Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 307 One Family and Two Masters

After Qin Yanzhen arrived, the court meeting officially began immediately. It was obvious that Emperor Jia Ling had actually been waiting for her to take her seat.

Under the singing of the manager's eunuch, all the officials knelt down and worshiped, shouting long live the mountains, and the entire Zhengde Palace was enveloped in a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Lu Yu mingled among the officials and knelt down pretendingly, but his eyes couldn't help but look around, looking extremely restless.

Emperor Jia Ling walked into the Zhengde Palace at this moment, walked to the throne at a leisurely pace, and sat down on the dragon chair.

Lu Yu noticed that Emperor Jia Ling's cultivation was quite good, and he was already in the middle stage of Guihai Realm. It seemed that he had maintained the tradition of establishing a country through force in the Great Wu Dynasty very well, and gave full play to the characteristics of the Yuan family. Characteristics of profound heritage.

But having said that, when the Yuan family selects the crown prince, their cultivation level is a very important factor. The reason why the third prince and the seventh prince are the most popular is because these two people have excellent cultivation talents and their cultivation level has improved very quickly. Therefore, he became the crown prince candidate that everyone was vying for.

Emperor Jia Ling was able to stand out from many princes back then, and he obviously also had extremely outstanding talents, so it was reasonable for him to be so powerful.

"Everyone loves you!"

Emperor Jia Ling sat on the dragon chair, raised his hand and said.

Then all the officials stood up one after another and stood on both sides of the hall in their own order, leaving an area in the middle empty.

"Where is Yanzhen?" Emperor Jia Ling got straight to the point as soon as he came up.

"I'm here."

Qin Yanzhen immediately stepped out of the crowd and walked to the empty area in the middle of the hall.

Her dress today was completely different from that night when she met Lu Yu in Shuhua Palace. She was wearing a snow-white armor and looked heroic, decisive and capable, reflecting another kind of elegance and elegance.

"Your Majesty, I am the commander of the Five Gentlemen, the army of Dayuan Town, the army of Feiyun Town, and the army of Tianyu Town, the commander of the three towns, the land of Yiyun and the land of Jinhai, the governor of both places, and the general marshal of the northern army, Qin Yanzhen, I have now been ordered to return to the court, and I am here to see your Majesty! Long live your Majesty!"

Qin Yanzhen's sonorous and powerful voice echoed in the hall, her posture was calm, her etiquette was thoughtful and impeccable.

Lu Yu was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that Qin Yanzhen, a mere woman, could have so many titles. She was a real powerful official. No wonder she would be jealous of Emperor Jia Ling.

"Get up and talk!"

Emperor Jia Ling raised his hand, with a warm smile on his face.

"When I first met Yanzhen, you were still a slim little girl. I thought you were still celebrating the birthday of Duke Wei. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, you have grown into a minister of humerus in our dynasty and the mainstay in the fight against the Northern Wei Dynasty. …”

"Whenever I think of Yan Zhen's appearance when I first met that day, I can't help but feel filled with emotion... The Wu Dynasty is lucky to have such a pillar of the country as Wei Guogong; it is a blessing for me to have such a humeral minister like Yan Zhen to assist me. What a great blessing to our country! Fortunately, it is only because of your Qin family that we have protected the territory of our Wu Dynasty from being invaded by the enemy! Fortunately, it is only because of a brave general like Yan Zhen that we can protect our people from being invaded by foreigners. disgrace!"

"However, Yanzhen has been in the north for many years. She was originally in the prime of her beauty and beauty, but she was baptized by wind and frost in the north. In addition, Duke Wei is getting older and entering his twilight years! The whole family is loyal and dedicated to you. I have devoted my whole life to the Wu Dynasty. As a king, how can I not consider my love for you?"

"How can the burden of the Northern Kingdom be placed entirely on a girl named Yanzhen? I am calling you back this time to relieve you of the burden, so that you can have time to take care of your family, so that Duke Wei can spend his old age. Even though I enjoy the joy of family life, I have not forgotten Yan Zhen’s great contribution to our Wu Dynasty..."

"By decree, Qin Yanzhen, Princess of Gaoyang, guarded the north, fought against the enemy, and made extraordinary achievements as a mere woman, which can be regarded as a model for the country. I will give you an iron coupon with an alchemy book, a golden robe of a snake dragon, and the title of Duke of Gaoguo. Grant Gaoyang, Yanchuan, and Xinglin counties as fiefdoms, and they will be hereditary!"

After Emperor Jia Ling finished speaking, there was an uproar in the hall.

None of the ministers expected that the reward given by Emperor Jia Ling to Qin Yanzhen would be so generous. The Iron Coupon of Alchemy Book and the Golden Robe of Python Dragon were the life-long pursuits of many ministers. However, Emperor Jia Ling not only gave these two to him. , he actually granted Qin Yanzhen the additional title of Duke Gao. The fiefdom was three times larger than before, and it was also hereditary!

You know, Qin Yanzhen was originally the daughter of Duke Wei, and Qin Yanzhen was additionally granted the title of Duke Gao. In this way, wouldn't it mean that the Qin family had two Dukes at once? Moreover, these two princes are hereditary and irreplaceable titles. Doesn't it mean that the Qin family will have two princes for generations?

One sect and two nobles, this is a supreme honor that has never been seen since the founding of the Wu Dynasty!

Emperor Jia Ling's favor towards Qin Yanzhen can be said to have reached its extreme.

However, if Qin Yanzhen wants to accept this favor, the price she has to pay is not small, which means that she has to completely give up her military power.

Will she give up her military power?

Emperor Jia Ling's sharp eyes stayed on Qin Yanzhen's face.

The eyes of the officials were also focused on Qin Yanzhen.

For a moment, the hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Amid the attention, Qin Yanzhen was seen kneeling down again.

"My lord, thank you Lord for your kindness!"

Following her answer, Lu Yu clearly felt that the ministers around him breathed a sigh of relief.

On the throne, Emperor Jia Ling couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile on his face.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Congratulations to Duke Gao Guo!"

"God bless our Great Wu Dynasty and add another pillar to our country!"

The ministers all echoed in agreement.

After all, Qin Yanzhen's achievements over the years are obvious to all. She already has a very high reputation in the court. Although these rewards are generous, no one has the intention to stop her.

Emperor Jia Ling waved his hand on the throne, signaling the ministers to calm down, and continued: "Over the years, Ai Qing has been fighting the enemy forces in the north and worked hard, even delaying his own life-long event..."

"I'm afraid it's not easy for an outstanding person like Aiqing to find a suitable husband. So I took it upon myself to choose a rare hero for you as your good match... …”

"In addition to these rewards, I want you to come back this time to see if Yan Zhen is satisfied with the husband I have chosen for you..."

The ministers immediately cheered up, and some ministers with a keen sense of smell immediately realized that the highlight of the court meeting was really beginning now.

Obviously, Emperor Jia Ling was still not completely relieved that Qin Yanzhen had accepted the reward. Only if she accepted the marriage and could stay at home to care for her husband and raise children could he be 100% relieved.

Unfortunately, the development of the situation did not go as smoothly as Emperor Jia Ling expected.

As soon as he finished speaking, several ministers stood up at the same time.

"Your Majesty, I think this matter is inappropriate! Wang Tieyi, the candidate for the consort, has corrupt moral character and shortcomings in moral conduct. He is really not a good match for Duke Gao... Please take back your order and choose someone virtuous!"

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