Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 321: The Greatest Battle

"Prince Qian's Mansion congratulates Duke Gao on his wedding!"

"The Great Wilderness Sword Sect congratulates Duke Gao and Prince Gao on their wedding!"

"Jiuya Shogunate wishes Duke Gao and Prince Gao a deep love and a long life together!"

"Dongyang County Mansion wishes the Duke a happy wedding and a happy marriage!"

"Guangling County Mansion..."

"Nine Gates Admiral's Mansion..."

"Tianya Chamber of Commerce..."

"Baojun Company..."

On the wedding day, guests from all walks of life gathered. No matter they were wealthy families, government agencies, or even cultivating sects from outside the country, they all came to congratulate him.

This is an unprecedented event that has never happened before in the entire capital.

Whether according to the title of Wei Guogong or Gao Guogong, they all have extremely prominent family backgrounds. In addition, the wedding was witnessed by Emperor Jia Ling himself, so the whole wedding involved a lot of red tape, making the whole wedding process very complicated. It's lengthy, but it adds a lot of highlights.

As the protagonists of this wedding, Lu Yu and Qin Yanzhen were naturally the focus of everyone's attention, attracting the envy of others. It's a pity that no matter who these two people are, they don't really take this wedding seriously, they are just acting on the occasion.

After all, the two of them didn't even reveal each other's true identities, so how could they really take this wedding seriously?

"Have you seen Lou Tinghai?"

When Lu Yu and Qin Yanzhen held hands with each other and walked hand in hand to the high platform to worship the heaven, Qin Yanzhen suddenly whispered into his ear and asked.

Lu Yu turned his head slightly, glanced at her from the corner of his eye, and then nodded imperceptibly.

As the Snow Mountain Swordsman who carries the hope of the entire Northern Wei Kingdom, Lou Tinghai stood aside to watch the ceremony. The two of them happened to pass by him just now. It was natural that Lu Yu could not fail to notice this outstanding and powerful figure. .

"Who do you think will win between him and Master Qi Yang today?" Qin Yanzhen asked again.

At this time, all the guests were watching the ceremony, their eyes locked on every move of the two people on the high platform, but no one would have thought that the two newlyweds were actually talking about something completely unrelated to the wedding...

"Isn't Lou Tinghai the helper you found? You should know his strength thoroughly, why are you asking me in turn?" Lu Yu asked curiously.

Qin Yanzhen smiled and said, "Aren't you curious?"

Lu Yu said: "Curiosity is curiosity, but we shouldn't have the chance to pay attention to the outcome of the decisive battle between these two people today, right? Besides, since Lou Tinghai is the one you arranged, you must have arranged the script. I guess these two Nine times out of ten, people will be beaten to pieces, and it will be hard to tell the difference, but they will never be able to tell the winner, right?"

Qin Yanzhen couldn't help but look at her with approval: "Wang Lang is really smart! Originally I wanted to give you a warning, but you have already guessed it... In this case, please Wang Lang concentrate on following the script and don't get distracted. Let’s take care of him and solve this matter in one fell swoop!”

Lu Yu smiled faintly and suddenly realized that in fact, she was just afraid that she would escape at the last moment, so she deliberately reminded herself like this.

She thought too much about this. As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. In fact, after learning the secrets of the Yuan family, how could he be willing to escape in advance without seeing the so-called Panwu treasure with his own eyes?

Next, we began to worship the heaven.

This is a unique part of the wedding of the royal family of the Dawu Dynasty. They pray to the gods for good blessings. Qin Yanzhen was the Duke of the country, and Emperor Jia Ling personally granted the marriage, so the wedding ceremony naturally had to respect the highest standards of the Wu Dynasty royal family.

Lu Yu and Qin Yanzhen each lit special incense, kowtowed three times, then used their arm strength to throw the incense in their hands into the sky.

Under the urging of the true energy, the incense flew straight into the sky, leaving behind two faint afterimages, like a dragon and a phoenix entwining each other, soaring into the sky.

All eyes were focused on the two shadows.

The shadows of dragons and phoenixes flew higher and higher, danced faster and faster, and finally turned into gorgeous colorful rays of light that illuminated the entire sky.

This indicates that the gods have responded and have given them good blessings, and their marriage has been approved by the gods.

The whole audience suddenly burst into cheers.

This means that they have officially become a couple. Although there will be a grand banquet and various etiquettes later, the most critical step has been completed.

