Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 310 The Panwu Treasure

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled. He didn't expect Qin Yanzhen to ask him such a question without thinking at all.

Could it be that the reason why she changed her mind and insisted on agreeing to the engagement with him was because of the heavy fog last night?

What's the connection between the two?

For a moment, Lu Yu's thoughts were racing, but he said: "Why did the Duke suddenly ask this? Could it be that the Duke wants to learn it but he can't?"

Qin Yanzhen rolled her eyes at him and said angrily: "My lord, my lord... Do you have to see me like this? Can't you call me by my name?"

Lu Yu smiled and said: "So what if I call you Zhenzhen, it's useless even if I call you dear, this method is an unparalleled secret that cannot be easily passed on to others!"

"Unparalleled knowledge?"

Qin Yanzhen curled her lips disdainfully: "Isn't it just a Wuyinlan Shengjue? Although this method is indeed quite mysterious, it is not as powerful as the thirty-six wonderful methods of Dali Sword Sect. How can it reach the heavens and the earth? Can it be regarded as a unique skill?"

"Furthermore, I observe that the Qi around you is not consistent with this method. Therefore, this is not the original Tao method you cast at all. It was probably performed by you using a talisman, right?"

Lu Yu was greatly surprised. He didn't expect Qin Yanzhen to have such an ability. She could actually judge the Taoist method she mastered from the Qi induction around her body. Is this an ability similar to the stars on the star map in her sea of ​​consciousness? ? From this point of view, her skill is indeed extraordinary. Could it be a skill with as much history as her own Nine-turn Nirvana Technique?

"Since you know so clearly, why are you still asking me?" Lu Yu shrugged and said, not at all ashamed because his lie was exposed.

Qin Yanzhen was not annoyed at all by this, and said with a smile: "Although this method is not top-notch, it is by no means ordinary. Being able to attach it to the talisman shows that the person who made the talisman must have extremely deep skills, and the person who made the talisman must be extremely skilled. The person’s skills must also be very exquisite.”

"It is not easy for such a person to make a talisman, so I guess there will not be many such talismans. What I really want to ask Wang Lang is, do you still have such a talisman in your hand? Or How can you replicate the scene on the Yulei River last night?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart, secretly thinking that when he saw Fang Haoran next time, he must ask him who made these talismans custom-made, and whether he could also make one for himself...

But he said with a smile: "Why, is Zhenzhen planning to buy it from me?"

Qin Yanzhen's eyes suddenly lit up: "So, you do have a similar talisman in your hand?"

Then he showed a gentle and pleasant smile: "With the current relationship between you and me, isn't it too far-fetched to talk about business?"

Lu Yu was unmoved at all: "Let's not talk about business, do you still want me to give it to you as a betrothal gift? You must know that whether you are the princess or the prince, the union between you and me is based on you. "

"Son-in-law?" Qin Yanzhen couldn't help laughing, "You are really self-aware..."

After a pause, she became serious: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't want to buy your talisman, nor do I want to ask you for a gift. If you can really replicate what happened on the Yulei River last night, then I Now we officially invite you to join one of our plans..."

"Plan?" Lu Yu asked in surprise, "What plan?"

Qin Yanzhen said: "It has been thousands of years since the founding of the Dawu Dynasty. The Yuan family has firmly held the throne. For thousands of years, it has suppressed all major families and remained firmly on the throne. Even if it is as powerful as the Dali Sword Sect, it will not fall. I have never had any thoughts of being against him... Have you ever thought about the reason for this? "

Lu Yu thought for a moment and said, "What other reason could there be for this? First of all, the Yuan family has a deep family history. It is said that there are still many ancestors in the royal family who have reached the golden elixir level...

"Secondly, I have my back against the big tree to enjoy the shade. The Wu Dynasty made the Dali Sword Sect the state religion, and respected the Dali Sword Sect in everything. Naturally, the Dali Sword Sect was embarrassed to cause trouble to them again. Not only will he not cause trouble for them, he will even go out to help them when they are in trouble..."

"For example, I know that there is a powerful man called the God of War in the Dali Sword Sect. He once helped the Wu Dynasty resolve the enemy's offensive and was a great help to them!"

