Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 312 The time is right

Until he returned to Honglu Villa, Lu Yu was still in shock and could not calm down for a long time.

The Holy Order of Daluo is a special token of Daluo Holy Land, one of the eight Immortal Sects. It is not only a symbol of power and identity, but also contains the inheritance of Daluo Holy Land. Only the saints or saints of Daluo Holy Land can master it.

Although Lu Yu had never seen the real Daluo Holy Order before, when Qin Yanzhen took out the Kuai Token, he still understood the powerful aura that concealed the true meaning of power and the rules of Taoism in one place. This token is absolutely real and cannot be faked at all.

The heavy fog that originally enveloped Qin Yanzhen finally revealed the tip of the iceberg at this moment, but it made Lu Yu feel even more confused.

The Holy Girl of Daluo is originally a core figure who has high hopes for the entire Daluo Holy Land. She is equivalent to the most top true disciple of the Dali Sword Sect. She is very likely to grow into a leader of Daluo Holy Land in the future, and even serve as the leader of Daluo Holy Land. The position of leader of the Holy Land may not be impossible.

But such a person was willing to go to the Great Wu Dynasty to be a minister, lurking secretly and planning for many years. It must be said that this was really a very strange thing, and Lu Yu smelled a strong sense of conspiracy in it.

Obviously, Qin Yanzhen did not tell herself the truth about the entire treasure stealing plan. Just like he did not tell Zhou Peiling and Lou Qianqian his true purpose, there must be a deeper secret hidden behind the entire incident.

Lu Yu had no intention of asking the question. With his status at this time, he was not qualified to talk to Daluo Saint on an equal footing. Even if he wanted to ask, he couldn't ask. He might as well just lurk and wait. Its change.

However, for the sake of safety, he still sent a message to Fang Haoran through a specially made talisman, telling him that he had discovered the traces of the Daluo Saint. After all, the entire Dawu Dynasty was next to the Dali Sword Sect. If Luo Shengdi causes any trouble, we must take precautions.

After sending the message carefully, Lu Yu finally felt a little calmer and let out a long sigh of relief.

At this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps suddenly came. Lu Yu's heart moved, and the figure of Zhou Peiling immediately appeared in his mind.

Sure enough, the next moment, Miss Zhou's daughter pushed open the door and walked in aggressively.

"Ling'er is back?"

Lu Yu's expression was calm and unfazed: "Has the matter I assigned you been completed so quickly?"

But Zhou Peiling glared at him fiercely and gritted her teeth: "You don't keep your word! Didn't you say you wouldn't complete the engagement with Zhenzhen?"

Lu Yu glanced at her and couldn't help but sneered in his heart.

Still Zhenzhen, calling her so kindly? But do you know their true identity? I was really sold by someone and I still helped them count the money...

However, he also thought of another question...

"How long have you known Zhenzhen?" Lu Yu suddenly asked.

"Zhenzhen and I have known each other since we were young..." Zhou Peiling was stunned for a moment.

"Has she had any obvious changes in these years?" Lu Yu asked again.

"Change? She is changing every day, becoming stronger and stronger... However, no matter how she changes, she will always be the same Zhenzhen!" Zhou Peiling replied.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown. According to Zhou Peiling's statement, this Qin Yanzhen was not an airborne sect who was replaced by others. Instead, she was the daughter of the original duke who was gradually cultivated into a Daluo saint. If this is true, then it would be even more clear. The big plan that Qin Yanzhen was plotting at this time was not just her private behavior, it was even possible that the entire Daluo Holy Land was behind it.

Zhou Peiling saw Lu Yu's eyes rolling back and forth, silent for a long time, and then he woke up again. He was still angry and said: "Don't even think about changing the subject. It's obvious that I'm asking you now, why do you keep your words?" ?”

Lu Yu spread his hands and said: "What do you mean I don't mean what I say? Do you understand the situation? Why don't you find someone to inquire about the situation in the court today? It was obviously your Zhenzhen who took the initiative to complete the engagement with me. good?"

Zhou Peiling couldn't help but hesitated. In fact, she already knew the specific events in the court. It was because of this that she felt particularly angry. She could only blame this devil for being so hateful, which made Qin Yanzhen have the fearless heart to die as a martyr, and took the initiative to go there. Jump into the fire pit.

"Then you can refuse!" Zhou Peiling shouted.

"Refuse? At that time, His Majesty almost ordered me to be beaten to death with sticks. How could I refuse?"

Lu Yu said helplessly.

"Okay, okay, don't yell at me anymore... You know, I actually have other plans. As long as you and Lou Qianqian help me get things done, then I will complete the plan. Run away immediately, I will never stay here to harm your Zhenzhen... Instead of yelling here, it is better to arrange things quickly!"

Zhou Peiling suddenly calmed down, hummed softly, and said: "We have already arranged everything. I hope you can keep your promise and don't be reluctant to leave!"

Lu Yu couldn't help being startled and said in surprise: "So fast? Don't trick me!"

Zhou Peiling said: "Of course it is impossible to cover everything, but I have clarified the general details with Miss Qianqian. Next, we just need to implement them steadily, so I will report to you first..."

Then, she began to tell Lu Yu about the entire plan to secretly evacuate the capital. Every detail was explained clearly.

Lu Yu couldn't help being surprised.

Originally, in his opinion, Zhou Peiling and Lou Qianqian were both relatively unscrupulous people with no practical experience. However, he did not expect that they would handle this matter in a stylish way, considering every detail. It is quite thorough. If there is no Lao Zhang from the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce as an alternative, it would not be a bad idea to actually use their plan.

"how do you feel?"

After telling all the plans and arrangements, Zhou Peiling asked Lu Yu for his opinion.

Lu Yu thought for a while and said: "It sounds like there is nothing wrong with it, but in doing this, the plan is not the most important. The most important thing is whether the selected personnel are trustworthy..."

Zhou Peiling laughed softly, with a hint of pride in the corner of her mouth.

"Miss Qianqian is well-informed in Tianxiang Tower. She has her own way of looking at people, and her vision is extremely precise. Naturally, I also have some tricks to make people surrender. Do you think that I, the dignified Miss Zhoufu, is the so-called Grand Tutor?" Girl, do you really have no skills?"

Lu Yu was really impressed now. Maybe this week Peiling and Lou Qianqian could really bring out some different abilities when they combined together.

"If that's the case, then you should hurry up and do it to ensure that nothing goes wrong! Otherwise, if the news is leaked and I am captured, then I will have no choice but to stay and wait for Zhenzhen to influence me!"

Lu Yu looked like a rogue.

Zhou Peiling glared at him fiercely again and said bitterly: "Don't worry, we will do our best to handle this matter. I hope you keep your word and get out of here as soon as possible!"

After saying that, he turned around and left the room without looking back.

Lu Yu looked at her leaving figure and thought silently in his heart, just let them toss. The more they toss, the more they will be able to hide the truth.

In the days that followed, Lu Yu became much more honest. He hid in the Honglu Villa every day, acting as if he didn't care about the world and was waiting peacefully to become the father-in-law of the country.

Two days later, Lao Zhang told Lu Yu that everything was ready in an extremely secretive way.

At the same time, news came from the Dawu Pill Making Bureau that the batch of pills he had ordered had been completely refined, and the time was ripe for acceptance...

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