Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 346 No battle today

Although the two of them had decided to return to Jade Butterfly Peak, Lu Yu's physical condition at this time did not allow him to rush at full speed, so the two of them had to use the most primitive way of traveling by horse and cart, stopping and stopping along the way while tending to his injuries. While returning to Jade Butterfly Peak.

When he returned to Dali Sword Sect, it was already seven days later. This is the result of Yang Chudie constantly using talismans to bless the chariot and horses along the way. Otherwise, at the speed of ordinary chariots and horses, it might not take a month to reach it.

Lu Yu and Yang Chudie stood at the foot of Jade Butterfly Peak and saw from a distance that the gate of Jade Butterfly Peak was decorated with lights. Lu Yu couldn't help showing a surprised expression: "Did you quietly inform them that I'm back? "

Yang Chudie shook his head: "I didn't say anything."

Lu Yu said in surprise: "Then how did they know that we were coming back? They even prepared a celebration in advance!"

Yang Chudie rolled her eyes at him: "Stop being so sentimental! Don't you look at what day it is today? Today is already New Year's Eve! Maybe they saw that there are so many new faces in Jade Butterfly Peak this year, That’s why I want to celebrate!”

Lu Yu suddenly realized that it was already New Year's Eve, and more than half a year had passed before he knew it. Looking back at this time, it was like a dream.

Yang Chudie was also quite emotional. In previous years, Jade Butterfly Peak was deserted, and there was no concept of celebrating the holidays at all, but now it has completely changed.

The reason for this is that the increase in the number of people is certainly one thing, but a more important reason is that the disciples on Yudie Peak are well integrated at this time, especially after the incident in Yuanjiangwei City, the entire Jade Butterfly Peak Already have a strong cohesion.

And all of this is due to the man beside her.

"Okay... No matter what it is for, it is still a celebration, and it doesn't make any difference anyway!"

Lu Yu smiled nonchalantly and walked up the mountain.

In front of the mountain gate, a familiar figure still stood.

Lu Yu couldn't help but have the illusion of time and space reincarnation. When he first came to Jade Butterfly Peak, this figure was guarding the mountain gate, but now he was an old acquaintance with him.

"Junior Brother Zhang, are you the one guarding the gate again today?"

Lu Yu was in a happy mood and greeted Zhang Rucheng from a distance.

Unexpectedly, when Zhang Rucheng saw him, his expression suddenly changed, and then he immediately turned around and ran towards the mountain without looking back.

What's happening here?

Lu Yu scratched his head and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Why did Zhang Rucheng feel like he was seeing a ghost when he saw him? Could it be that he has done something bad and has a guilty conscience?

Suddenly, Lu Yu thought of an important question...

He quickly turned to Yang Chudie and asked: "After Mr. Qi Ge was captured in Wuwang Mountain, how did you deal with the aftermath of my imprisonment?"

Yang Chudie spread his hands and said: "What else can be done? In order to capture Mr. Qi Ge alive, several real elders were dispatched. It took a lot of effort. Everyone was seriously injured, and then the two brothers Jin Ming and Qingyang happened. The peaks encircled Baiyun Peak, and then the bad news came about Qianwu City. The entire Dali Sword Sect was so busy, how could they care about the aftermath for you? "

"So, I should still be a prisoner in Wuwang Mountain in name now?" Lu Yu said in shock.

Yang Chudie nodded silently.

"It's broken!" Lu Yu slapped his thigh suddenly, "Do you think Zhang Rucheng went to tip off the law enforcement team and report me for escaping from prison without permission?"

Yang Chudie covered her mouth and smiled: "If that's the case, there's nothing wrong with it! This shows that Zhang Ru's behavior is upright and upright, and you can just go to Wuwang Mountain to rest and adjust your breath, and collect your heart at the same time! I think it’s a good place for you!”

"Suitable for a ghost!" Lu Yu cursed angrily, "When I see this kid soon, I have to sew his mouth shut and call him a big mouth!"

But Yang Chudie said: "You are retaliating like this, which is equivalent to an additional crime!"

While the two were talking, they had already reached the mountain gate, but looking around, there was no one on the entire Jade Butterfly Peak. Not to mention Zhang Rucheng, not even the other disciples could see a shadow.

Jade Butterfly Peak, which is usually bustling with people and bustling with people, is now as quiet as a ghostland.

"What's going on? Where have everyone gone?" Lu Yu was stunned.

Yang Chudie shook his head and said that he didn't know.

The two of them were filled with doubts, and they were secretly speculating whether something similar to Xu Mingshen's sudden attack had happened again. When they wanted to go in to investigate, the doors of various halls suddenly opened, and countless Jade Butterfly Peak disciples came out. Filed out.

Qi Yunkai, Qin Xiang, Bao Zi, Su Buyi, Fang Qian, Dong Tiande, Chu Hongling and others were among them, all of them were fully armed and full of murderous intent.

Lu Yu was completely shocked this time.

Which one is this playing on?

Could it be that everyone is going to rebel? Even though he and his sister-in-law had already appeared at the same time, these guys still wanted to stay here without mercy?

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of disciples had already poured out, and the momentum was astonishing.

Just when Lu Yu thought that these people were coming towards him, they all stood still and lined up in an orderly manner.

"Disciple, see Master Yang! See Senior Brother!"

"All Jade Butterfly Peak disciples have assembled and are waiting for orders!"

A burst of neat and loud shouts echoed in the sky above Jade Butterfly Peak, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time.

Lu Yu was completely confused now. Why did it become like a review again? You didn’t say you wanted to review them?

"What on earth are you making this fuss about?" Lu Yu said with a headache.

At this time, Zhang Rucheng walked forward as if he was offering a treasure, and said proudly: "Senior Brother, look at my reaction this time is fast enough! As soon as I saw you appear, I immediately realized that something big had happened, so I immediately informed you Everyone, get ready for battle!"

Baozi also said at the side: "Brother Yu, please don't worry. Since you have escaped from Wuwang Mountain, we will never let the law enforcement team take you back again. If the law enforcement team dares to come to the door, we will They fight to the bitter end!”

Qi Yunkai also shouted at the top of his lungs: "Disciples of Jade Butterfly Peak, we share weal and woe! If one is prosperous, everyone will be prosperous, if one is harmed, everyone will be harmed!"

Suddenly, all the disciples shouted.

"Everyone will be prosperous, and everyone will suffer a loss!"

"Everyone will be prosperous, and everyone will suffer a loss!"

"Everyone will be prosperous, and everyone will suffer a loss!"

Lu Yu suddenly understood. It turned out that the group of guys in front of him were thinking that they had escaped from prison and escaped from Wuwang Mountain, made a big mess, and were about to face the punishment of the Discipline Hall, so they all rushed out, preparing to follow them. Come and catch your own people with all your might...

Lu Yu felt a little moved in his heart, but at the same time he couldn't help but laugh or cry. Where did this go? This misunderstanding was really big!

Yang Chudie couldn't help but laugh at the side. She put her mouth in Lu Yu's ear and said, "What did you just say? Aren't you going to sew someone's mouth shut? Isn't this called using the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman?"

Lu Yu was speechless and could only look at her pitifully.

"Brother Yu, we are ready, please give the order!"

Qi Yunkai just thought that the two were still discussing whether to start a war, so he urged.

Lu Yu looked back at the crowd and felt hundreds of pairs of firm and sincere eyes focused on him.

"All right……"

Lu Yu took a deep breath and raised a fist.

"All Jade Butterfly Peak disciples obey the order! Disband on the spot and prepare for the New Year! There will be no fighting today!"

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