and the immortal shadow sent by Su Jianqiu was also blown away.

The shadow was hurt, and Su Jianqiu, the real person, also felt the same pain. His body felt like it was struck by lightning, his throat felt sweet, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The next moment, the bombardment of air waves came, and Su Jianqiu suddenly became unstable and was violently thrown away. But until he was lifted into the air, he was still struggling with the problem in his mind.

Where did the puppetry come from?

Ling Yufei put her hand into the flying ashes and gently shook it. Suddenly, a fist-sized crystal was caught in her hand.

This crystal is dark and shiny. It is no longer irregular, but is composed of hexagonal faces. If you place it under a light source, you can also see that this hexagonal structure continues to extend. Inside the crystal, the distribution of light points and lines is full of a unique sense of beauty.

This is the original crystal core, which possesses extremely powerful power, and its performance is beyond the reach of hundreds of ordinary original crystals.

Finally got it...

Ling Yufei couldn't help but her shoulders twitched slightly, and she cried with joy.

The frame-up of her best friend, the betrayal of her lover, the suspicion of her teachers, the rumors of her classmates, the team on the verge of disbandment... After experiencing so much, she finally got the original crystal core.

Although there was only one, which was far from the amount she needed to complete the task, it was finally a good start, wasn't it?

Everyone outside the venue was unexpected when they saw this scene.

"This...Su Jianqiu actually lost?"

"That move just now was the Yanyang Sword Technique, one of the unique skills of the Bixiao Shrine."

"It turns out to be a disciple who has mastered the unique skill of suppressing the palace. It seems that this female disciple is not simple!"

"That's right! Not to mention the special skills of suppressing the palace, she can still seize the opportunity under the continuous offensives of Su Jianqiu and others. Her strength should not be underestimated!"

"I actually think that the reason why she was able to survive was mostly due to that pretty boy!"

"Yes, the little white-faced man's healing technique is also very powerful! Does anyone know what kind of technique it is? Can a senior brother from the Dali Sword Sect come out to explain it?"

"Am I the only one who noticed that when Su Jianqiu was about to succeed, an inexplicable puppetry technique suddenly appeared?"

"I saw it too! If a puppet hadn't suddenly appeared, Su Jianqiu would have succeeded! No matter how powerful the Yanyang Sword Technique is, I'm afraid there won't be a chance to use it!"

"Yes, who cast that puppet technique?"

"Who else could it be? There were only six people on the field at that time, so it certainly couldn't be from Su Jianqiu's side, and the female disciple was preparing to use the Yanyang Sword Technique..."

"Did the pretty boy do it? This is impossible!"

"Not to mention that the pretty boy was too far away at that time, but he was also using his healing technique at the time, right?"

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

"Thank you!"

Ling Yufei turned around and walked up to Lu Yu, speaking in a sincere tone.

She was different from those who were still speculating on the sidelines, because she knew that she had not performed the puppet technique before, so she could be 100% sure that the puppet technique was exactly what Lu Yu had performed.

Although she didn't know how Lu Yu did it, he had accomplished many impossible things, and this one more thing was nothing.

"Exquisite puppetry!"

Ling Yufei praised.

"It seems that Dali Sword Sect is not only surprising in its healing skills, but also has such outstanding attainments in puppetry!"

"Lucky, lucky..." Lu Yu replied modestly, but he couldn't help but think in his heart, if you really think about it, this is Qin Yanzhen's contribution...

On the wedding day in Qianwucheng, Qin Yanzhen gave him a puppet magic talisman used to pretend to be a bride. Although she did not actually teach Lu Yu the skills, Lu Yu gained in the process of controlling the puppets. Learned the experience by analogy...

The puppet technique just performed was far beyond his distance, but he used the paper puppet to lurk on the ground for a certain distance before activating the puppet talisman, thus achieving an unexpected effect, so that everyone No one in the field can see through the doorway.

"Who are you?" Ling Yufei asked.

This question has been lingering in her mind for a long time, and now she finally has the opportunity to ask it.

Lu Yu immediately took out his identity badge.

"Dali Sword Sect, under the Jade Butterfly Peak, inner disciple Lu Yu! It's true! The guards had already confirmed it when we entered the Heavenly Prison battlefield before. How can this be false?"

Ling Yufei shook her head and frowned slightly: "But... why do you want to help us? With your strength, you will never be able to find a suitable team..."

Lu Yu sighed: "Senior Sister Ling, you are worrying too much... Indeed, my level is not bad, I think so myself... But if you ask around, you can know where I am at Jade Butterfly Peak. It is the weakest mountain peak in the entire Dali Sword Sect, and there is simply no way to gather a decent team to accompany me..."

"In addition, I just recently made a big mistake. I killed a fellow sect brother by mistake, and gained a bad reputation in the sect... And the disciples of other major sects are not familiar with me, so how can they think highly of me? How can this person be at the sixth level of the True Yuan Realm?"

Ling Yufei was stunned. She didn't expect that the other party had such a bizarre background story.

However, both of them were not welcomed in the school because of their mistakes. As a result, Ling Yufei couldn't help but feel some sympathy for him.

"If Senior Sister Ling insists on a reason, how about treating my behavior at this time as an exchange for Senior Sister Ling's friendship? Because I really want to make friends with Senior Sister Ling, and I really need to think about Senior Sister Ling. Such a friend!" Lu Yu continued.

These words were sincere and sincere, because they were indeed his true thoughts in his heart.

Ling Yufei was slightly startled.

During this period of time, she had suffered a series of changes, and had experienced all kinds of hardships. When she suddenly heard such sincere words, she couldn't help but feel a little touched in her heart.

"All right……"

She finally smiled back at Lu Yu.

"If that's the case, then I think we'd be very good friends."

So the two stepped through the ashes everywhere and retreated from the hill together.

At this time, several teammates who had left the game early had regained consciousness under the care of Luo Shuhui. When they saw Ling Yufei coming over with the original crystal core, they couldn't help but smile with joy.

Even Ouyang Ting, who was lying on the ground unable to move, could not help but feel a smile of relief.

Several people passed the original crystal core to each other and played with it for a while to celebrate the joy of victory.

At this moment, a group of people took the initiative to walk towards them and asked from a distance.

"Hey, are you Lu Yu?"

Lu Yu turned around and saw that there were about five or six people in this group. Each one was full of energy, had a strong aura, was brightly dressed, and had a special token hanging around their waist.

That token is exactly the same as Lu Yu's identity badge.

Obviously, this group of people are all true disciples of the Dali Sword Sect.

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