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at Qin Yanzhen beside him, and Qin Yanzhen happened to be looking at him as well. The two looked at each other in silence.

"Prince, you are finally a true husband!"

Qin Yanzhen lowered her head slightly, and there was a rare hint of charm on her pretty face.

Lu Yu knew that all this was just for fun, but he still couldn't help but his heart jumped twice for no reason. Obviously, this Daluo saint has never taken off her disguise, and she is already so beautiful that it is difficult to contain herself. How thrilling would it be if she completely revealed her true face in Lushan?

"Your script should reach its climax soon, right?" Lu Yu asked.

Qin Yanzhen smiled and did not answer. Instead, she took Lu Yu's hand and walked down the platform side by side with him under the spotlight.

Sure enough, as soon as the two of them stepped off the high platform, Tinghai, the Snow Mountain Sword Saint Tower, couldn't hold it any longer and took the initiative to walk out of the crowd and said in a loud voice:

"Gao Guogong has been guarding the border for many years. Although he has many battles with us in the Northern Wei Dynasty, we still respect him for his bravery and good fighting skills. He is a true heroine! It is a good story to be able to find a good wife and return home today!"

"However, although Gao Guogong has retired with success, the dispute between our Northern Wei Dynasty and Wu Dynasty has not ended! Lou is not talented, and he is willing to take advantage of the opportunity of Gao Guogong's wedding to make friends here with martial arts. Take a look at this grand hall In the Wu Dynasty, is there really a hero as amazing as Gao Guogong? "

"If there is no one in the mighty Wu Dynasty who can rival Lou, why don't you all learn from Gao Guogong and take off your armor and return to the fields as soon as possible, so as not to die tragically on the battlefield and lose your lives in vain!"

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly seemed to explode, and the crowd became angry.

"Shameless talk!"

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

"A little swordsman from the Northern Wei Dynasty dares to run wild in our Dawu Dynasty. It is simply unreasonable!"

"We in the Wu Dynasty have many heroes and talented people. It is no problem to deal with you, Lou Tinghai!"

"Are you, Lou Tinghai, very powerful? Why don't you tell me what you will do if you lose?"

Facing everyone's shouting and scolding, Lou Tinghai said nothing, but suddenly he stabbed out his sword in anger.

Suddenly, a cold wind howled in the whole place, the air was biting, and hundreds of feet of ice appeared out of thin air, lying behind Lou Tinghai, as if he was a demon god in the world of ice and snow.

"If I lose today, Lou will never set foot in the territory of the Wu Dynasty again in this life, and will immediately return to the Northern Wei Dynasty and advise His Majesty the Emperor to withdraw our border line by three hundred miles!"

"If no one can defeat me today, how about asking the Wu Dynasty to take the initiative to move the border back three hundred miles?"

While Lou Tinghai spoke loudly, he looked at the Imperial Master Qi Yang at the side with his bright eyes.

Everyone at the scene suddenly stopped talking and fell silent.

All the eyes of the audience were focused on Master Qi Yang.

In fact, everyone already knew that Lou Tinghai and Master Qi Yang were going to fight today, but they didn't expect that Lou Tinghai would be so fierce. Not only did he invite the fight on the spot, but he also had to temporarily increase the intensity, making this fight not only about reputation. The destiny of the country is directly related to the cession of land area.

However, since the other party dares to propose a bet, it would be too timid if one's own side does not agree. But this matter is of great importance, and who dares to make the decision without authorization?

At the critical moment, Master Qi Yang laughed loudly, stepped out from the crowd, and said in a loud voice: "In that case, I will come to meet with you! If I lose, I will immediately advise your majesty to change the border line. Retreat three hundred miles!"

After saying that, Master Qi Yang waved his hand, and the cloak on his body suddenly flew up, unfolding like a scroll in the air, and was blown by the strong wind.

Waves of heat surged up on the cloak, confronting the cold air coming from Lou Tinghai, canceling each other out, without falling behind at all.

The two sides are already at war with each other, and an unprecedented battle is about to begin.

At this time, everyone's attention was focused on Lou Tinghai and Master Qi Yang, and it was impossible to even move their eyes.

Just as the two of them rose into the air and launched their respective attacks in mid-air, Qin Yanzhen suddenly smiled softly and put her bright lips to Lu Yu's ear.

"Husband, now it's time to do our own things!"

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