Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 351 Lu Shen arrives

Unknowingly, more than a month has passed in a hurry.

In this more than a month, many incidents happened around Lu Yu.

First of all, Lu Yu has been publicly refining elixirs every now and then, and each time has been a great success. The prices of the bonds he carries have been rising higher and higher, and they are highly sought after in the black market, and people are flocking to them.

But no matter how high the speculation reached, Lu Yu had no special reaction. He neither raised the price nor became jealous. He just continued to fulfill his promise steadily, which in turn made the liquidity of the bonds more active.

Secondly, he also cured Fang Haoran's injuries during this month. Of course, there was no extra charge from him. After all, Lu Yu had received a lot of benefits from him when he went down the mountain. He was always embarrassed to be shameless and accept money from others. It was just that during the treatment process, he needed some rare materials. , all brought here from Wangyue Peak by Fang Haoran himself.

You must know that Fang Haoran's quotient was left behind during the battle with Zhenrenge Lao, and it would have taken at least half a year to recover. But in Lu Yu's hands, it only took a month. As soon as the news came out, Lu Yu's reputation suddenly rose again and became even more popular.

Third, regarding Lu Yu's service in Wuwang Mountain, the Elders' House also gave a formal announcement.

Since the rebellion of Qige Lao was not made public, the Elders’ Court did not say that Lu Yu’s charges were cancelled. It only said that he had made great contributions in Wuwang Mountain, and his merits and demerits were balanced, so he was released early. As for what great merits he had, the elders The court did not elaborate.

For a time, this matter couldn't help but have different opinions among the disciples of Dali Sword Sect, and many people also raised doubts about it, but all the doubts fell into silence. The higher-ups of each mountain peak are aware of the details and are very secretive about it.

Therefore, even though rumors were spreading, Lu Yu was completely unaffected as if nothing had happened. All the rumors were nothing more than what people talked about after dinner.

Fourth, the group of people brought back from the Dawu Alchemy Bureau have all completed the procedures and become official Jade Butterfly Peak disciples. Including the Wen sisters, all the personnel returned to Jade Butterfly Peak, and Jade Butterfly Peak immediately welcomed new troops.

Coupled with Lu Yu's recent frequent teachings in person, the Jade Butterfly Peak disciples' level of refining elixirs has improved significantly, and the production capacity of elixirs has skyrocketed instantly.

It happened that Yu Wanli from Wanhe Chamber of Commerce also came to visit Lu Yu in person. In addition to giving Lu Yu a detailed report on the annexation in Jingnan, he also mentioned another situation. With the collapse of the Dawu Dynasty, As wars continued in various places, the demand for elixirs suddenly surged.

This coincided with the explosive production capacity of Jade Butterfly Peak, so Lu Yu directly agreed to double the supply of elixirs with a stroke of his pen, without even needing to expand the market.

All things are moving in a good direction.

However, Lu Yu always had two things on his mind that he couldn't forget.

The first is Qin Yanzhen's treasure map. This treasure map must be very involved. Just thinking about the fact that it can enable Yuan Shiqiu to break through the Tiangang realm makes Lu Yu excited.

When he captured the Sacred Heart Gourd before, he had already missed a good opportunity to obtain the treasure. Now that he had a second chance, he was not willing to miss it again.

The second is the matter of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect. Although Mr. Qi Ge has been captured, he has refused to give any information about the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect from the beginning to the end. Regarding the identity of the demon lord and the intentions of the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect, Still no way of knowing.

Lu Yu couldn't help but have an ominous feeling. If things continued like this, maybe one day the Scarlet Moon Demon Sect would make another ruthless attack, and the development momentum of Jade Butterfly Peak would also be frustrated.

No matter which of these two things happened, Lu Yu needed to improve his strength as soon as possible so that he could seize the opportunity and control his own destiny in the changing situation in the future.

Therefore, Lu Yu's desire to improve his strength also became urgent.

He had just broken through the sixth level of the True Essence Realm and gathered the power of the True Earth. It is unlikely that he would make any further progress in cultivation in the short term. However, improving strength is not just about breaking through the realm. The combination of techniques and Taoism The condensation of the art is also an important part, so he wanted to go to the Sutra Pagoda again.

But when he went to borrow a real person token from Yang Chudie, Yang Chudie told him that there was no token left.


Lu Yu was surprised.

"How come the good token is gone?"

"They were taken away by the elders!" Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him, "Last time Yuanjiangwei City was destroyed, you were the principal culprit, and the disciples who followed you were the accomplices. If it weren't for that token, On the other hand, why do you think the Presbytery would treat them lightly?"

Lu Yu was immediately furious.

The Council of Elders is clearly trying to conquer itself!

First, he deducted one million of his merits, and then took away the token. This was obviously because he didn’t want to let himself enter the Sutra Pagoda. Otherwise, in the entire Jade Butterfly Peak, who else would use it besides himself? Get this real person token?

"Although the token is gone, it is not necessarily a bad thing."

Yang Chudie continued: "The token is just a temporary trick. With your potential, you will definitely understand the thirty-six magical methods in the future. If you don't earn merit in time, how can you climb above the sixth floor?" The Sutra Pagoda?”

"Although you can now gain a lot by refining elixirs every day, the real power can only be mastered in battle, especially the tempering of Tao Heart, which must not be careless!"

"Therefore, I think based on your current situation, you can appropriately reduce the time spent refining the elixir and spend more time earning points."

"The Council of Elders has deducted one million meritorious deeds from you. Although this punishment is severe, it reflects the earnest expectations of the real elders for you. They just hope that you can lay a solid foundation step by step! Otherwise, do you think Elder Doesn’t the court have any other punishment besides deducting meritorious service?”

If another person had said these words, Lu Yu would have fooled him on the spot, but since it was Yang Chudie who said these words, Lu Yu had no choice but to admit it.

"Okay, then I will take some time to go to Langya Peak and have a look." Lu Yu nodded and said.

The next day, Lu Yu set out for Langya Peak alone.

Langya Peak is right next to Yuanjiangwei City. When Lu Yu passed by, he stopped by to visit the rebuilt Yuanjiangwei City and found that this huge market had been rebuilt and gradually began to regain its former vitality.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Lu Yu wouldn't have believed that this was the battlefield where he and Chu Yunhe fought so hard.

Lu Yu didn't dwell too much on the place. After strolling around for a while, he climbed up to the nearby Langya Peak.

When he walked into the Xuanhong Hall, which was dedicated to issuing tasks, the huge palace immediately exploded.

The majestic Lu Shen, a strong man with a secret that has been lost for thousands of years, a transcendent master who single-handedly defeated the true disciples, actually came to Xuanhongtang to accept the mission in person!

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