Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 327 Thousands of troops

Lu Yu sheathed his sword.

Gong Yangjing's tall and thin body suddenly fell to the ground, with blood gushing out from the big hole in his chest.

The people around him couldn't help but have different expressions.

Xue Peng's face was full of astonishment and disbelief; Taoist Sanyuan's face was pale and he was still frightened. Although it was his suggestion, he did not expect such a result at all.

Qin Yanzhen's beautiful eyes shone, and her mouth opened slightly, looking quite surprised; the pretty boy Bai Yuzhang stared fixedly at the bloody knife in Lu Yu's hand, with an expression of interest on his face; the demon clan strongman Akun's expression He was dark and his face had no visible change, but his eyes and nostrils were enlarged several times, revealing his true nature as a bull demon.

Only Wei Zhihan's expression did not change much, his eyes were slightly focused, showing a thoughtful look.

Although Gong Yangjing underestimated the enemy and did not show his true strength at all, this result was still something that no one expected.

"Brother Gongyang!"

Xue Peng roared and rushed forward, his eyes like spitting fire, glaring at Lu Yu.

"Shuzi! I will fight with you!"

However, before he could launch an offensive, his vision suddenly blurred. It was Qin Yanzhen who jumped in front of him, then raised her hands and lowered her hands, bang bang bang three times in a row, hitting Xue Peng's key points all over the body with a clean and neat attack. , extremely cruel.

The body-protecting energy around Xue Peng was immediately dispersed, a look of agony appeared on his face, and his body collapsed on the ground.

Qin Yanzhen's eyes were cold as she looked down at Xue Peng on the ground and said: "I have said before that if you don't believe me, don't participate in this operation. If you do, you must trust me unconditionally... Wang Lang is the person I found. , If you don’t believe him, you don’t believe me. Leader Gongyang deserves his own death! Does Leader Xue want the same fate as him now?”

Xue Peng lay on the ground and trembled: "Xue doesn't dare... Miss Qin, Xue knows that he is wrong..."

Qin Yanzhen turned to look at the others and asked, "Everyone, do you still have any different opinions?"

Everyone was silent and shook their heads.

Qin Yanzhen smiled slightly: "That's right. Today's actions have been quite smooth so far. There is really no need for everyone to make a noise at this time and hurt each other's harmony!"

After a pause, he looked at Xue Peng at his feet: "Master Xue, I know that you have always been close to Master Gongyang. It's a pity that people cannot be resurrected after death. Now the big thing has not been accomplished. There will be a series of fierce battles to be fought in the future. In a while, his people How about I leave my hand to you?"

Xue Peng suddenly felt as if he had been granted amnesty and promised: "Miss Qin, don't worry, I can command his followers!"

Qin Yanzhen nodded with satisfaction, then raised her head and looked at the people in front of her: "In that case, let's take the next step now!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

So Qin Yanzhen's figure began to shuttle quickly inside the mausoleum, and everyone around her also cooperated with her actions and performed their duties. Even Xue Peng climbed up from the ground and quickly found his position.

Only Lu Yu was confused and stood there at a loss.

After watching it for a while, he suddenly realized that they were building a formation.

And judging from their positions and movements, this should be a huge and boundless teleportation circle!

Combined with what Qin Yanzhen said just now, the purpose of this move was immediately obvious. It was obvious that they were preparing to summon all their respective armies to the inside of the mausoleum!

Sure enough, the teleportation array was quickly completed. With the support of everyone's magic power, countless figures began to appear within the scope of the teleportation array, pouring into the tomb in a steady stream.

There are soldiers with distinctive armor, monster warriors with animal heads and bodies, sect believers with talismans all over their bodies, mysterious and mysterious magic armor soldiers, and unruly disciples... Lu Yu even saw Xu Yichen among them. In fact, even the Dali Sword Sect has many disciples participating in it!

Huge troops, numbering in the tens of thousands, just kept appearing out of thin air. Not only were they huge in number, but they were all elites!

Lu Yu was completely shocked. He didn't expect Qin Yanzhen to be so generous! If the place where these troops descended was the Jinluan Palace instead of this mausoleum, I am afraid that Emperor Jia Ling's throne would have been lost long ago.

This further proves that Qin Yanzhen's actions were definitely planned for a long time and were definitely not a sudden whim.

Moreover, just because of the identity of the Daluo Saint, it is difficult to use such a huge power. Perhaps what is hidden behind Qin Yanzhen is definitely not just a Daluo Saint...

In an instant, countless complicated thoughts flashed through Lu Yu's heart.

"Wang Lang, what are you thinking about?"

At some point, Qin Yanzhen's position suddenly changed to Lu Yu's side. While supporting the teleportation circle, she smiled at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu took a deep look at her and sighed: "I'm thinking, who are you? Is Qin Yanzhen really your real name?"

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said: "It seems that we really have a good understanding. I am also thinking about the same question! What is your real name?"

Lu Yu was slightly startled, and then couldn't help but laugh.

Indeed, he failed to really see through her, but she also failed to see through herself.

Qin Yanzhen said softly: "Okay, let's not guess anymore. How about we make an agreement. After this matter is over, how about you and I confess our identities to each other? Let's get down to business now!" "

Lu Yu nodded in agreement: "Okay!"

Qin Yanzhen added: "There are actually three realms in the mausoleum here. The place we are in now is the first realm. I will open the second realm immediately. Only after passing the second realm can we reach the location of Panwu's treasure. The third level. As for breaking through the second level, it depends on you, Wang Lang!"

"I once boasted to others in Haikou that although Wang Lang is alone, you are worth thousands of troops. Now it's up to you to show your abilities that are comparable to thousands of troops! Are you ready? Yet?"

Thousands of troops?

Lu Yu thought to himself, you are too good at bragging, aren't you? Don’t worry about the wind blowing your tongue! Isn't it just a Kirigakure Lansheng Jue? Can it still be compared to thousands of troops?

But this was not the time to show off his timidity, so he smiled happily and said: "Stand by at any time!"

Qin Yanzhen smiled slightly and suddenly shouted: "Change the formation!"

So the six people began to rush back and forth rapidly, constantly changing their positions.

The surroundings began to shift rapidly, and the light and shadow changed.

Lu Yu felt that Qin Yanzhen and others seemed to have quickly adjusted the teleportation array to the completely opposite direction. Then his mind buzzed and he became top-heavy, as if the world was turning over quickly.

The next moment, the sense of direction gradually returned to the body. Lu Yu looked up and found that he was in a completely unfamiliar new realm.

This is a dry, desolate world, with cracks in the earth, dark red magma surging in the gaps, smoke filled with smoke, and leaden clouds hanging low.

With the arrival of Lu Yu and others, the originally silent world suddenly became noisy. Countless grotesque creatures burst out of the cracks in the ground, making pitiful howls and rushing towards the direction of the teleportation circle.

In an instant, the scene in front of him was like Senluo Purgatory.

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