Qin Yanzhen nodded: "Yes, I thought so before... But later, when my senior sister married into the Yuan family and became Concubine Hua, we discovered that this was not the case... At least when we talked with the masters and slaves of the Dali Sword Sect, In terms of relationship, we got the cause and effect wrong..."

"Millions of years ago, there once appeared in the world of Middle-earth a great master of cultivation. This great master studied heaven and man, and participated in creation. He single-handedly resisted the catastrophe of heaven, and soared into the sky. It was not until the day of his ascension that he came to the world. The world confessed his life experience. It turned out that he was the reincarnation of an immortal in the sky. He went through reincarnation and reshaped his golden body just to return to his godhead. This is Panwu Immortal Lord! "

"The ancestor of the Yuan family was a servant of Panwu Immortal Lord before his ascension. This servant inherited part of Panwu Immortal Lord's Taoism. From then on, it grew step by step and gradually developed into the Yuan family. The Wu Dynasty was founded with the growth of the Yuan family. In order to commemorate Panwu Xianzun's favor to it, the country was named "Wu". This can indeed be called "building a country by force". It's just that this 'wu' is not that 'wu'..."

"Therefore, the reason why the Dali Sword Sect is so tolerant to the Yuan family is just because it is afraid of Panwu Immortal Lord from outside the world!"

Lu Yu was speechless when he heard this. He didn't expect that the Yuan Dynasty had such an amazing origin and background. Panwu Immortal Lord, who was nine days away, felt full of momentum when he heard the name. He didn't know that he was looking up at the starry sky through the Nine Turns of Nirvana Technique. At that time, which star field was his divine throne?

However, after thinking for a moment, Lu Yu quickly realized the loopholes in the story and couldn't help but frown.

"Isn't it right? If the Yuan family really has such a prominent background, they should talk about Panwu Immortal Lord all day long, but in fact, the Wu Dynasty has never held any confrontation with Panwu Immortal Lord. There are no temples dedicated to Panwu Immortal Lord in the entire Wu Kingdom..."

The corner of Qin Yanzhen's mouth curled up slightly, revealing a hint of mockery: "This is exactly what's so ridiculous about this whole thing. In fact, among the ancestors of the Yuan family, there is only one who has personally come into contact with Panwu Immortal Lord. Servant, I once learned the Taoism of Panwu Immortal Master, but the descendants of the Yuan family have never been able to learn it no matter how hard they tried."

"So the ancestors of the Yuan family had no choice but to find another way. With the help of that servant, they began to plunder other surrounding families and sects, snatching their inheritance of martial arts and taking it for themselves, so as to gradually strengthen themselves. In fact, the Yuan family The history of the family’s fortune is accompanied by the blood and tears of countless sects and families, and their hands are stained with blood..."

"Do you know why the Northern Wei Dynasty keeps going to war against the Wu Dynasty? It is precisely because the ancestors of the Yuan family took away an extremely important inheritance from the Northern Wei royal family. The Northern Wei Dynasty has been struggling to pursue it, so whenever there is a gap, Then use force against the Wu Dynasty!"

Lu Yu was slightly startled. He didn't expect that there was such a secret in it. He didn't expect this.

Qin Yanzhen continued: "Under such circumstances, the Yuan family naturally does not dare to claim to be the descendants of Panwu Immortal Lord..."

"Firstly, they did not retain Panwu Immortal Venerable's orthodoxy. Secondly, it is said that Panwu Immortal Venerable has an upright and upright character. They are also worried that what they do will offend this god from nine heavens away and attract the wrath of heaven. Divine punishment, the third one..."

Qin Yanzhen's eyes suddenly burst into a burning light.

"The third reason is the most important reason. It was also my senior sister who finally found out with great effort and luck!"

"It turns out that in the Yuan family, there has always been a treasure left by Panwu Immortal Lord. It is the existence of this treasure that has enabled the Yuan family to continue to catalyze one real strong person after another. It’s never stopped in all these years!”

"And the Yuan family is also worried that the news of the treasure will be leaked, so they have been deliberately keeping away from Panwu Immortal Lord, so as not to let the major sects discover the existence of the treasure and cause unnecessary trouble!"

Speaking of this, Qin Yanzhen looked at Lu Yu with burning eyes, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

"What Yanzhen wants to invite Wang Lang to participate in is the plan to steal this treasure. I wonder if Wang Lang is interested?"

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