Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 337 Who in the world doesn’t recognize you?

In the heavy snow, countless flags fluttered in the wind.

Under the flags, there were soldiers standing straight and full of energy. Even in such a snowy land, one could still feel the solemn and murderous aura blowing in their faces, showing that the army was in great splendor.

A long convoy passed through this magnificent army. It was the Wen sisters and others who were received by the Lujiang Army.

Lou Qianqian looked through the car window at the densely packed soldiers standing in the cold wind. She was really shocked. When she heard that the people from Lujiang were coming to receive her, she never thought that it would be such a scene.

"What a grand ceremony!"

Zhou Peiling on the side was also full of emotion: "There are probably no less than 200,000 people in this scene!"

Lou Qianqian nodded and said: "I didn't expect that Prince Wang has such a deep foundation in Lujiang. No wonder he insisted on bringing us to Lujiang before."

Zhou Peiling said: "This place is just a small border town in Lujiang Prefecture. The reason why so many soldiers gathered here is probably to prevent the spread of war. But it is true that the liar has a deep foundation in Lujiang."

The carriage moved forward slowly and soon drove into a city.

The curling smoke, vendors hawking along the street, and even the scene of naughty children playing snowballs on the roadside suddenly came into view.

Lou Qianqian was surprised. Since the incident in Kyoto, there have been wars and chaos everywhere along the way. Unexpectedly, she saw such a quiet and peaceful scene in a small border town. For her, such a scene was even more shocking than the prosperous military appearance outside the city.

"It's so lively here!" Lou Qianqian said happily.

"Yeah..." Zhou Peiling echoed in a daze, and she didn't know what she was thinking of, and her eyes gradually became vague.

Seeing this, Lou Qianqian didn't say anything more, but just silently admired the scene outside the window, and carefully felt the long-lost quiet and peace.

It was not until they arrived in front of a mansion and countless noble people came to greet them and gathered around the Wen sisters that Zhou Peiling recovered and opened the chatterbox again.

"The one standing in the front with the brightest smile is Ye Zhengkang from the Ye family. He is of course in high spirits because he has just become the governor of Lujiang County... By the way, it was the liar who promoted him to the position of governor!"

"The one behind him who looks pretentious should be his son. His name seems to be Ye Feifan... What a good name!"

"The one in yellow clothes next to him is from the Huang family..."

"The one with the wound on his arm is from the Li family..."

"The one standing on the steps is from the He family..."


As Zhou Peiling was talking, she suddenly found that Lou Qianqian was looking at her with a smile on her face. Her eyes were quite strange. She couldn't continue talking and asked curiously: "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this? Did I say something wrong?"

Lou Qianqian smiled and said: "Qianqian is just curious. When has Miss Ling'er been to Lujiang? How come you are so familiar with the situation here?"

Zhou Peiling was speechless. She couldn't tell the other party that she wanted to assassinate the devil before because she had studied his history of success since Lujiang in detail.

Seeing that Zhou Peiling didn't say anything, Lou Qianqian didn't care. She returned her eyes to the scene and said, "However, it can be seen that these people are either rich or noble. They should all be local wealthy families. I didn't expect that the wealthy families in Lujiang are so united and support Prince Wang together. I think this is the reason why there is no war here." Zhou Peiling curled her lips and said, "Of course they are united, because those who oppose it have been executed on the spot by that liar!" At this time, a carriage drove over from the opposite direction, and a radiant old man got off the carriage and greeted the Wen sisters directly. Seeing the appearance of this old man, the people around were shocked and stepped back to make room for him. Lou Qianqian was very curious: "Who is this old man?" "This..." Zhou Peiling was really stumped by the question and carefully searched for the right person in his mind. But before she could find the result, the Wen sisters had already given the answer. The two sisters bowed to the old man and said in fear: "Grandpa Lu, you are embarrassing us! You are our Senior Brother Yu's grandfather! We are all your juniors, how dare we accept your gift..." Zhou Peiling was shocked: "This man is actually the old master of the Lu family? Isn't it said that he is dying and is about to lie in bed waiting to die? How can he be so energetic?" Then he asked himself and answered: "Yes! I heard that he The grandson of the old man, Lu Yu, asked the liar to bring him a longevity pill from the Dali Sword Sect. It is said that the effect is immediate... I heard about this in the capital and thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to be true! "

"Lu Yu?" Lou Qianqian grasped the key point and asked, "Who is this Lu Yu?"

"He is the grandson of this old man, the senior brother of the Wen sisters, and the cousin of the liar..." Zhou Peiling said, snorting, with an indignant look on his face. "The guy who is in the same nest with the liar must not be a good thing!" Lou Qianqian couldn't help thinking that this Lu Yu could even make a rebellious character like Prince Wang move, so he must not be a simple person.

At this time, the old man in front had finished greeting the Wen sisters and asked directly: "There are great changes in Kyoto. The two immortal masters rushed back from there. I wonder if there is any news about my great-nephew Wang Tieyi?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around him couldn't help but pricked up their ears.

In fact, one of the important reasons why everyone gathered here was to find out the news about Scarke as soon as possible. After all, the alliance between everyone was formed entirely under his promotion.

The two sisters looked at each other, then shook their heads slightly at the same time.

"Old Master, we don't want to lie to you, and we haven't received any news from Brother Wang... But don't worry, we believe Brother Wang will be fine!"

The look on Old Mrs. Lu's face dimmed instantly, and his cloudy old eyes revealed a hint of deep sorrow, but he still nodded vigorously and said, "I believe him too."

Lou Qianqian watched this scene from a distance, and for some reason she felt her heart sting. She thought to herself that this might be a sign of deep love. This old man must be very close to Prince Wang...

The people around him couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when they heard this answer. Other than that, they didn't show much emotion. After all, for him, Scar Guest was just a backer. Even if this backer fell, there would still be Lu Yu behind him. The Dali Sword Sect of the first line is the real backer, and it will not affect the current structure of Lujiang County.

With this in mind, everyone called the Wen sisters and Mr. Lu to enter the mansion first, and then talk in detail inside.

Just at this moment, a gust of breeze blew, and the next moment, there was an extremely beautiful woman outside the gate of the mansion.

Everyone couldn't help but feel dazed for a while.

Even Lou Qianqian and Zhou Peiling, two women who had always been quite confident in their appearance, couldn't help but feel ashamed in front of her.

"She... is so beautiful. Who is this person?" Lou Qianqian murmured.

"I don't know..." Zhou Peiling shook her head blankly. Now she really had no clue.

Just when everyone was silently guessing about the woman's identity, the Wen sisters suddenly came out of the crowd, walked up to the woman, bowed and saluted.

"Disciples Rulan and Ruman have met Master Yang!"

The woman waved her hand gently and said, "No need to be polite, you two can tell me in detail, who did Lu Yu provoke in Qianwu City this time? Why did such a thing happen suddenly?"

The Wen sisters looked around and hesitated to speak.

The woman thought for a moment and immediately understood the doubts in the two people's minds, and then said: "Don't worry, the matter over at Wuwang Mountain has been settled, and his identity no longer needs to be concealed. You can just talk about it!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone around was shocked.

Listening to what Uncle Yang meant, wouldn't it mean that the scar guest who swept through all the major counties and the world-famous Hater Blood Demon was actually Lu Yu?

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