Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 314: Beat it up with a rake

"What did you say?"

In the General Affairs Office of the Imperial Palace, the great eunuch He Shouzheng looked at his subordinates who came to report in astonishment.

"Can you say that again!"

"The... Chief Manager, His Highness the Prince said that someone in the Alchemy Bureau took advantage of the opportunity to refine the elixir to poison him. Not only did he burn down the entire Alchemy Bureau, but also all those involved in refining the elixir. Everyone has been killed...The entire Alchemy Bureau is now in flames and blood is flowing..."

"Which prince?" He Shouzheng asked dumbfounded.

In fact, his question is nonsense. There is only one person in the entire Dawu Dynasty who is qualified to be called a prince, and that is Qin Yanzhen's husband-the infamous Hater Blood Demon. Because Qin Yanzhen was granted the title of Gao Guogong, his status also rose accordingly, from the original consort to the prince.

However, the subordinate still answered his question honestly: "He is Gao Guogong's husband, the Prince Gao who is about to hold a wedding..."

Sure enough it was him!

He Shouzheng took a deep breath.

The prince, who was about to get married, had only been at peace for a few days, and he actually caused such a big trouble again!

In a fit of rage, he destroyed the entire Dawu Alchemy Bureau. What happened this time was different from the simple beating of the Young Prime Minister and Prince Lu. No matter how badly the Young Prime Minister and Prince Lu were beaten, they were not thrown away. Life, at best, is nothing more than a battle of wills, but what is involved in the Great Military Pill Control Bureau is real interests. It is an important source of wealth for the entire Yuan family. Concubine Hua is only temporarily in control. After all, Basically, it involves the interests of the entire Yuan family.

He Shouzheng could almost imagine that if the royal family's children got this news, they would be furious. A crazy storm was quietly brewing, and a violent conflict seemed inevitable.

"Where is Prince Gao now?"

"Well, I don't know about this at the moment..."

"Trash! Go and investigate immediately! Report this matter to Concubine Hua as soon as possible... No, we should go and tell the concubine in person..."

After saying that, He Shouzheng left in a hurry, preparing to report the matter to Shuhua Palace in person.

Unexpectedly, before the General Affairs Secretary had time to walk out, he ran into two other eunuchs wearing steward uniforms.

He Shouzheng secretly screamed bad luck. These two people were also old men in the palace and popular people around the two masters. They had always been at odds with him. If they came in a hurry at this time, they would definitely not do anything good.

Sure enough, before He Shouzheng had time to ask, he had already pre-empted the two of them and started questioning them face to face.

"Manager He, I heard that something happened at the Pill Making Bureau. The Fourteenth Prince and Concubine Yuan are very concerned about this matter. Is it true or false? What is the specific situation?"

"The Dawu Pill Production Bureau is the top priority of our Dawu Dynasty. How do you supervise it on a daily basis? You actually allowed a flaw to appear in such an important place!"

"Can the perpetrator be captured? How much is the loss?"

"Seeing that the Imperial City Competition is about to take place, don't let it affect the supply of elixirs. If this delays the cultivation of any of the royal family members, you cannot bear the responsibility!"

"How do you plan to deal with it now?"

He Shouzheng was very confused. Things had just happened, and he was trying to figure out the answers to these questions. Where could he find the answers?

Unexpectedly, these people were really well-informed. He had only just received the information, but they came to the door immediately. This also showed from the side that these people were evil and had been arranging arrangements within the Alchemy Bureau. My own eyeliner.

"Report... report, Mr. General Manager..."

Just when He Shou was as big as a fight and didn't know how to put aside these two old rivals, suddenly the former subordinate came back again and ran back again.

He Shouzheng frowned and shouted coldly: "What are you doing here again? Didn't I ask you to find the whereabouts of Prince Gao?"

"Looking for...found..." the subordinate replied cautiously.

"So fast?"

He Shouzheng couldn't help but be stunned: "Where is he?"

"In the office of Dali Temple..."

"Dali Temple? Why is he there?" He Shouzheng was shocked.

The subordinate's face looked like he was about to cry, and he said: "Actually, it wasn't the young one who found him, but he took the initiative to find us..."

"After Prince Gao executed all the alchemists involved in refining the elixir on the spot, he arrested the rest and sent them to Dali Temple. He accused someone of plotting to kill him and ordered Dali Temple to investigate. The mastermind."

"Now that Dali Temple has sent someone here, I want you, the chief manager, to come over and help cooperate in the investigation of this matter!"

He Shouzheng's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

This Prince Gao is really not a fuel-efficient lamp!

He was obviously an evil person who complained first. Dozens of elite alchemists in the Alchemy Bureau were all executed by him on the spot. He actually had the nerve to go to Dali Temple to complain?

However, in this situation at this moment, I have to say that his accusation was really accurate and ruthless!

As the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, He Shouzheng is well aware of the delicate situation in the DPRK. Now His Majesty wants to reduce the military power of Duke Gao, and Duke Gao has taken the initiative and agreed to the engagement. If an assassination incident occurs at this time, Duke Gao will misunderstand the situation. If you think it is a provocation to you and refuse to hand over military power in anger, you will be in big trouble!

He Shouzheng's breathing became rapid.

At this moment, as if to confirm the subordinate's words, two sword-carrying guards wearing the uniforms of fifth-grade generals hurried over.

"Manager He, please come with us to Dali Temple. There is a case that requires your assistance in investigating."

He Shouzheng nodded, turned to the subordinate and said, "Just do what you should do!"

After saying that, he followed the two guards and left the General Affairs Office.

The other two eunuchs in charge who came to investigate the matter looked at each other without saying a word, then hurriedly turned around and left the place.

Only the young eunuch from the General Affairs Office was left standing there in a daze for a while before he understood the meaning of He Shouzheng's words before leaving, and then ran towards Shuhua Palace.

After a while, He Shouzheng followed the two guards to the official office of Dali Temple.

Although he had already made some guesses about the situation here on the way here, what he saw still shocked him.

I saw countless members of the original pill-making bureau, like grasshoppers connected by a rope, densely packed and vast, all hanging in the courtyard of the Dali Temple official office, like pieces of bacon.

He Shouzheng couldn't help but take a deep breath.

There were more than 200 people in this group of people who were hung up. It was obviously impossible for anyone from Dali Temple to help. Naturally, they were all the work of Prince Gao.

He single-handedly captured hundreds of people to Dali Temple and hung them all up. Just thinking about He Shouzheng, the scene must have been very thrilling.

After entering the government office, He Shouzheng finally saw the initiator of this whole thing - a man with a scar on his face, a notorious man who was about to become a prince.

But the state of this man at this time surprised He Shouzheng.

I saw the other person sitting on a chair. Half of his body was as pale as paper, as if he had fallen into the ice, while the other half of his body was as red as fire, as if being burned by flames, with traces of charred gas constantly emerging from it.

He Shouzheng couldn't help but be stunned.

He has never seen anyone in such two completely different states at the same time.

Could it be that... someone really poisoned and plotted against this most popular figure today?

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