Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 355 The downfall is coming

In fact, deep in Lu Yu's heart, he has always been thinking about Bixiao Shrine.

According to his father's posthumous letter, his mother, Meng Feiyan, was once a saint of the Bixiao Shrine. She was imprisoned in the Nine Netherworld because she fell in love with her father and was not accepted into the sect.

According to common sense, Meng Feiyan should be a famous figure.

But Lu Yu had asked many people, including Yang Chudie and Fang Haoran, but they had never heard of such a person in Bixiao Palace.

Even Fang Haoran looked at him with confusion and said: "The position of the saint in Bixiao Shrine has been vacant for many years. It has been a long time since I heard that Bixiao Shrine has canonized a saint. Why are you suddenly asking about this? "

In addition, there is another doubtful point. Bixiao Shrine is not a sect that prohibits marriage and love. If her mother, Meng Feiyan, is really a saint of Bixiao Shrine, even if she commits certain taboos when falling in love with her father, she will never reach the required level. Being imprisoned in the Land of Nine Netherworlds, such a punishment would be too harsh.

Combining these two points, Lu Yu felt that there must be secrets hidden in Bixiao Shrine that he did not know.

In order to avoid arousing suspicion, he did not dare to go to Bixiao Shrine to inquire easily before his strength was reached. Unexpectedly, he happened to meet a group of high-level disciples of Bixiao Shrine here, and he was lucky enough to form a group with them. Joining the team, this is a good opportunity to spy on the information about Bixiao Shrine!

With this mentality, Lu Yu not only decided not to leave for the time being, but also deliberately showed a warm and friendly appearance, getting close to his teammates from time to time, eager to integrate into their group.

After half a day, the results were impressive. Among the eight people in the team, Lu Yu had become quite familiar with four of them and could chat and laugh happily.

Of the remaining three people, one of them, Luo Shuhui, was introverted and didn't like to talk. Lu Yu couldn't seduce him.

The other one is the eldest sister, Ling Yufei. As the leader of the team, it is impossible for her to completely let down her guard against outsiders like Lu Yu.

The last one was a tall and lanky man named Xu Bin. Not only did he not accept Lu Yu's overtures of kindness, but he also acted quite dissatisfied.

Because although Lu Yu was not strong enough, he had a handsome face that made him jealous. As the only male in the team, he felt that his status was seriously threatened.

At this time, another string of laughter as clear as silver bells suddenly came from the rear of the team.

Xu Bin looked back and saw Lu Yu again. He didn't know what he said, but he suddenly made Ouyang Ting and others beside him laugh.

Such a scene had never happened to him before.

Xu Bin immediately turned his head away, clenched his fists, and cursed in a low voice: "Huh! You're just a pretty boy! Just be proud of yourself now! When you meet a real fallen devil later, we'll see if you're so scared that you wet your pants!"

Not long after, Ling Yufei also turned around and said, "Stop chatting and cheer up. We are about to leave the coalition's defense area and officially enter the first area!"

The Heavenly Prison battlefield is divided into four areas. The first area is the defense area for the coalition forces of various factions. The coalition forces serving from each faction are mainly active in this area. As soon as a large fallen demon enters, they will be dispatched to attack. Therefore, it is a relatively safe area.

In the second, third, and fourth areas, the distance from the coalition headquarters increases in sequence, and the number and intensity of the fallen demons also increase. The fourth area is the closest to the second heaven, where the fallen energy is the strongest. , the fallen demons produced are also the most powerful, and it is the most dangerous place in the entire battlefield.

If you are in danger in the second and third areas, you can still request rescue from the coalition headquarters, but the fourth area is a place where even the coalition forces of all factions are not rushing to enter. If anyone enters the fourth area, it is equivalent to signing a life and death certificate by default, and no one is required to be responsible for their own life or death.

After Ling Yufei's reminder, everyone suddenly became serious. Lu Yu immediately felt a completely different temperament from their bodies, and they all seemed to become more energetic.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

In terms of realm, these people have at least reached the ninth level of the True Yuan Realm. But when their strength reached Lu Yu's level, he felt more and more that realm was not equal to all of his strength.

The Tao Dharma comprehended, the unique skills mastered, the treasures possessed, and even the level of Tao heart, etc., are all important factors that determine the true level.

We didn't encounter powerful monsters along the way just now, so we couldn't test the true level of this team at all. Maybe we'll find out after a little while.

Everyone came to a formation barrier. This barrier was a defensive barrier arranged by the coalition headquarters. Stepping out of here was equivalent to officially entering the second area and breaking away from the protection range of the coalition forces.

Lu Yu followed Ouyang Ting and stepped directly out of the barrier, and suddenly a new world came to him.

I saw a clear blue sky with misty white clouds. There were towering mountains in the distance, and there were fragrant grass and green trees nearby, with birds singing and the fragrance of flowers. It looks like a completely peaceful scenery, without any shadow of the purgatory battlefield.

Lu Yu was completely caught off guard and couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a beautiful scenery!"

"Beautiful view?"

Xu Bin glanced at him and sneered: "Young boy who has never seen the world, I hope you can always be so optimistic later!"

Ouyang Ting turned her head and whispered: "These are just superficial phenomena. You must not be careless. Once the downfall attacks, earth-shaking changes will immediately occur here!"

"However, you don't have to worry too much. With us here, nothing will happen to you!"

Lu Yu nodded thoughtfully. Instead of being afraid, he became more and more interested.

Sure enough, after walking a few steps, something suddenly happened.

Lu Yu accidentally touched a purple flower with the hem of his clothes. The flower suddenly opened and spewed out a stream of black gas.

The black air spread rapidly, and in the silence, the surrounding flowers and plants twisted and grew crazily.

In the blink of an eye, the purple flower bud at Lu Yu's feet had become as big as an umbrella.

The huge petals suddenly opened, like a ferocious beast opening its bloody mouth and swallowing Lu Yu silently.

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